Chapter 933 Falling into Hell 5
A jet of black death energy and devil energy condensed into a chain, shot out from You Lian's sleeve, and rushed to Luo Yan in the blink of an eye.Luo Yan was startled, when she wanted to dodge.

But the chain was already wrapped around Luo Yan's neck.Youlian pulled violently, Luo Yanjiao let out a cry, staggered, and took three steps forward.

In the entire hall, no one knew that Black Youlian would actually do it directly.Everyone didn't expect it, and they were all stunned in place.When Luo Yan's exclamation rang in his ears, Ling Jun, the king of Zhixuan, finally reacted.

God King Zhixuan yelled: "Luoyan..." Responding, his hands gleamed with brilliance, and he grabbed the chain that was entangled with Luoyan, trying to brute force the chain of power.

Before King Zhixuan touched the chain with his hands, a cold light flashed, and You had already swung the Shura sword and killed him.

Sensing the threat of the cold light sword energy, King Zhixuan teleported away from the path of the sword energy.God King Zhixuan, who dodged away, looked at the chain not far away, and wanted to step forward and break the chain.

But before God King Zhixuan moved, You's figure appeared in front of God King Zhixuan.The cold eyes glanced at the God King Zhixuan with disdain, the tail of the snake pierced through the air, and shot over.

God King Zhixuan was startled, he did not expect that You Lian's cultivation had already broken through from a high-level god-man to the point where he could not match his opponent.God King Zhixuan turned sideways, narrowly dodging the tail of the snake shot by You Lian.

But before the Divine King Zhixuan digested the horror in his heart, a thin white leg appeared in front of the Divine King Zhixuan.Facing the abdomen of King Zhixuan, he kicked down fiercely.

God King Zhixuan let out a cry of pain, and was directly kicked out by You, and landed heavily on the ground, drawing a trace, and hit the wall of the hall.King Zhixuan sat on the ground weakly and coughed violently.

"Brother..." Since You Lian fought against God King Zhixuan, it was only a few short breaths.When Luoyan came to her senses, her once invincible brother was actually defeated by You Lian.

He fell to the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.Luo Yan exclaimed, and wanted to run over to help God King Zhixuan.But when Luoyan moved, the chain around her neck made a crisp sound.

Luo Yan, who hadn't run over yet, was directly pulled by You You's chain, and couldn't help but fell to the ground, making a painful sound.

"You Lian, please speak up if you have something to say, don't act like this..." Seeing Luo Yan and King Zhixuan, Ling Jun felt very uncomfortable.For a moment, he forgot Ao Ming's words, stepped forward, and tried to dissuade You Lian.

You You heard Ling Jun's words and turned her head coldly.It seemed that only now did he discover that Ling Jun was also in the hall.With a snort, he narrowed his dangerous eyes.

"Khufu, you traitor, you are not qualified to talk to me!"

You Lian's words were like a basin of cold water poured directly on top of Ling Jun's head, freezing Ling Jun directly, his whole body was icy cold.I thought that You Lian had already forgotten about that matter, and was going to start from her heart.

But she didn't expect that in the end, You Lian still remembered that matter.

Ling Jun finished drinking.You Lian looked at Luo Yan with a warm smile, and said disdainfully: "I really don't know how you beat me so badly back then! But now you still follow me to hell to enjoy the eighteenth floor of hell torture!"

(End of this chapter)

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