Chapter 47 Unspeakable Hidden
Because of the urging of the bearded man, Wang Xiaoyu suffered from insomnia that night, and appeared in the sight of everyone with a pair of dark circles under his eyes the next morning. The two guards only thought that Wang Xiaoyu was like this because of studying hard. A few words of concern did not get someone's attention.

Because at this moment, she was only thinking about how to save herself, and after eating breakfast with no appetite, she sat by the window with her chin in her hand in a daze, and she sat for a whole day.

In the evening, the person who delivered the meal came as usual. After the meal, Wang Xiaoyu originally wanted to go for a walk. Maybe he could get some inspiration. When he walked aimlessly to a corner, he happened to see Marci disappear past figure.

"Yes." Wang Xiaoyu suddenly realized that as long as she followed Marcie, she would be able to find Roy. After all, the other party was his personal servant, why didn't she think of this idea a long time ago.

Marcy seemed to have something to do, she looked flustered, and walked in a hurry all the way, but she didn't notice a sneaky tail trailing behind her.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, and I’ve already memorized the terrain near the temple. I followed Marcie all the way to Roy’s residence without any risk. Seeing that the door was tightly guarded, Wang Xiaoyu squatted for a long time and didn’t think of a fool. way in.

When I was depressed, I saw a maid coming with food, and immediately came to pay attention. The cat stooped and quietly moved to the grass next to the maid. Dizzy the other party, originally imagined dragging the other party into the grass on TV, but underestimated the other party's weight.

"Damn it, what are you doing so strong?" Wang Xiaoyu dragged the fainted maid into the grass with all his strength, skillfully took off the maid's clothes and put them on her body, and wiped the bread on her body. For safety, someone touched a handful of ashes on his face with dirt.If someone asks about it at any time, just say it’s okay to fall down.

After all, he is going to do bad things. When I saw similar scenes on TV before, I always felt that the protagonist was too weak, but now I have experienced this kind of thing myself to understand the feeling that my life is hanging by a thread.

With his head down, he tried to bury his face in his chest, and the hand holding the food trembled slightly. When he walked to the door, the two guards just looked at him and let him go. This made Wang Xiaoyu's prepared remarks useless. .But this is also good, the heart is less frightened.

I don't know if it's because of his personality breaking out today, but he always came to the back of the door without any danger along the way. The two guards at the door were chatting, and they didn't look at Wang Xiaoyu carefully at all.

The room was very quiet, and it seemed that there was no one there. While looking around, there was a faint voice coming from the rooftop, approaching slowly on tiptoe, because she was afraid of being discovered, she only dared to eavesdrop from a distance.

"Master Sacrifice, how should we deal with the spy who sneaked in?" Marcie respectfully asked for instructions. Recently, she kept finding that there were many suspicious people around the temple, but she did not expect to receive a notice tonight that they were arrested. She found someone who wanted to mix in, and she suspected that it was the anti-God person from last time.

"Does the patriarch know about this?" Roy asked lightly.

"Not... no, I told my servants to keep quiet and ask you for instructions first." Marcy's answer seemed to satisfy Roy, and his brows eased a little.

"You've done a good job. Shut it down for a few days. I'll deal with it in a few days. I need to strengthen my precautions."

"Yes, Marcie understands." Marcie nodded and turned to leave, while Wang Xiaoyu quickly hid behind the door, and after Marcie left, he poked his head out again quietly, this time only Roy was alone with his back to himself, and he exuded a very lonely atmosphere under the moonlight.

It's just that I haven't seen each other for more than a month, but I feel that the other party seems to have lost a lot of weight, and it seems that his mental state is not very good. I saw Roy standing quietly for a long time, so long that Wang Xiaoyu almost forgot his purpose.

"You guys don't plan to stand until dawn, do you?" Although I don't know how long it has passed, I feel my legs are a little numb, which means that at least an hour has passed.

I was a little cold in thick clothes, but the other party only wore such little clothes. No wonder there was a smell of medicine on my body all day long. Who can blame me for not cherishing myself?

Now there are only the two of them left in the room, if they do it themselves, they will definitely be sure, but... what is the struggle in their hearts?Seeing the other party's lonely back, he felt sympathy, but he couldn't pull out the dagger hidden in his waist, and his heart was still not cruel enough.

"Yue'er...wait for me, I will soon...cough cough." Roy's light cough caught Wang Xiaoyu's attention. As for what the other party said, she didn't pay attention at all. Seeing that the other party was coughing so badly, she wished she could Pat each other on the back.

It took a long time for the cough to stop, and he spread out his palms, and a bright red color leaped into his sight. This scene was also seen by Wang Xiaoyu, and his heart was tightened all of a sudden.

Roy stared at the blood on the palm of his hand for a long time, as if confirming, he clenched his palms tightly, and his body coughed again. After walking a few steps, his body wobbled, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ah..." Wang Xiaoyu was stunned. In her impression, although Roy always felt a little sick, he didn't want to be so weak. Is the other party real or fake?Fall to the ground?

Staring at the fallen figure for a long time, he finally confirmed that Roy had passed out. Wang Xiaoyu's first reaction was to lift him to the bed with great effort, and then covered him with a quilt thoughtfully, and then he was relieved for a while. tone.

The other party's face was very pale, without a trace of blood, which made people feel distressed, but when they thought about what the other party had done to him before, they felt angry for a while.

Although Roy didn't directly abuse or anything, she was oppressed everywhere from the first acquaintance, and the last time the gem incident was still fresh in her memory, when she thought of the past, the trace of pity in her heart was gradually raised His anger was burnt out.

"Kill him now, kill him, and you will complete the task." A demonic voice kept clamoring in his mind, all the past made Wang Xiaoyu stretch his hand to his waist, and the silver-white dagger was shining in the moonlight. There was a chill in the air, and the tip of the knife was facing Roy. As long as he stabbed hard, everything would be solved.

The distance was getting closer, and his hands trembled slightly. No matter what, this was a human life after all. Wang Xiaoyu was struggling violently in his heart, should he kill or not?

If he killed Roy, he would not be under the control of others, and he would be able to complete what the bearded man told him to do. Not only would he be able to save his own life, he would also be able to gain freedom, but... the knife in his hand was as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold, and he couldn't stab it no matter what .

"Yue'er..." Roy murmured unconsciously, as if he had dreamed of something, and grabbed the sky with both hands in vain. At the same time, a sapphire earring slipped from his palm. It was...her mother's.

Holding the earrings, Wang Xiaoyu missed his mother and father instantly. Where are the two of them now, his mood became depressed for a moment, and when he thought of his parents, he lost the courage to kill.Because her father once said that time travel is like a butterfly effect.

If she kills Roy herself, it may cause huge changes in the future, and it may also be the destruction of human beings. Although these are just calculations, she doesn't have the courage to try. Time, Wang Xiaoyu was tangled.

"Alas." Seeing that the other party had no power to fight back, and he couldn't do anything, he sighed faintly. Wang Xiaoyu stood up and walked towards the door in a daze. After she left, the unconscious Luo Yi got up from the ground, staring at the closed door all the time.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze, turned around, and found that there was an extra person behind him. That person had long green hair on his shoulders, and his delicate facial features could not tell the difference between male and female. Facing the sudden extra person, Roy was not surprised, but Passed by ignoring.

"It's really interesting, what will you do, I'm really looking forward to it..." The visitor didn't answer, just stared at the back of Roy passing by and smiled without saying a word. He was really looking forward to the next thing.

"Wang Xiaoyu, you are such a pig!" After returning to the room, a certain person fell into all kinds of self-blame. He gave up the opportunity even though it was right in front of him. There might not be such a good opportunity next time.

After blaming himself, someone fell into various entanglements again, wasted another day by himself, and there are two days left, what should he do?Lifting off the clothes on the abdomen, a black imprint stretched from the navel to the chest. I remembered that the bearded man said that if he reached the heart, it would be his own death.

"Ah, ah, what should I do!" Wang Xiaoyu felt like going crazy. This night, she suffered from insomnia again. She didn't even have an appetite in the morning, so she locked herself in the room thinking of a solution. .

Outside the door, Marcy arrived at some unknown time, asked the guard about Wang Xiaoyu's situation, and then left quietly. Wang Xiaoyu inside the house didn't know about all this, and she was suffering from various headaches.

After thinking for a long time, there was no result. Someone scratched his hair and was about to open the window to get some air. Maybe after being blown by the wind for a while, he would be able to pay attention. As soon as he stood up and looked at the window, he heard something running fast outside the window. Pass.

"Who?" Wang Xiaoyu quickly opened the window, and saw a figure in gray animal skin quickly disappeared into the grass. Is someone watching me?Could it be that it was discovered?My heart skipped a beat, and I didn't dare to yell out loud because of my guilty conscience.

It's just that after thinking about it, I think it's impossible. There was no one else in the room that day. Moreover, if Roy really found out his intentions, with the character of the other party, there is no need to be so troublesome, just kill him directly.

Roy's suspicion has been ruled out, so who could it be?Could it be that bearded man?Are you afraid that you won't be able to complete the task and run away?Then how did the opponent escape the heavy defense on the periphery?
With various problems one after another, Wang Xiaoyu felt that her head was about to explode, as if any possibility existed, which annoyed her very much, and scratched her hair frantically.

"Kukou..." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Wang Xiaoyu turned to look at the door; "Who is it?"

"Dear Lady, I'm here to deliver food." A female voice sounded a little strange outside the door.

"Oh, come in." Wang Xiaoyu didn't think much about it. She didn't even look at him. After the person left, she found that there was an extra piece of bread on the table. Although she wasn't hungry, eating might relieve her pain. Get in the mood, open your mouth and bite down a big bite of bread, and clear your mind while eating.

"Huh?" Suddenly, she felt as if she had bitten into something hard. She used her fingers covered in bread crumbs to squeeze it out of her mouth, and saw something the size of a thumb. She found it after cleaning up the bread crumbs on it. It was a piece of wood with words carved on it.

(End of this chapter)

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