Chapter 242

"There is no need to worry about that, because I have already found a way to invade."

Payne spoke.


"It's true that if you must invade, it can only be something that has no self-emotion like a puppet. Or a secret technique that can seal the heart and hinder the emission of brain waves. As long as it can seal the external sensory feedback on itself, it will not be attacked. Easy to spot."

"We will use the sealing technique performed on ourselves to sneak into Xinkoye Village to investigate. If necessary, we can pretend to be ninjas from other countries to divert disasters, and further stimulate Xinkoye's resistance to other big countries."

"If we can take this opportunity to detonate the war between Shinkonoha and the other four major powers in advance, it will be a good opportunity for us Xiao to weaken the enemy's strength. It will be more convenient for us to join all parties to plunder wealth while waiting for the opportunity to catch the tailed beast." .”

"So that's the case. If this is the case, for us people, there is nothing more beneficial than war to hide our tracks and dump the blame on the hostile forces by the way." There was an indescribable ferocity in his eyes.

"Huh? Aren't we going to be a peace organization? To get involved? To cause? War?"

Didara was curious about the shape of the baby.

If it weren't for the fact that the people here are not real, the red sand scorpion would have already slapped its tail on the face of its partner.You are peaceful, you have seen the members of the organization that pursues true peace, and all of them are lunatics and rebellious.

And rather than an organization that pursues peace, it is more like a dark version of the Peaceful Liberation Front.Because the peace was broken by the war caused by human beings, wouldn't there be no war if all human beings were killed?Ever since the Scarlet Sand Scorpion transformed himself into a puppet, even his cognition of the Three Views seems to have shifted a bit.

"Hahahaha, I don't hate war."

Fei Duan said heartlessly, with a ferocious smile on his face: "The more people die, the happier Lord Cthulhu is, so even if there is a war, there is nothing wrong - I will join, this organization is bigger than I imagined." It's much more interesting."

"Then it's best not to be too happy, after all, the purpose of the organization itself is peaceful."

Payne said coldly.

"As long as the ultimate goal is achieved by any means, this is completely the behavior of the evil party." The corner of the side said with his hands folded: "It doesn't matter to me whether the organization is a good person or a bad person, as long as I have money, I will be fine." .Only money is trustworthy in the world, and money is everything in this world.”

"Hehehe, the bastard with a heart said something nice."

Kisame chuckled a few times and said: "This ninja world itself is a hypocritical and cruel world, a bloody hell full of betrayal and massacres. No matter what happens in the future, it is better to stay the same. The times are always advancing, but I I want to see what the end of the world will be like."

Huohuomu Yuming Gaotianzhu: "The future of hell is still hell, but it will not become a kingdom of heaven just because people die. As long as people are still multiplying, there will be struggles, and struggles will eventually turn into wars as human desires expand. After all, peace is just a compromise during the war, in preparation for the next bigger war.”

"The Fifth Hokage and the current Konoha Village are obviously revenge for being besieged by other villages in the Fourth Ninja World War - so peace or something is self-deception from the beginning, as long as human beings still exist, desires still exist. , there can be no real peace.”

It was crisp and loud, and at the same time sounded with a firm will.

Gao Tianzhu (Suzaku) firmly believes that no matter how human history is rewritten, self-mutilation is an ugly nature imprinted in DNA.

Kisame said: "Oh... this is the first time I've heard Suzaku's voice, and the voice is indeed a woman with a fiery personality. Hehehe, it seems that you and the red sand scorpion get along well."

"Si Yuyan, do you have a problem with me?"

The red sand scorpion said angrily.

"How is it possible, I am very happy to have a rare gathering of colleagues."

"You kid..."

"Enough." Payne forced his way into the obviously stiff atmosphere between the two.Although there is no real contact, but the power of the leader is there, especially the strange pair of reincarnation eyes. No one in the organization is really willing to anger Tiandao.

"You may each have different backgrounds and goals, but since you have chosen to join Akatsuki, you are companions. It doesn't matter if you want to fight each other—but as long as you are still members of Akatsuki, you will not be forgiven. Take care of yourself."

I don't know who the last warning was addressed to. Anyway, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion just snorted coldly, Gao Tianzhu didn't speak, and Guiyu remained silent.

For a while, the atmosphere in the organization seemed to have cooled down a bit.

And at this time.


"Which of us is responsible for going to Shinkonoha?"

Asma doesn't care what other people think, anyway, he wants to get this opportunity the most. His eyes are fixed on Payne, and the meaning contained in it is self-evident.

But obviously Payne already has his own plan, and he is not optimistic about Asma from the bottom of his heart.The reason is also very simple. This man blinded by hatred cannot be completely trusted. What Payne needs for this level of infiltration mission is to be foolproof, not to send out a bomb that may explode at any time.

"—Kong Chen, your mood swings are too high and you are not suitable for this task. I will arrange other tasks for you."

"But none of you have a deeper understanding of Konoha than I do. It doesn't matter if you can't be the main force, I can accept the deputy." Asma said with a frown, obviously he did not intend to give up this opportunity easily .


However, Payne just looked at him coldly.

"Do you think you can keep calm when you see the Fifth Hokage and pass by every Uchiha?"


"You can't do it. Your mind is full of vengeful anger and you can't suppress your feelings at all. And my secret technique can target the external spiritual sense, but it can't shield your own mental ripples."

"So I will personally entrust this task to others, and you and Kisame will continue to track and detect intelligence at the border."

In reality, Asma clenched her fists tightly, her teeth were bitten on her lips, and her mouth was full of fishy and sweet smell.

He wanted to refute but was speechless, because he knew that the order of the leader of this organization was absolute. If he chose to resist now, let alone get close to Konoha, what awaited him might be a sharp blow from behind.

Despite being extremely unwilling, Asma nodded stiffly with trembling lips.

"...Very well, then I will leave the issue of the Land of Fire to you two."

"This is the end of this week's daily meeting, and we will meet again in seven days."

After Payne finished speaking, his figure disappeared first, followed by Baihu Xiaonan. She didn't say a word in the meeting from the very beginning.

The surrounding figures also gradually disappeared, and gradually only Asuma and Kisame remained.

And when the figure of Kisame also went offline.

In the gloomy base, Asma slowly raised his head, revealing his bloodshot pupils.

Like a ghost from hell, he squeezed out a few words of hatred from his throat.

"Five generations..."


 The school has started, I have 24 classes a week, and I only have a rest on Wednesday.The minimum guarantee for updating is 4K-5K every day, and the outbreak will have to wait for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays in the future.The new term is very stressful, I hope you can get through the early period of inadaptation, please recommend and subscribe.


(End of this chapter)

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