Uchiha's Counterattack

Chapter 155 The Future Class 7

Chapter 155 The Seventh Class of the Future

Xia Nan narrowed her eyes slightly, pressed Sasuke's head firmly and said.

"Sasuke, if you want to surpass Itachi, you must first learn from his hard work and persistence, and at the same time, don't forget your own blood and identity. Not only your brother, but also the people around you are worthy of your learning. Be more Work hard, accept others more seriously, and don't always act like I am proud because I am Uchiha."

Sasuke stared blankly, Xia Nan, who suddenly became serious, nodded inexplicably.

At this time, Shiraizumi suddenly came over and hugged Sasuke from behind.

There was no special expression on Bai Quan's face, but he said in a calm tone: "Yes, not only learn from your brother's hard work, but also learn to take care of and protect the strength of those around you, and treat those you trust and love deeply. .Learn to be kind to your tenderness, to master it rationally instead of letting it go."

"After all, gentleness is something that can melt people's hearts sometimes, but sometimes it can be poisonous to death. Before learning to be gentle and kind to everyone, you must first see the people around you before you can make this decision. You can't be blind Be gentle with everyone, otherwise the girl will be hurt."

"...Miss Baiquan?"

Shiraizumi bowed his head and kissed Sasuke's forehead lightly, then hugged Sasuke tenderly.

"You, you must surpass your brother, Sasuke."

Xia Nan continued with a serious face, "That's right, but it's not just your brother. Your father Fujigaku-sama is willing to sacrifice everything for Uchiha's sense of responsibility, and your mother Mikoto-sama silently supports the strength and dedication of your father and the whole family behind the scenes." You have to take a serious look and understand the spirit of the left and right guards and clansmen who are willing to take the lead and not be afraid of sacrifice for the sake of the family."

"And always keep one thing in mind, that is, all the achievements of Uchiha today are achieved by the blood fetters between the tribe and ourselves. It is precisely because the same blood flows in our bodies that we can cast the most unbreakable shield. It’s because we’re determined to be a collective that we’re going to get through this.”

"So no matter when and where you must remember Sasuke, family -- is the most important thing in this world. Therefore, as long as you keep working hard to protect the family, you will definitely become stronger and become stronger than your brother .”

After pressing it a few times, Xia Nan let go, looked at Sasuke's cute little face and said with a smile: "Then one day you will surpass your brother, maybe even me."

Baiquan continued: "When Sasuke becomes strong enough for you one day, it may be the time when you will succeed me and Mrs. Xia Nan and become the next Uchiha patriarch. At that time, you will clear all obstacles for the family and work hard to protect the family. Fight to the end, even if it is the last drop of blood, you must keep in mind that you are the proud Uchiha and will never bow to the so-called fate."

Xia Nan said: "The theory of fate is an excuse for the weak after all. In order to have the ability to resist fate at any time, one must have stronger power than anyone else. But when you become stronger, you must not forget who you are for, for whom you are. What are you fighting for—"

In particular, you can't get lost on the path that you shouldn't get lost like your brother did.

At this moment, both Xia Nan and Bai Quan's faces were very serious, the kaleidoscope revealed due to the strong pressure, and the weird red light shone on Sasuke's face.

"... Gollum."

Little Sasuke was so frightened that he swallowed his mouthful of foam. He didn't know why the topic suddenly became so serious, especially the aura of Brother Xia Nan and Sister Bai Quan, it was really scary.Did he do something wrong, or did he say something wrong?

"What about the answer?"

Xia Nan asked with a frown.

"Yes, yes! I will work hard!"

Sasuke was stimulated by Xia Nan's kaleidoscope that appeared at that moment, and immediately shouted: "I will definitely work hard to become stronger. In order to fight to the death for my family and my family, I swear on the honor of the Uchiha family."

Xia Nan smiled and patted Sasuke on the shoulder, congratulations, little guy, for passing the gate of hell.

Raising his head, Xia Nan looked at Bai Quan with questioning and concern in his eyes.


Bai Quan smiled lightly and shook his head, indicating that she was not affected.

Xia Nan was relieved.

"Okay, for the sake of your self-consciousness, I'll come here to give you a reward!" Xia Nan suddenly laughed, and the previously depressive atmosphere was instantly swept away.Xia Nan picked up Sasuke with both hands, and put him on her neck, laughing and teasing him.

Naruto, who was so overwhelmed by the atmosphere before and didn't dare to intervene, ran over with Hinata, clamoring that he wanted it too.And Xia Nan never refused to come, picked up Naruto from the ground, smiled and turned around to make the two boys yell.Thanks to Xia Nan who has grown a lot taller recently, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.

"Brother Xia Nan, I will also become stronger. I am several times stronger than that guy Sasuke."

Naruto held Xia Nan's clothes tightly, lying on his chest and said with a serious expression on his face.

"When I become stronger, I will also guard Muye Village, Brother Xia Nan and Sister Baiquan, because you two take good care of me, make me live a much happier life than before, and let me have friends And Hinata by my side."

"I hate my old life and I like my current life."

Xia Nan patted Naruto's little head, smiled and nodded.

"This is the life you deserve, Naruto."

Did it deserve it?No, these are all given to me by you. The person who protected me and gave me a shelter is not Konoha, not the third generation, and not the Uchiha family, but Uchiha Xia Nan alone.Naruto has always been aware of this in his heart, just like every time he saw the third generation, although he was smiling on the surface, he was already impatient in his heart.

Although that grandpa spoke nicely, he actually didn't have much credibility.If Hokage is really as great and glorious as he said, how could a little boy who can be watched by Hokage and go in and out of his room often suffer so much discrimination and exclusion, and the strange thing is that every time the third generation comes, he never Mentioning these, he just cheerfully asked about food and drink and then left, did he really think his mind was just for display?

Then Naruto could also notice that some people in the Uchiha family looked at him with unkind eyes, which were more malicious eyes than the villagers outside, as if they were not looking at people but at something The same feeling made Naruto very scared at first.

But when Xia Nan freed his hand and started to clean up Uchiha's interior, all these people disappeared inexplicably. It is said that they were either transferred or sent out of the village to perform tasks. It is estimated that Naruto may not be expected to come back before he becomes an adult.

Then Naruto was picked up from his original residence and sent to Baiquan's house to take care of him. Not long after that, Hinata was also sent over, and then Sasuke also came.Since then, the atmosphere of the whole Uchiha has changed. Naruto clearly knows that Xia Nan is in charge of the overall situation behind him, and Sister Shiraizumi has also seriously warned the other clansmen, so he is free today.

You see, he used to not even be able to get close to the hated monsters in the Hokage Building, but now the Uchihas who rush in directly outside the door dare not stop him. This feeling makes Naruto feel very comfortable, a kind of trustworthy and reliable An inexplicable sense of security filled my heart after the person I met.

"I will work ten times harder than Sasuke to become stronger, just watch!"

Little Naruto laughed.

"Huh? Then I will work harder, I will not lose to anyone other than Uchiha!"

Sasuke was immediately unconvinced, and directly knocked on Xia Nan's head and shouted back.

"Then I will pay a thousand times!"

"I am ten thousand times!"

"One hundred thousand!"

"One hundred million!"

"So you want to fight!?" X2
Sasuke raised his foot and kicked Naruto in the face.

Not to be outdone, Naruto turned Sasuke over with a backhand slap, and both of them fell off Xia Nan's body, and then started a scuffle of punching and kicking on the spot.

Xia Nan looked at the two wrestling together speechlessly, these two enemies really started fighting without even speaking a few words.

But at this moment, Xia Nan turned around and suddenly saw Bai Quan standing in front of her, and she was holding a very cute and delicate girl like a doll in her hand.

The shy Hinata twisted her body in embarrassment, and Bai Quan held it up in front of Xia Nan.

"Master Xia Nan, this is also up to you."


Xia Nan sighed resignedly, but took Hinata with a bright smile on her face.

Then Xiao Hinata was hugged in Xia Nan's arms, and Bai Quan stood beside Xia Nan, and the three of them enjoyed themselves happily - watching Naruto and Sasuke fight on the ground.

But I don't know if it is an illusion.

Whenever Naruto screamed in pain, Xia Nan felt that Hinata in her arms was breathing harder, her face was flushed sickly, and her big eyes were staring at Naruto with a nosebleed on the ground. There seemed to be some light flickering in it.

Xia Nan was stunned!
"I'm afraid it's not..."

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(End of this chapter)

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