The Strongest Soldier of the Anti-Japanese War

Chapter 237 Breakout Battle at the West City Gate

Chapter 237 Breakout Battle at the West City Gate

Seeing that Shen Sanduo was about to hit the gate of the city, he immediately gave orders to the scholar: "Scholar, take a combat team and rush up to the city gate, and try to take down all the devils within 5 minutes and clear the city gate." In the upper shooting circle, I am going to cover the three groups of brothers who retreated out of the city for a while. I will lead a combat team to assist the city gate, try to win the city gate as quickly as possible, hold the fortifications and open the city gate for the brothers. "

"Don't worry, camp, I will finish the task within 5 minutes!" After the scholar finished speaking, he immediately said to the brothers behind him, "Brothers from the second combat team, go up the tower for me!"

After hearing the scholar's order, all the brothers in the second combat team immediately ran towards the steps with their guns in hand. While running, they rushed towards the little devil. The gun immediately punched the opponent into a hole, and then fell to the ground, or fell from the city gate to the ground.

At this time, Shen Sanduo saw the scholars and the others taking action, and of course he was not idle, and immediately led the first combat team to the gate of the city, using the grenade and the submachine gun in his hand to attack the devils inside the east gate, trying to get out of the city. Take the city gate within minutes.

In an instant, the team split into two groups, attacking the little devil at the west gate from top to bottom. On Shen Sanduo's side, four brothers suppressed the little devil with the firepower of submachine guns in front, and the other four brothers took off the scarf hanging from their chests. The grenade pulled the ring and immediately threw it towards the gate of the city. There was a huge explosion, which directly knocked the little devil guarding the gate to the ground. The defense of the gate was completely overturned, and there was no little devil alive.

Seeing that the brothers succeeded, Shen Sanduo immediately asked the brothers to take over the devil's fortifications, pushed the little devil's body to the ground, and then set up the devil's crooked light machine gun, pointing the guns at the inside of the city gate. The other two brothers opened the city gate in an instant, opening up the way out of the city for the brothers.

While Shen Sanduo led the team to attack the gate of the city, the scholar sprinted towards the stairs, and the bullets were continuously fired from the submachine gun, and slowly advanced towards the city wall.

The little devil on the city gate heard the gunshot and was about to turn his gun to deal with the sudden attack from behind, but before he could turn his gun, he was randomly shot to death by the second team of the wolf team led by the scholar who suddenly appeared. He sprinted up the city wall with lightning speed, and took over the defense on the tower in one go. He picked up the devil's heavy machine gun, turned the gun and faced the streets in the city to form a fire defense line, as if he was in a serious posture.

In less than 10 minutes, the actual control of the entire west city gate fell into the hands of the Wolf team, and the situation was completely reversed.

At this time, the third battle group retreated from the devil headquarters, quickly approached the east gate, and shot at the little devil chasing after while retreating.

After they made a charge to the Little Devils Command, they pushed the front line forward by 100 meters. The group leader looked at the time. When he saw that they had been fighting for 5 minutes, his task was considered completed, so he continued The little devil retreated quickly while changing ammunition, and only then arrived at the west gate.

The devils who were chasing them clung to the leader of the group and had no intention of letting them go, so they chased them to the gate of the east city by chance.

"It's the group leader, brothers, let me fire and cover them out of the city!" The scholar heard the gunshots on the gate of the city, and immediately looked towards the streets in the city, only to find that it was the group leader and the others, so he immediately Order the brothers to start covering Shen Sanduo with the weapons in their hands.

"Yes!" Hearing the order, the brothers on the tower of the city gate immediately aimed their machine guns at the chasing little devils and fired.

The devil originally thought that he was about to catch up, but the leading devil, Shao Zuo, raised the saber in his hand and waved it towards the front: "Speed ​​up and pursue, don't let the Chinese army go!"

But when he mobilized his troops to speed up the pursuit, Shen Sanduo's light and heavy machine guns at the gate of the city fired at the devil, and the bullets shot out uninterruptedly. The devil officer's chest was immediately smashed into a sieve, and he fell on the spot on the ground.

The remaining little devils did not lose their formation because of the death of the major. After the death of the major, the devil troops continued to pursue the third battle group in front, and the gunshots did not decrease but became more intensive.

It seems that the military quality of this group of little devils is not bad. Even without the command of an officer, they will not be as vulnerable as loose sand. Otherwise, under the machine gun fire of Shen Sanduo and the others, it is impossible for them to be as they are now. formation.

"Camp!" The third battle group retreated to the gate of the city, and immediately saluted Shen Sanduo.They were in charge of feigning to attack the Devils Headquarters before. Although they couldn't get the first victory, they had successfully attacked the Devils Headquarters for 5 minutes with ten lives. I want to ask for credit or something, but I want to know the specific arrangements for Shen Sanduo's next step.

"Brothers, you have worked hard. You should hurry out of the city and organize a defense line east of the hillside two miles away from the city gate to meet our retreat!" Shen Sanduo said immediately after returning the gift to his brothers.

"Yes! Brothers of the third combat team, leave the city!" The third team leader immediately responded when he heard Shen Sanduo's order, and then turned around to call his brothers to leave the city.

"Order the scholar to go down the city tower and leave the city. After leaving the city, the brotherhood of the third combat group and Yu Xiaoshanpo organize a defensive line on the west side to form a crossfire and cover our retreat!" Shen Sanduo saw that the brothers of the third group had retreated out of the city, So he immediately said to a brother beside him.

"Yes, I'll deliver the order right away!" The soldier immediately responded and ran up the tower, delivering the order to the scholar as quickly as possible.

"Brothers, increase your firepower to suppress the little devils, and buy time for the scholars and the others to retreat!" Shen Sanduo saw that the arrangements had been made, so he said to his combat team, ordering them to start covering with firepower.

After the brothers responded, they immediately prepared all the guns and bullets left by the little devil in their hands, and then fired at the little devil in unison. For a while, crackling gunshots filled the entire Xichengmen street.

At this time, Wu Tian was still waiting for Shen Sanduo's arrival at the east gate. He had prepared quite a few devil soldiers in ambush on the nearby streets. It was strange that Mukai and he participated in the ambush at the east gate. What's more, it has been a long time, and there is no sound at the east gate, as if Shen Sanduo didn't plan to come to him.

(End of this chapter)

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