Uchiha's Counterattack

Chapter 177 Innovation

Chapter 177 Innovation
At this time, on the central street of the Uchiha clan, the content on the bulletin board has attracted many Uchihas to come to watch, and Xia Nan, in order to convey her thoughts more clearly, also especially praised the arrangement of a smart and clever person near the bulletin board. , and the thoughtful narrator is responsible for explaining the general meaning.

The simplest three points: first, don’t be arrogant and ignore compatriots; second, don’t be full of disregard for the reasonable requests of compatriots;

The eight points are to treat people kindly, not to be arrogant or impetuous, to act brightly, to lead by example, never to bully the weak, to protect the weak, to defend the village and family, to protect the life of the villagers and to ensure the safety of their property.

Some of the eight points of attention, similar to the knight's declaration, were decided by Xia Nan after careful consideration.

This is to adjust Uchiha's position, from a strong perpetrator to a neutral guardian, emphasizing that protecting the village and family, and defending the rights and property of the people is the best public declaration.

With the progress of the times and the increasing satisfaction of the villagers, the bad deeds of the Uchiha clan in the past will be gradually forgotten or remembered more firmly, but it doesn’t matter that these are black materials from the past, Xia Nan will use all means to bury it, If you can't bury it, then bury the people who know it and talk about it everywhere. He is very familiar with this matter.

But it is a last resort to bury the secrets of the past through violent means. Xia Nan's original intention was not to cause more killings, but to protect Uchiha.

Uchiha's halfway debut was full of blood and blood. You can't expect everyone to forget those relatives who died in the civil war amid laughter, or build a few buildings and talk and laugh with some people to get things over.No, this is impossible, even Xia Nan can't do it if he asks himself with such a deep psychological trauma.All he can do is choose, choose Uchiha and minimize the bad influence as much as possible.

The good news is that he basically succeeded in half. He found a suitable method and suitable characters, which made the interior of Konoha Village, which was originally full of gunpowder and uncertainty, tend to a stable transition. Thanks to all the gods for keeping things from slipping to the worst that side.

Back to the original topic. With the progress of the times, more and more people will be attracted by the new life, and the new Muye Village will complete the first phase of the plan, which is to complete the most basic facilities of Muye Village. Ensure food and funding sources, establish a new system, and finally complete the overall restoration of Muye Village.

In the second phase of the plan to be launched, Xia Nan plans to absorb 5 to 10 foreign populations into the village. These 10 people will be used to fill up the current shortage of labor and ninjas, and to further confuse the log leaves to form a population structure. I won’t say much about why. I have said many times before that it is the best way to impact the consciousness of a fixed group.

According to Xia Nan's plan, the new population plus the original population should be about three times that of the previous one, that is, between 20 and 23 people.He wants to reform the Uchiha now because he wants to catch up with the second outbreak of the Shinkonoha population, establish a good reputation in front of the newcomers and spread the Uchiha creed by the way, so as to win people's hearts and seize the moral high ground.

He wants to throw out the well-trained Uchiha as a signboard, let the family members take care of it, and absorb the refugees in the Kingdom of Fire.Let them go to provide medical care, food and other services for the refugees for free.It is obligatory to help villages on the border that are harassed by bandits or pirates, so that all street traders, national caravans, ocean fleets, ordinary people's chats after meals, tavern discussions, and all places where they can communicate will appear Uchiha name.

Xia Nan will take out a sum of money and bribe the outside newspapers and other propaganda to conduct bombing and brainwashing reports.

Or Uchiha will select a person with good writing skills, compile Uchiha's deeds of helping people into story pictures, and print them with their own money, and then distribute them to cities and villages across the country through the Daimyo Prefecture, and follow the official approval. The distribution route is easier to win the trust of others. Not only that, it can even be distributed to Sand Ninja Village in the Land of Winds through the Fourth Kazekage, and even between other big and small countries.

This is a war of invisible swords and swords. It is the first national-level publicity war in the Naruto World that gathers all of Xia Nan's connections, resources and material resources!A war where gunpowder cannot be seen, but a war that has the ability to destroy people's hearts at critical moments...

Xia Nan wants to completely reverse the bad image of the Uchiha in people's minds, and transform them from an arrogant family image that everyone sees as evil into a new family full of brilliance and positive energy.For this reason, he will use all means, even if it is to use the power of the country and all the resources of the entire Muye Village, he will do this.

But forging iron still needs to be hard on your own. Just starting from political propaganda will not last long. The Uchiha family must achieve or at least approach these points. The sense of anticipation was lost in an instant. Once the news leaked out, the power of backlash would be as strong as the scope of the original publicity.

Therefore, considering various problems in the future, Xia Nan believes that it is time for the family to adjust their strategy.The first three laws and eight majors are an introduction to create a new image of Uchiha. For this reason, he will also design new external clothing and new concept family design, and package Uchiha from beginning to end, which is a bit like a later generation. In order to promote the meaning of packaging traffic niche.

For this reason, Xia Nan put forward a slogan of "three innovations".

New family, new image, new future.

This "three new" concepts combined with the "three laws and eight majors" will be the core of the transformation of the Uchiha family in the next six months.


"So the meaning here is that for the sake of the family and the future of Konoha Village, Lord Xia Nan wants to reform us both mentally and physically?"

Under the introduction of the narrator Uchiha Kotaro, the Uchihas who watched nearby looked at each other.After all, this concept is not something anyone can understand, but after Kotaro exhausted his explanation, the surrounding Uchihas roughly understood the meaning.In layman's terms, Master Xia Nan is not used to the current Uchiha, and wants to transform their image.

"Lord Xia Nan's decision never makes a mistake, so just change it anyway, it's not a big deal anyway."

Some people in the family didn't feel it, but since it was Xia Nan's decision, they must fully support it.There is nothing to worry about, after all, no matter what Xia Nan and Izumi do, it is for the sake of the family. This is everyone's usual default.

"It can be said that the change is simple, but how to change it specifically? The new regulations proposed by Lord Xia Nan seem simple, but it is difficult to make significant improvements in the short term. Will they be kicked out of the family because they fail to do so? An idiot who eats sand in the land of the wind."

Some members of the hawks showed bitterness. Compared with the centrists and moderates, these hawks who have been reprimanded by Xia Nan intentionally or unintentionally for a long time feel that this so-called three laws and eight treaties are simply set up for them A sense of inexplicable fear of being scorned by Master Xia Nan and possibly being abandoned by the family spread in the bottom of my heart.

In fact, this is because he thinks too much. Now the hawk faction of the family can hardly lift its head under the joint suppression of Xia Nan and Master Izumi. The leader of the hawk faction, Mr. Uemon, has also been placed in the Daimyo Mansion as a special envoy. In the past three or four years, don't expect to return to the family.It can be said that the contradictions within the family have basically disappeared, and the clan labels of hawks and doves are not as obvious as before.

(End of this chapter)

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