Uchiha's Counterattack

Chapter 429 Asking for Support at the End of the Year and Month

Chapter 429 Asking for Support at the End of the Year and Month
A galloping white shadow rushed through the dense barrage first, followed by more than 20 fighters. The roaring mechanical sound was accompanied by the shrieking bullets. Thousands of bullets shot countless green rays of light, It added a deadly and dangerous atmosphere to the dark night sky.

The whistling cold wind blowing towards the face, Deidara's ferocious face was full of excitement, it was so interesting, there hadn't been such an interesting thing for a long time.He looked back at the Gale Fighter that was chasing him, took out two balls of white dough from his pocket with both hands, and used the ability of Xueji Jiejie to swallow up the white mud.

"It would be a pity for C3 to deal with you, let's use C1 to test your abilities first!"

Didara took out the dough and took a few bites, made dozens of small-scale bomb birds and sprinkled them out.

These small birds are light and difficult to identify, but their speed cannot be displayed at high altitudes, so they can only be used as traps.

Drop drop!
At this moment, the chakra detectors of each blaster fighter sounded the siren. Takagi looked down and saw that the empty airspace on the radar screen was suddenly filled with trivial small chakra objects. It was not easy for Akatsuki to become, so Takagi gave the order decisively.

"Pay attention to the air trap ahead, all dodge!"

After finishing speaking, Takagi stepped on the accelerator and pulled up the stick head. After the Gale Fighter climbed up in an instant, it bypassed the trap area.

The remaining twenty Gale Fighters followed closely behind.

"Huh? They all avoided it." Didara said in surprise: "By the way, Dana said that you new Konoha toys have a very interesting thing called a Chakra detector? So that's it. , Even things that cannot be seen in the field of vision, as long as there is a Chakra reaction, they will be detected, hum, it’s just like a simple Sharingan.”

Didara took out his pocket and fumbled a few more times, then threw out a large monster with a C2 level.

"Go, C2 Dorothy!"

Dorothy is a large-scale creation with wings. Since C1 cannot achieve the intended goal, then use C2.

"And not only that, the flexibility and performance will be improved if I control it myself!"

Didara doesn't know how to use Scorpion's chakra lines, but he also has his own means.

As soon as the Dorothy appeared on the stage, it attracted everyone's attention with its huge size. Takagi, the leader, frowned and looked at the monster. The chakra detector showed that the monster was full of chakra flow, but this The stock chakra is very unstable, and the display on the instrument is all sharp, just like a walking bomb source.

Swing the joystick, pull the machine body and rush towards the enemy.

As the captain, Takagi naturally had to do something with himself. He decided to use his special machine "Red Triple Speed" to test the enemy's bottom line, and because it is a special machine, its natural acceleration and speed are much stronger than the mass-produced machine. This is also the captain's machine. one of the benefits.

——Crack, da da da da!

In the dim night sky, red flames pierced the black curtain, and the latter responded with cyan chakra light.

At that moment, the night turned into a grand stage, with one blue and one red light and shadow intertwined together.The ammunition was continuously tilted towards each other at a distance of hundreds of meters, and after the collision, a series of explosion flames were triggered. The aftermath of the explosion was dozens of times higher than that of ordinary explosives. At the same time as it was confusing, the surrounding wingmen stepped aside. .

The propeller rotated at a high speed, the engine roared harshly, and the Gale fighter increased its speed again.

In the cockpit, the special anti-G suit has bulged up, and Takagi tightly grasps the joystick to control the body that seems to disintegrate at any time. His thick neck is obviously already under great pressure.He stared at the monster in the aiming sight, slightly pulled the trigger with his finger, and then fired the deadly bullet.

The ferocious and berserk body made a sharp whistling sound, unleashing the ammunition on the top of the enemy's head.Countless sparks burst out, and part of the ammunition penetrated into the enemy's body was bounced back by the solidified skin, and part of it penetrated C2's body.

C2 turned his head and mouth with a terrifying Chakra temperature pressure. At this time, the alarm inside the Hayate was loud, and Takagi urgently pressed the joystick to let the fighter plane dodge downward.And at this moment, a green and thick beam of light shot out, and the scorching beam of light rushed out of a range of 300 meters in one breath, blasting a mass-produced Gale that couldn't dodge in the air.

The Takagi stance fighter flew behind the enemy, pressed the red button, and switched the ammunition to high-explosive ammunition.Then it attacked again, but C2, aware of certain situations, flapped its wings under Didara's control, set off a hurricane, turned its body and accelerated, avoiding this attack.

Is it afraid of high-explosive bombs?This thought flashed across Takagi's mind for an instant.

And then a blue light flashed in front of his eyes, and Takagi broke out in a cold sweat as he barely wiped the light beam passing by.Not to be outdone, he continued to turn the nose of the plane to pursue upwards, and the surrounding wingmen avoided them one after another. They knew that their airframe performance was completely inferior to those two, so they didn't dare to approach them at all, or they knew that going up was just getting in the way.

In terms of acceleration, Hayate has the upper hand. Takagi stepped on the accelerator, the fuel was activated, and the engine spewed out black smoke, but the overall speed increased again.He just caught up to C2's tail at the last moment, and then fired a high-explosive bomb.

The red high-explosive bomb hit the tail of C2 instantly, and the latter flashed white light, and then lit up with hot flames.

—Boom! !
A terrifying explosion was triggered, Didara lost control of C2 in an instant, and Takagi's body was also sent flying out by the explosion and mixed with frenzied airflow.

"You bastard, can that thing explode?"

The moment he flew out, Gao Mu complained from the communication channel.

Some of the surrounding bodies took advantage of this time to rescue the captain, and some took advantage of the situation to chase Didara, trying to eliminate this threat as soon as possible.

However, Didala, who had just been slapped in the face, was not in a good mood, and he stared coldly at the Gale Styles who surrounded him.

"It's kind of interesting, no wonder Dana wants you toys. But the real art is beyond the comprehension of you trash, because only explosions—that's art!!"

When Deidara said so, he threw the six chewed white objects behind him.

At that moment, the white smoke exploded, and the giant white bird broke through the smoke and roared to a height of a thousand meters, and six white monsters in the shape of birds appeared in the six clouds of smoke left behind. C3 Explosive Bird can control itself to explode after colliding with the enemy. At the same time, it can also spray a white solution, splashing white mud on the enemy and causing an explosion.

Click, click, click!
At this moment, the Gale Fighter took the lead in attacking. After a series of strafing shots, those C3 cracking birds, although they reacted quickly, still couldn't avoid the barrage of strafing shots from all directions. One of them was directly hit and there was a loud "Boom!" Exploded into a huge ball of fire.

"This is Saburo Kurama, the auxiliary machine. All machines, be careful of those white birds that seem to be self-destructing objects!"

Saburo Kurama looked at the center of the explosion through the side of the machine, and the flames exploded, rendering the glass of the machine red.People can't help but sigh that such a terrible high-explosive performance can be made by hand rubbing.Akatsuki's guys count as one, and they are indeed an organization composed of a group of monsters.

The five monsters rushed out of the blockade and rushed towards the nearest fighter plane.


Facing the rushing Explosive Birds, each fleet reacted quickly, raising the nose and shifting direction at the same time, giving way to the shooting angle for the follow-up partners.Like an open fan, the ten Gale fighters made extreme roars, and the pilot in the airframe was under the pressure of several Gs, making extreme body movements in the air.

After dispersing, the first wave of fighters circled and circled behind the enemy to surround them, while the second wave of fighters behind them opened fire directly.

(End of this chapter)

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