Uchiha's Counterattack

Chapter 521 But He Unplugs My Network Cable!

Chapter 521 But He Unplugs My Network Cable!
Xia Nan stood in front of an intersection of roads and stopped. In front of him was a road sign at the intersection with lines of small characters written on it.

When I looked up, I saw a blue sky, and under my feet was a vibrant meadow. In the distance, I could faintly hear the sound of waves. At the limit distance of the visual range, at the horizon where the sky and the earth meet, it seems that I can see endless Surrounded by the sea, the world looks so vast and beautiful. The sun above the head shines on the earth, making people feel warm all over their bodies and even their hearts.

Here is where?Xia Nan walked to the road sign, and he saw the small characters written on the road sign?

"Welcome to the Sea of ​​Goodwill and the Forest of Fairies?"

Xia Nan touched his chin. In his memory, he had never been to such a place, nor did he remember that there was such a secret place in the world of Naruto.

But it does give people a different feeling here, one is very warm and relaxing, as if even the tiredness and darkness of the soul have been dispelled, this must be a holy place that can warm the heart and soul.Just, why did I come here?Shouldn't he be evolving into a new realm, but there was an accident in the middle and he fell into a coma, and then he came here when his eyes opened again.

I don't know what's going on outside now, so I'd better find some clues and find a way to get out of here.

Xia Nan was still worried about what happened outside, and more importantly, he was worried that if he was in a coma for too long, it might lead to unimaginable consequences.

Xia Nan chose a road at random, and his figure gradually disappeared into the depths of the forest.


After walking for a long time, a big tree appeared in front of Xia Nan. It was a big cherry tree with beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom.As the breeze blows past, the cherry blossoms are very beautiful. Sitting under the cherry tree is a figure. He also saw Xia Nan and waved with a smile on his face. He smiled happily as if Saw something funny like that, but without malice.

"Hello, what is this place?"

Xia Nan has no doubts that he has moved forward. In this world, it seems that his thinking has also been changed, and it becomes easier to trust others.If it was him before, he should be quite vigilant at this time and would not move forward easily, but now he seems to have met a fellow countryman, a kind feeling rises from the bottom of his heart, as if completely He didn't think about whether the other party would hurt him, and how to fight back if he was hurt.As I said before, here... is very different, there is a sense of peace that makes people abandon their own malice and show the most beautiful part of human nature, a world full of kindness.

Xia Nan saw the person in front of him. He was dressed like a farmer. He was sitting there with a hoe beside him. The coarse clothes were a bit funny, as if they were the failed work of a tailor who was not very good at knitting. It can be said that it barely has the shape of clothes.After all, when Xia Nan looked at the other's pair of long pants and the other short, she really had the urge to laugh.

But Xia Nan couldn't laugh because a voice in his head told him it was impolite.

The man sat there and stretched out his hand to signal Xia Nan to come over too. The man had eagle-like eyes, straight eyebrows, slightly thin cheeks, short hair that reached the ears, but the bangs on his forehead were pushed back like a rebellion He spoke softly and slowly, but the occasional flashes of light in his eyes gave him a sense of stability after experiencing countless things and years, with a sharp sword in its sheath, restrained sharpness, and settled down.

Xia Nan sat down beside this person, and when he said Coke, the cherry blossom tree behind him suddenly swayed as if he was welcoming him.

"Welcome home, Char."

Xia Nan opened her eyes slightly, and looked at the man with surprised and puzzled eyes, but Xia Nan still politely pointed out the other party's mistake and said: "Sorry, although I don't know who you are and where you are, but I My name is Xia Nan—Uchiha Xia Nan, my name is not Char. If possible, could you please tell me where this is?"

The man smiled irrefutably, and said: "This is the center of the world, the heart of the world, this is the Fairy Forest of the Sea of ​​Goodwill, and it is also the gateway to every world. The world here It generally refers to all things that exist in dreams, that is, the world where I exist, the world where you exist, and countless worlds like us all start from here. You can understand that this is where some people lead to their dreams. entrance to the land."

"The world you went to also started from here. At that time, you took a small boat with full of longing, and headed for the distance of the sea."

"You mean I..."

"Yes, your time travel, your system, your Hokage world—this is where you all started, you dedicated your own brilliance and glory to this sea, and the sea also gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams. "

The man explained in this way that the so-called brilliance and glory are just praises. To be precise, it is the fruit of his own goodness, the brilliance of human nature, and the purest side of himself entrusted to this land.

The sea not far away, the clean and clear ocean, is the crystallized sea of ​​human goodwill—the sea of ​​goodwill.Contains the most beautiful and purest side of human beings.

"Didn't I travel directly to the world of Naruto?"

Xia Nan asked with her eyes widened in astonishment.

The man smiled, shook his head and said.

"Anyone who wants to cross must come here, just like everyone's birth is a starting point, and the sea of ​​goodwill is the starting point of your new life. Many people came here after death, and they worked hard here , fulfill the wishes of those poor and kind people, and bring the beauty and kindness of humanity to the world you used to be in. Whenever they accumulate to a certain level, dedicate those full of goodwill to this land, and the earth will be A small boat belonging to him will automatically appear at the port, carrying him gradually to the distant sea, until he reaches his dream land.”

"Some people didn't come back after arriving there. They either ended up in that world with satisfaction, or they degenerated into reckless villains and lost the qualification to come back, or they just simply thought that there belonged to them" The Sea of ​​Good Will and the Forest of the Goblins", so don't ever want to come back here. But having said that, there's still a chance that most people except those who are disqualified will come back, just to see if they want to - and if there's this Chance."

"So... I am the one who came back successfully?"

"Yes, that's why I said welcome back, Char."

The man said with a smile, his laughter was very gentle.

"But why do you call me Xia? My name is Xia Nan."

"Because anyone who can come back here from that world, we will call him Char. Regardless of your origin and where your future is, as long as you successfully return to this place, you are Char."

(End of this chapter)

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