infinite multiverse

Chapter 308 Dragon Boat Festival, I want it to rain

Chapter 308 Dragon Boat Festival, I want it to rain
"Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat races, and temple fairs~" Since Yang Chan came to Yuhang County with Xu Hao, only today is the happiest.

Because Xu Hao finally closed the bookstore and decided to go out for a whole day.

They went to Qiantang River to watch dragon boats during the day, and he also received an invitation card. As the owner of a bookstore, Xu, let alone whether he has made money recently, but if he can open a shop in this kind of land, he is a rich man.

Naturally, he wants to donate some charitable money. As for who to donate to, it goes without saying...

As for the night, you have to go to the temple fair. Of course, you can also take the opportunity to see the river lanterns all over the river. Presumably at night, the entire Qiantang River will be more dazzling.

In ancient times, the common people attached great importance to festivals.

Under normal circumstances, even in a prosperous area like Jiangnan, there are not as many pedestrians on the streets of Yuhang County as in the TV series. After all, there are only a few rich people.

And rich people don't always go shopping, they often just send their servants to finish shopping.

But how can ordinary people with no money spend all their time shopping, they are all working part-time jobs, busy earning money to support their lives, okay...

So the normal situation is that whenever there is a festival in ancient times.

It is the day when you can really feel the prosperity of the ancient dynasty.

Crowds of people, firecrackers all over the sky is not a joke...

At least there must be a lot of people on the Dragon Boat Festival.

Especially in today's Tang Dynasty in the world of immortals, it is in its heyday.

Visiting temple fairs is a religious activity of both Taoism and Buddhism, not only Buddhist temples can hold temple fairs, but also Taoist temples.

Both have a lot of religious activities. One is to allow believers to donate silver to build more Taoist temples and temples.

The second is to compete for believers and attract the masses.

The Dragon Boat Festival is originally a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan.

But Taoism and Buddhism also began to pay homage to this festival, and even combined stories with gods and Buddhas, making the momentum even bigger and more eye-catching...

Ever since, those unorganized people, the farmers who worked hard in the countryside, would put down their hoes and come to the temple fair in droves. At least they still have a goal.

At the same time, people also naturally integrate the crazy temple fair with the Dragon Boat Festival, and even regard it as a habit or even a custom that cannot be changed for thousands of years.

And when Taoist temples and Buddhist temples become people's gathering places, it will be more conducive to Taoism and Buddhism to attract more believers.

Xu Hao saw all this clearly, but he didn't mean to tell the truth, so he took the happy Yang Chan and closed the door of the bookstore together, closing the bookstore's most profitable day...

West Lake Broken Bridge.

In the past, there was not even a shadow of a person.

Under the big locust tree at the door, apart from Old Man Yang and Old Man Song who were playing chess, there were no spectators. Today, the two played chess again, but they were surrounded by a group of spectators.

I don't know whether they have played chess or not, and they are directing blindly anyway, but the two old men are also happy to see this. After all, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone should smile, and a happy holiday is the best of.

Thousands of miles of clear sky.

The Dragon King of West Lake seemed to know that Xu Shangxian was going to visit the temple fair, so he really didn't even dare to sneeze.

Just as Xu Hao and Yang Chan were walking towards the Qiantang River, a middle-aged man in purple robes came over to say hello: "Young Master Xu, are you going to the Qiantang River?"

Xu Hao glanced at the West Lake Dragon King, and couldn't help laughing: "How many Dragon Boat Festivals have you passed? Even if you haven't passed it, you should be tired of it. Why come to accompany me in person? If you have this time, why not spend time with me?" Go get your children together and teach them well that everything in the world has spirits, don’t think that you can be unscrupulous because you have great supernatural powers!”

"Then... Xiaolong will resign now, and don't bother Mr. Xu anymore!" The Dragon King of West Lake is a 500-year-old dragon, not too old, and his realm is only a mere Nascent Soul.

He dared to appear in the human world in such a state, if he hadn't been canonized by the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, some monks would have had cramps and skinned him long ago, and he would have eaten what he needed to eat and practiced.

Before leaving, the Dragon King of West Lake also heaved a sigh of relief. This man had just arrived in Yuhang County, and his mountain-like aura scared him to death. He was huddled in the mud of the West Lake for three days without daring to show his head, especially since he lived at the gate of the West Lake. .

He was afraid that this true god in the sky would be in a bad mood, so he would kill him, and even Tang Emperor Li Shimin would not be able to reason with him...

But after getting in touch with him recently, he found that this fairy didn't have so many things to do, and he seemed to come to experience the world of mortals.

And the reason why the momentum was released that day was just to tell him that I am coming, so you are the dragon coiling up for me, and the tiger lying down for me, so be honest.

The Dragon King of West Lake sighed deeply, this kind of god is the best, what he fears most is the guy who pretends to be a mortal, pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and he has no place to reason when he dies.

Dragon King, how many people do not make mistakes...

It is a pity.

Xu Hao never liked trouble, and he didn't want to complicate some very simple things. All his actions and language, even fighting, were very concise!
Otherwise, why some people can't become immortals for thousands of years, but he has already reached the realm of true immortals at the age of 40 or [-]?
Just because of those idiots!

"Becoming a Great Luo Jinxian at the age of one hundred is my little goal for Xu Hao!" Xu Shangxian talked to himself for a while, but Yang Chan didn't hear it, or she had already run away and disappeared.

There are so many interesting little things in the world. Yang Chan practiced hard in the deep mountains in her early years, and Yang Jian became Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Zhenjun. She also ascended to the sky in one step, and then lived in Wuyue Huashan for hundreds of years. How could she have seen so many interesting things? thing.

Xu Hao, who was dressed in a white-clothed scholar's attire, would naturally attract the attention of many ladies and daughters when he was walking alone. After all, there are many handsome people, so handsome that after one glance, he couldn't help but want to take a second look. There is really no man who even wants to see a lifetime!
It seems that there is only a bookstore owner in the rumors...

And the Xuanming Zhenjun who can take Chang'e down to the mortal world is so handsome...

Xu Shangxian's mind is calm, his thoughts are clear, and he is unmoved by the admiration of many women!
It's not that he regards all women as pink skeletons, it's just that there is a woman in the family who knows the Sunflower Book, which is too fierce.

He has been skeptical.

He was terrified of how much skill his second brother could inherit from his indestructible body. After all, the embroidery needles refined from vibrating gold and Adamantium alloys were too sharp...


Just one woman made him lose hundreds of millions of elite soldiers, and he was like a sick child all day long. He couldn't die with two daughters-in-law...

Xu Hao, who was a little confused in his thoughts, walked all the way to the Qiantang River, only to find two women who were also attracting attention.

The woman in white is peerless, and the moon is ashamed.

The girl in Tsing Yi, Xiaojia Biyu, is charming and charming.

Each has its own spring and autumn, each with its own style.

At that moment, the two also looked at Xu Hao who was alone...

The man faces east, and the two women face west.

Until the man was about to walk over calmly.

The woman in white suddenly chuckled: "Young master, you look familiar."

"Oh." Xu Hao turned his head, pretending to be surprised, and said, "Miss, have you ever bought a book in my bookstore?"

"No." Bai Suzhen shook her head in a gentle manner, "However, I have been boating on the West Lake, and I saw that you seem to be giving an umbrella to a person who was drenched in the rain. You are very kind."

"Actually, I can be more kind. If the girl is caught in the rain, she can go to my bookstore to take shelter from the rain and have a sip of hot tea!"

"Then Bai Suzhen is looking forward to the day when it rains."

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. How about the heavy rain for Lord Dragon?" Xu Hao shouted towards the West Lake as if to say hello.



There was a clap of thunder in the clear sky.

After just a few breaths, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the downpour of rain fell, and the people were drenched into drowned chickens, with no place to hide...

(End of this chapter)

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