Traveling through another world as a sacrifice

Chapter 22 Musical Instrument Competition

Chapter 22 Musical Instrument Competition
"Knock button." A knock on the door interrupted the tense atmosphere in the room. Alan frowned, while Wang Xiaoyu smiled happily. It seemed that God treated her well. Just as she was about to call for help, she heard Alan's gloomy voice. Said; "If you dare to shout, don't blame me for the Fa-rectification on the spot."

"Are you threatening me?" Wang Xiaoyu glared.

"So what?" A rascal raised his eyebrows, which clearly meant provocation.

"...Wow, what's that?" Suddenly Wang Xiaoyu pointed behind Allen, and a certain man instinctively turned his head. Taking this opportunity, Wang Xiaoyu pushed his knee up hard.

"Oh, you..." After all the calculations, he still underestimated Wang Xiaoyu's cunning, Alan glared at Wang Xiaoyu and jumped out of the window before Andy opened the door to escape.

After a haircut, Wang Xiaoyu opened the door and saw Andy standing at the door; "It's so late, what's the matter?"

"I seemed to hear something just now, and I was worried about the owner's business, so I came to take a look." When Andy spoke, his head kept secretly looking around the house.

"Oh, thank you for your concern. It's okay. I accidentally bumped into something just now. Go back to sleep." Wang Xiaoyu waved his hand and turned to close the door.

The next morning, I was still called up by Andy. Today is the second competition. It seems that there is some kind of musical instrument competition. When Wang Xiaoyu appeared in front of the girls with a breath and empty hands, all of them cast contempt look.

Someone didn't bother to pay attention to these [-]-year-old women, and followed the big troops to gather in the square again. Just like last time, this time the crowd was still full.

"After waiting for a year, I can finally hear Princess Ann's music. I'm so excited." In the crowd, a person muttered excitedly.

"That's right, I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep last night." The companion said.

"Tch." Listening to people's comments, Wang Xiaoyu snorted. She didn't believe that there could be any good music in this backward place, but she still took a second look at Angelina. The Princess Ann they were talking about should be her.

"PI, PI" Suddenly, the jet-like voice appeared again. Wang Xiaoyu saw Alan smiling at him. As soon as he saw the other person's face, Wang Xiaoyu thought of what happened last night, and turned to someone with a bad expression. The man gave a middle finger.

"Hey, hello." Seeing that Wang Xiaoyu was ignoring him, Allen didn't give up, and Ai Weier squinted at his brother. He couldn't stand it anymore, and put his hand on a certain man's shoulder; "Brother, please don't give up." Shame."

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about? What's shameful? What do you know?" Allen rolled his eyes angrily.

Same as last time, this time there was still a lot of nonsense, nothing more than praising the gods and the like, Wang Xiaoyu almost fell asleep listening to it.

Amidst bursts of applause, the competition officially began. However, Wang Xiaoyu lost interest after just watching for a while. The first woman hit the wooden board with a stick, which was really hypnotic like an old monk falling into a trance.

The second person used a strange musical instrument, which looked a bit like a heart. He played there alone for a long time. Anyway, Wang Xiaoyu felt that someone was sawing wood.

No matter how those women played, the people below applauded enthusiastically, and once again sighed in their hearts, primitive people are primitive people. If they heard so many modern musical instruments, wouldn't they burst into tears?

But it seems that I also know how to play the guitar, and there are no guitars in this era, otherwise I would play a song called You at the Same Table.

"Papa papa." I don't know how long it took, the applause suddenly became enthusiastic, Wang Xiaoyu took a look, it turned out that it was Angelina, that child with a childlike face and big breasts, who gave her something last time.Does this kid know how to play musical instruments?Seeing how excited the people around him were, Wang Xiaoyu became more or less interested.

The instrument played by the other party was the harp, the most common instrument in the West. After hearing Yanni play, Wang Xiaoyu felt that no one could be better than him.

First, she simply adjusted the volume, and soon, her fingers started to dance. She couldn't understand the music, but it was really good. It made people feel like walking in the forest. Of course, it was still a bit worse than Yanni's.

At the end of the song, the audience burst into warm applause. Angelina seemed to be accustomed to singing like this, holding her head proudly, which made Wang Xiaoyu want to laugh.It really is a child's heart.

"The next person..." the host was announcing, and Wang Xiaoyu watched for a while, because the next person was the woman named Helier, and she felt that such a woman should not know any musical instruments, but she was surprised Yes, the opponent's performance was not bad, and when he returned to his seat, he even cast a provocative glance at Wang Xiaoyu.

"Tch, what's the big deal." Wang Xiaoyu returned her disdainful eyes. In the eyes of everyone, she stepped onto the stage again. Seeing that she was empty-handed, everyone couldn't help but start talking.

Wang Xiaoyu calmly took out a leaf from his bosom, and the people below couldn't help being in an uproar, wondering what the other party was going to do, why he took out a leaf.

"Hey, what do you think she's doing?" Allen pulled his younger brother, who returned indifferent eyes.And there are other people who are also suspicious, with a pair of beast-like eyes.

"What the hell is she doing?" This doubt also made Andre wonder, and his eyes stared at Wang Xiaoyu motionless.

"Hmph." Wang Xiaoyu cleared his throat, took a deep breath, and wrapped his lips around the leaves. A shocking scene happened, and the sound of birds sounded out of thin air.Not just one kind of bird, there are many kinds of bird calls. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they really doubted that these sounds were made by real birds.

The audience was shocked again, but someone was enjoying themselves. This was practiced when she was a child, which brought her memory back to her childhood, when she and her father often leaned on the tree trunk and blew the leaves.

Originally, he just wanted to perform, but later he really invested in his feelings. Wang Xiaoyu seemed to have forgotten everything and indulged in his own world. Maybe it was the atmosphere that moved God. I don’t know when, suddenly flying Come to a flock of different kinds of birds.

They hovered above Wang Xiaoyu's head, as if they were dancing for her, while she stood among the feathers all over the sky, like an angel, the beauty made people forget to breathe.

This miraculous scene shocked the audience. Everyone stared at the white figure on the field in a daze. There seemed to be a picture in front of them. The gods smiled at them in the light circle. They didn't know who would start first, like the wind. Like blowing wheat waves, the crowd unconsciously bowed down.

"What kind of girl is she? Is she a god?" Yani looked at Wang Xiaoyu obsessively. The excitement of finding a confidant made him excited like this moment. Such beautiful music can only be exclusive to the gods.And hasn't he been looking for such a girl all this time?

"Who the hell are you..." Andre narrowed his eyes, he thought, he seemed to have a little interest in this toy.

As soon as the performance was over, Wang Xiaoyu slowly opened her eyes, scanned the audience, and there was no sound, which made her somewhat uncertain whether the performance was good or bad?How about some reaction?
"Okay, that's great." Someone started to applaud first, and Wang Xiaoyu saw Allen blinking and giving her a thumbs up excitedly, and a certain woman turned her head uncomfortably.

"You've been despised again..." The younger brother's slow voice came from behind his head.

"See, this is the woman I value." Allen didn't care about his brother's sarcasm, but instead looked excited, as excited as he was performing.


If one person takes the lead, the audience will be detonated, and everyone will burst into tears, not knowing whether they are happy or sad.

"Uh, thank you all." Wang Xiaoyu twitched the corners of his mouth, bowed slightly and stepped off the stage. The rest was to wait for the result.

When returning to the position, there was a resentful gaze staring at her all the time. She knew who it was without looking at her. After a while, the gaze seemed to be diverted by the voice on the high platform.

"Next, I announce that the No.1 match of this match is..." Marci glanced at the audience, and the people began to boo; "Wang Xiaoyu, Wang Xiaoyu!"

Everyone shouted the same name, that is Wang Xiaoyu, other women were jealous but helpless, who made them inferior to others?
Of course, there was no suspense in the result. She, Wang, won the championship again. This was really beyond her expectations. Facing the compliments around her, she was a little embarrassed.

"Bitch, you won't be complacent for too long." Wang Xiaoyu turned around, but didn't see anyone. Could it be that he felt wrong?

When she returned to her residence, she was physically and mentally exhausted. Coping with those excited people was much more difficult than taking the exam. She wiped off her shoes and went to bed, which made her feel better.

"Master, you will catch a cold like this." Andy reminded like an old lady.

"It's okay, I'll just lie down for a while, I'm really exhausted."

"Master, you are amazing today, are you a god?" Andy asked adoringly, holding a bowl of hot water.

"Pfft, I'm a human being, not some vain god." The water in his mouth sprayed on Andy's face because of surprise.

"Master, don't talk nonsense, it would be bad if people overheard you." Andy's face changed, and his first reaction was to close the door, but outside the door, a pair of resentful eyes stared unwillingly for a while.

"What are you afraid of? Let me tell you that this god is a kind of spiritual sustenance fabricated by human beings. There are no gods in this world. Let me tell you..." Inside the room, Wang Xiaoyu brainwashed Andy again.

At this time, in the next room, because the opponent won the championship again, my heart was extremely unbalanced, and the things in the room were thrown to pieces, but the resentment in my heart was not relieved.

"Grand...Princess, don't be angry." The servant comforted me anxiously.

"Shut up, what do you know?" Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, there is a way, if this plan succeeds, then tomorrow... a sneer will grow bigger and bigger, and the haze in my heart will disappear in an instant.Suddenly, I looked forward to tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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