please lie down

Chapter 309 The So-Called Loyalty

Chapter 309 The So-Called Loyalty

These elves are very excited, because with a leader, they are one step closer to ascension. "According to this speed, the Immortal Venerable should be able to truly become an Immortal Venerable soon."

"Hmph." Xian Lingpi smiled, the ghost's appearance is naturally very beautiful, and he is the best among them, so it is naturally good-looking.

Looking down, Chu Jiu was still looking at that ear, as if he didn't hear their words at all, and then his face darkened again. "What are you looking at, you are still going to eat it!"

Xian Lingpi didn't know what was wrong with him, but wanted to stab her for no reason, that feeling was very strange, as if something was stuck in his heart.

Chu Jiu heard him say this, and then looked at him blankly: "Aren't you vegetarians?"

"You—" Fairy got angry, thinking who would eat such a disgusting thing.

Chu Jiu turned his ears to the back and let them see: "Look at this place, it seems a bit strange here."

"What do you mean doctor?"

"I don't think it's because Xian Lingpi didn't see anyone, it's because no one came."

"Then these ears..."

Chu Jiu smiled: "There is a very strange mark on it. Judging from the physiological reaction of the blood vessels near the bruise, it should have been artificially created at least three days after the ear left the original human body, because the muscles formed after death The muscle filaments will go through soft, hard and soft passages, and then relax, and bruises and other traumas will gradually become less obvious. Of course, stab wounds are not included in it. The ones on the ears are needle pricks. Things are very sensitive."

Hearing what Chu Jiu said, all the ghosts had different expressions.

" know, it's too detailed." For the body parts of a similar kind, this kind of body part is also known in too detailed, and I was a little flustered.

"Hehe." Chu Jiu smiled wider, his face dark and gloomy, a little scary. "This kind of thing is a compulsory course."

All the spirits showed strange faces, and the less courageous shrank their necks, hiding behind the spirits beside them.

"If my guess is correct, there should be thin marks on the beam at that position."

Chu Jiu stretched out his hand and pointed, Bai Shujing flew up, took a closer look, and nodded.

"Doctor, there is really a trace like a line, it's not very obvious, but it's new."

Bai Shu said and fell down again, Jiuhua looked at Chu Jiu.

"Doctor, do you know what's going on?"

Chu Jiu gave a soft "hmm" and said, "If I'm not wrong, someone should have stained this person's ear with blood before I went back to the room, stabbed it deeply with a needle, then pulled it with silk thread, and put it in the room. On the beam, the other end of the silk thread went around many places, and was connected to the branch outside the window. When the wind blows at night, the branch moves slightly, and the silk thread will be pulled gently, and the silk thread will be worn back and forth on the beam, and occasionally When the needle hits, the ear on the needle will eventually fall down due to the impact, and the silk thread will fly outside because of the loss of gravity, so this is why Xianlingpi and Baishu didn't see anyone. "

Because there was no one at all, and the strength of the acupuncture really surprised her a bit. The strength was neither heavy nor light, and it just happened to be able to last until now, so Chu Jiu thought in her heart that the other party should be a doctor who is very stable in pinching the needles. , or the excellent kind of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Not only that, even the silk thread is placed and wound very carefully, the calculation is exact, if it were her, the silk thread might be tangled in a ball.

"But even if I know, I still don't understand why someone went to such lengths to give me this ear?" Chu Jiu sighed.

The spirits looked at her. "Doctor, are you sure the other party is not using it to threaten you? It doesn't look like it was specially sent to you."

"You say it like this, it seems to be a bit similar." Chu Jiu felt a sudden realization, which made all the ghosts ask, why should they be so dull.

Chu Jiu didn't know what they were thinking, but was still thinking whether the ear looked like an old man's, or the ear of a very old man, maybe even older than those old men on Yaowangguan Mountain.

So, who will it be?

"Someone is coming here." Xian Lingpi said suddenly, the other spirits also looked in the direction of the door, Chu Jiu was startled, put down the candle holder quickly, then returned to the bed, and put down the bed curtain.

The ghosts also scattered around the room, and Jiuhua followed Chu Jiu to the bed.

The door was opened, and the dropped bolt was like a decoration. Chu Jiu looked out through the gap, and after seeing the person coming, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Those ghosts also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yan Shu?" Chu Jiu called out softly, thinking that tonight is really lively enough, if it happens again and again, if it continues to be so exciting for a few more days, it will definitely lead to mental weakness.


Yan Shu responded, apparently surprised that Chu Jiu hadn't slept soundly yet, and glanced in Chu Jiu's direction, seeing that there were no shoes on the wooden couch, he immediately widened his eyes: "My lord, what happened?!"

It's all right to sleep with clothes on, why don't you even take off your shoes.

This is unusual and something must have happened.

"It's nothing, I was just scared by someone, I'll talk to you later," Chu Jiu lifted the bed curtain and walked down after speaking.

Walking to Yan Shu's side, seeing that he was a little embarrassed, he looked up and down again, and found that his clothes were stained with dust, and was a little surprised: "Where did you go? How did you make it look like this?"

As a shadow, it is inevitable that dust and the like will touch the body while sneaking, but it is really rare for such yellow mud to be stained on the hem of the boots, not to mention that she remembered that Yan Shu had some cleanliness.


Yan Shu threw a sentence out of the blue, Chu Jiu couldn't help but startled, thinking what the hell was going on.

Then Yan Shu said in detail, it turned out that after he went out this time, he did not choose Zhao's mansion. After Zhao Laide returned to the mansion from the inn, he had been in a restless state, and even asked his servants to give Feng Chengyang to the mansion. All the jewels were moved into the room, and it was only by holding those jewels that he calmed down.

And Zhao Laide's first wife, Zhao Yanshi, was shocked by all this when she entered the door. Although the Zhao family is also a big family, such jewelry is really scary. Looking at those longan-sized pearls and finger-thick agate beads, she immediately Knowing these things means that they sell their wealth, which is not more than half of these things.

Zhao Laide kept asking about the origin of these things. Zhao Laide didn't want to talk about it at first, but after being questioned for a long time, he finally revealed the matter. Zhao Yan's family is a well-known female Zhuge, and her family background is also extremely prominent. She was a prominent family in the Southern Tang Dynasty Yan Dongyan's niece, as soon as she heard what Zhao Laide said, she tried her best to persuade Zhao Laide not to have anything to do with Feng Chengyang, Lu Yao and others, not to risk her own life just for the sake of a little benefit, and listed many Article, analyze it to him.

When Zhao Laide heard this, he just laughed, saying that you are a woman, and naturally you don't understand why I would help because of these small favors in front of me. My purpose is actually the same as theirs, but I am not so I had so much courage to go there in person, that's why I agreed to come down, and I went down the slope to get some benefits from it.

After Zhao Yanshi heard this, she scolded him for being stupid, saying that those two hairy boys could have nothing to gain. Could it be that he still expected to pluck the hair from Lu Yao's money mouse?

Seeing that she didn't believe her, Zhao Laide smiled and leaned into her ear and said something, and Zhao Yanshi was so surprised that he couldn't even close his mouth.

"The Zhao family has patrolling servants walking around, I can't get too close, and the two of them are whispering, so I didn't hear anything, but later I saw that Zhao Laide shook his head, Then Zhao Yanshi pushed him, but in the end the two of them fought, Zhao Laide hit hard and pushed Zhao Yanshi to the edge of the table."

When Yan Shu said this, his eyes were already as cold as ice, and the words he uttered were naturally cold: "Then, Zhao Laide tested Zhao Yan's breath with his hand, and found that she was still breathing, so he pinched her hard. die."

Chu Jiu felt her head hurt a little, she guessed that there was a quarrel between the two, and even guessed that Zhao Laide's wife had passed away, but she didn't expect that Zhao Yan's family was strangled to death by Zhao Laide.

"My lord, when Yan Shu came back, he thought that the death of Zhao Yanshi must be related to what Zhao Laide said in her ear. The two of them must have disagreed, and this happened. I don't know what he said. What is it?" Yan Shu laughed "hehe", and then continued to tell Chu Jiu that Zhao Laide was very panicked after the murder, so he called a servant who was close to him, and together they dragged Zhao Yan's family to the Luan Grave. He wanted to lose it and ran away, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not appropriate, so he dug a pit of not too deep and not too shallow with that servant who was close to him, and buried Zhao Yanshi in a random grave.

Then he hurried to Lu's house with that servant who was close to him, met Lu Gongxian, and told the matter, but Lu Gongxian said, don't be impatient, and asked if anyone else knew, and he said Frankly speaking, there is still a loyal servant who knows about this.

"In the end, Lu Gongxian called the man in, and he didn't know what ecstasy soup he poured into the man. After hearing his words, the man directly crashed to death on the pillar. He really didn't know what happened."

Hearing Yan Shu's dismissive words, Chu Jiu said, "Yan Shu, if one day you know a secret that you shouldn't know, your master is worried that you will tell others the secret, and you will prove your loyalty by dying. "

What's more, it's not just a matter of loyalty. Yan Shu may not have a family, so he can't understand it, but this doesn't guarantee that the servant who killed him also has no family.

Anyway, there is no doubt that you will die, one is suicide, the boss will tell everyone that you died in an accident because of loyalty, and will give your family a pension, and you will be buried in a grand burial, and the other is that you were killed without even finding the body.

He would naturally choose the former.

(End of this chapter)

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