The Word of Doomsday Rebirth

Chapter 205 Where is Nangong Sixiao?

Chapter 205 Where is Nangong Sixiao?
The lineup is indeed impressive.

But Jiang Yunqi's decision, in the eyes of outsiders, is tantamount to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

The boss of the northern base only took 28 people to the southern base, which is no different from breaking in alone.

Cheng Ci and Jiang Yunqi are equal in strength.

However, although the number of members in the southern base is not as large as that of the northern base, they are finer.

All members of the South Base, whether temporary, long-term or odd jobs.

Except for children under the age of ten, all are above level three.

The two people guarding the gate of the base have level [-], and the others are also level [-].

Jiang Yunqi naturally knew all the doubts that Duan Rufeng could think of.

But Jiang Yunqi didn't say anything, instead he changed the subject, that's when he made up his mind.

Regarding this, Duan Rufeng naturally wouldn't explain it clearly.

"It's not too late for that, I hope we can start now."

Jiang Yunqi nodded, opened the car door, "Wait a moment."

Duan Rufeng watched Jiang Yunqi go out, summoned Zhou Ji and others, and was in the process of telling them about this matter, and it might take another 10 minutes.

Duan Rufeng withdrew his gaze and looked aside at Ji Ji, who was a little lazy and unable to lift his spirits.

Since Wu Zhi left, this guy has become like this.

All day and night, it's peaceful and quiet.

Occasionally in a daze, I went out to look for Wu Zhi every day, from dawn to dusk, and upgraded my abilities at night, and sometimes followed Cheng Ci, busy running around in the laboratory, even forgetting to eat.

Except for a few of them, no one knows how the southern base was established within two months, and became famous within a month, almost shoulder to shoulder with the northern base.

They walked all the way from Beiming base to the south.

Encountered big and small things along the way.

Cheng Ci conquered a small base directly with the momentum of thunder, and then expanded the scale by more than ten times in two months to establish the southern base.

Those two months were a nightmarish memory.

They sent people to find Wu Zhi's whereabouts.

Dizzy and dizzy while busy distracting.

Cheng Ci tried to stay in the planning room for two consecutive weeks. During those two weeks, he only ate one meal a day, or even didn't eat. For nearly half a month, there was a new construction plan every day.

He, Ji Ji, Du Qiufeng, and Hu Chaoshan were so busy every day that they didn't even have time to eat. The new instructions had just been sent out, and the latest instructions came again.

The speed was so fast that he even wondered if Cheng Ci was possessed by a robot.

But the effect is indeed improving rapidly visible to the naked eye.

The coverage of the southern base is getting bigger and bigger. In just two months, it has successfully become the largest base in the south.

Surpassed Beiming Base.

And the combat power of the southern base also managed to rank first among all the southern bases in those two months.

During that time, the people in the base had to go out to kill zombies almost every day, and the crystal cores they earned did not need to be handed over, they only needed to upgrade themselves.

If the ability user over ten years old cannot reach the third level or above within a month, he will be expelled from the base.

During that time, everyone was desperate.

Later, in just one month, the combat power of the southern base became famous, and the other bases also gradually withdrew their edge, not daring to compete with it for glory.

Everything is slowly getting better.

But those few of them knew.

Everyone is still worried about Wu Zhi's matter.

Duan Rufeng sighed slightly.

Not to mention Chengci, the biggest change is the season and Zhongqi.

"Qi, have you drunk water today?"

Ji Ji shook his head when he heard the words, "I drank it."

It was quiet again in the car.

After a while, Season's slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"I'll drink when I'm thirsty, you don't have to keep staring at me."

Duan Rufeng looked over, only seeing half of his profile.

He changed the topic.

"What dessert do you want? I recently learned a new one."

Ji Ji shook his head, "What's so delicious about sweet and greasy, forget it."

The car was quiet again.

Knowing that Jiang Yunqi got into the car again.

Zhou Ji and Wu Gui followed him into the car.

"He, Zhou Ji, he, Wu Gui."

Jiang Yunqi briefly introduced the two of them.

Duan Rufeng and Season nodded.

"Duan Rufeng."


Duan Rufeng, Ji Ji and Zhou Ji sat in the back seat.

Duan Rufeng, "Can we leave now?"

Jiang Yunqi nodded, "Let's go immediately."

Wu Gui took the lead and steadily drove to the southern base according to the route pointed out by Duan Rufeng.

Followed by five military vehicles.

Counting backwards in turn, they are cloud one cloud two cloud three cloud four cloud five teams.

Six cars, one after the other.

The sun went down, and the orange-red sunset scattered all over the sky, beautiful and hazy.

The car was heading towards the setting sun, and gradually turned into a small black spot that could not be seen clearly.


Wu Zhi didn't know these things.

After she left, she went to look for Nangong Sixiao.

But after several months of searching, Nangong Sixiao seemed to have evaporated from the world, and she couldn't see her at all.

"Qingmeng, can you feel it?"

Qing Meng shook her head, and flicked her two braids slightly in the air.

"Qingmeng can't feel that woman's breath."

Wu Zhi stood on the roof, frowning.

"I've been looking for this for several months. Where can Nangong Sixiao go?"

"Wait! Qingmeng seems to feel a little bit!"

Wu Zhi was not too surprised.

In the past few months since looking for Nangong Sixiao, Qing Meng has said this sentence more than a dozen times, and every time it is false news.

Qing Meng sniffed in that direction, and the fragrance of roses came out.

"Wu Zhi! Which forest is that woman in!"

Wu Zhi raised her eyes slightly, "Qingmeng, are you sure?"

Qing Meng nodded seriously, "Yes! This time Qing Meng can't go wrong! It's that woman's breath!"

Wu Zhi picked up Qing Meng and walked quietly into the forest.

Unavoidable to startle the snake, Wu Zhi walked very carefully along the way, and also gave Qing Meng time to talk with other plants.

Qing Meng asked the little tree and flower in the forest.

"Have you ever seen a woman? Delicate, black-haired!"

"Who are you talking about? We've seen a lot of women!"

"Yes yes! Not only black hair! There are purple hair, yellow hair, green hair... oh! There are no hair!"

Qing Meng shook her head, "No! It's just a black long-haired one, she may be wearing a black skirt, have you seen it?"

"We've seen one in a black dress, but she has short hair."

"Yes, we've seen one with long hair! But her hair is curly!"

"Me, me, me! I saw a woman, exactly like you said!"

Qing Meng's eyes lit up, she looked at the little flower, "Then where is she now? Do you know?"

The little flower shook its petals, "No, no, no, she is dead, a level five zombie caught her, and she became a zombie, and then left here, I never saw her again. "

Qing Meng was a little anxious, "Oh! It's not like this! It's not like this!"

Their conversation didn't make Wu Zhi stop.

Those little flowers and trees are all IQs in childhood, and it is useless to ask.

But she won't dampen Qingmeng's enthusiasm.

Qing Meng is also very smart, when she thinks about it, she will come to ask Wu Zhi, and Wu Zhi will explain to her, and then she will understand.

The deeper you go in the forest, the fewer zombies.

When you first came in, you would meet a few zombies, but when you got to the back, there were almost none.

(End of this chapter)

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