Chapter 585

Facing the "Fisketeers" led by the god-killing Wei Wuji, Earl Crags had been terrified for a long time. On this battlefield with a radius of only two miles, Earl Crags watched the fellow Austrians of his troops. While watching the battle of Lafyar's troops, he watched the battle on the frontal battlefield.

The cavalry unit on the frontal battlefield suffered a devastating blow. More than 2000 remaining cavalrymen were killed and more than 1000 were killed. Seven or eight hundred people fled. The lord's army was also defeated. Impulsive, but seeing that his infantry unit still has more than 800 people, and he is still hesitating when he is about to completely defeat Count Olaf's Nord army.

But when his infantry was killed by the enemy four to five hundred at a time like cutting wheat, wherever the "Musketeers" hit, the infantry would disperse and retreat. He immediately ordered the cavalry of several lords and earls The troops rushed forward with the intention of disrupting the enemy's position. As long as they rushed in front of the enemy, the enemy's crossbowmen who were not equipped with swords and shields would definitely be confused.

At the same time, he mobilized many infantry who could not participate in the attack on Earl Olaf's infantry to surround the crossbowmen with only more than 200 people.

At the same time, he dispatched the remaining elite snipers from the Kingdom of Swadia to fight against the enemy. With the superiority of troops, he really caused a lot of damage to the "Musketeers".

Chen Faqiao's troops collapsed, which cost the "Fisketeers" more than 300 people. However, when Zhang Qiang's cavalry rushed over, the "Fiskeens" quickly stabilized their position, and the magic arm crossbow commanded by Wei Wuji was left behind. The troops and the high-level crossbowmen commanded by Tianci were reintegrated. With the participation of the crossbowmen of Delangton and Francie who were covering them, they separated the distance from the enemy again and resumed their attack on the enemy.

However, at this distance, the enemy's high-level crossbowmen, even though they are few and scattered, can still cause damage to the "Musketeers". The infantry used it. They threw away their crossbows, took off the shields on their backs, rushed up to protect the flanks, and firmly withstood the impact of Earl Crags' infantry.

The arrival of Zhang Qiang's cavalry drove off Earl Crags' cavalry and the lord's general guard, and the two sides fought together.

The balance of victory gradually tilted towards Zhang Qiang's side. Even if there were less than [-] "Musketeers" left, they still inflicted heavy damage on the enemy, especially after the enemy's crossbowmen were severely injured, those infantrymen almost rushed forward to shoot them targets. of.

And some time later, when James braved the siege of the Earl of Harlangoth's infantry, he broke through the siege, took two carts of crossbow bolts and sent the urgently needed crossbow bolts to the "Musketeers" under the escort of the Fatis cavalry. At that time, the enemy no longer had the courage to fight with them.

They all fled.

At dusk, the cheers of the troops returning to the castle shook the mottled dust on the castle wall and fell down.

After two days and one night of fighting, less than 6000 troops completely defeated the 4000 army led by Earl Crags at the cost of [-] casualties.

Captured the Earl of Rutgers again, and at the same time captured the Earl of Montville, the Earl of Reyes, the Viscount Lewis, the Earl of Varicion, the Earl of Dagrana, the Earl of Daige William, and the Earl of Ashgan, and he was forced to Join the Swadian Empire.

This time Zhang Qiang almost captured half of the lords and earls of the Swadia Empire.There's even their queen.

Earl Harlengoth saw that Earl Crags's army was showing signs of defeat, and immediately ran away with the remaining hundreds of troops.

Earl Crags, who was fighting Zhang Qiang on the battlefield, was furious, and then fled on his horse.

The enemy was defeated, but there were 500 seriously wounded and 1000 lightly wounded, and the only remaining intact people were the low-level logistics soldiers and farmers in the castle who did not participate in the battle.

Even Zhang Qiang was injured.

But Zhang Qiang couldn't wait any longer, and left James here to deal with the wounded and post-war affairs. He brought the logistics troops, Fatis' cavalry troops, general guards, and the "Musketeers" of more than 120 people. More than 300 people marched towards Halma, he wanted to take the city of Halma and increase some bargaining chips for himself.

As for worrying that Earl Crags will come back, don’t worry about it. It is estimated that he lost at least 3000 troops this time, and only 3000 people can escape. His morale has been demoralized by the beating. According to Zhang Qiang and Earl Olaf's guess, there will be no more troops to attack the castle in the short term.

According to this, the city of Halma is less than [-] kilometers away.

After running wildly all night, Halma City had arrived at noon.

At this time, Halma City seemed to be fine, the gates were wide open, businesses were operating normally, and caravans were still coming in and out.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Qiang rushed into the city with Fatis' cavalry without even thinking about it. The gate guards were killed before they could resist.

Zhang Qiang stayed to guard the city gate, waiting for the infantry troops to come up from behind. Fatis led hundreds of cavalry to rampage in the enemy's city, which greatly attracted the attention of the enemy guards and relieved Zhang Qiang's trouble of guarding the city gate.

In less than half an hour, when the infantry troops rushed into the city, Harma City was finally occupied by Zhang Qiang's troops after two hours of fierce fighting.

A messenger was sent to ask James to lead the troops behind to meet. Zhang Qiang sat in the hall of the lord of Halma City and met the nobles and councilors in the city.

After showing the king's ring granted by King Halaus, Zhang Qiang successfully obtained their allegiance, and after the city guards killed more than 300 people and dispersed more than 700 people, more than 600 people surrendered to Zhang Qiang.

The flag of the Kingdom of Swadia was raised on the head of Halma City, and Zhang Qiang's noble flag was hung at the gate of the city.

Count Olaf came in, sat down on Zhang Qiang, grabbed the chicken legs on the table and gnawed, picked up the silver jug ​​used by Count Ashokan, and gulped down the Veruga wine.

Wei Wuji walked in, "Oh, I'm a miserable person. I've been busy for several hours, and I haven't even drank any saliva, yet you guys are eating and drinking here."

Zhang Qiang threw a pig's trotter to him.

He asked casually, "Has the city settled down?"

Wei Wuji replied vaguely: "Well, settle down... Well, the six hundred city guards have joined us, but don't expect their combat effectiveness to be high. They are all first-level ordinary infantry. The two hundred crossbowmen captured are only second-level crossbowmen, it’s okay to guard the city for a while, but it’s too difficult for them to talk about field battles.”

"What about in prison?" Zhang Qiang mopped his mouth and asked.

"Well, there are quite a few people in the prison, all of whom are soldiers from our territory. There are about 500 people. It is estimated that Earl Dagrana put all the soldiers captured from our territory here, but Earl Asogan All the soldiers have been transferred away." Wei Wuji replied.

"Hmph, they launched our ambush in a hurry. How could there be so many troops in this area? Earl Crags brought at most 6000 men. They are still fighting Earl Grainward and King Harlaus in that direction. I guess the troops in this direction are the strength of the six earls. Now, they have drawn out all the soldiers in the city. That’s okay, we can quickly regain our original territory. I guess they are occupied It is estimated that there are not many soldiers guarding our castles."

Wei Wuji said, "That's true."

Count Olaf raised his head, "Then let me help you take Lana City." Zhang Qiang looked up at him, and Count Olaf said, "Don't mind, my son and I already have Fort Alamera and Gamic Fort, I won't want your Lana City anymore. I'm just stating my position."

Zhang Qiang smiled, touched his chin and thought about it, and let Count Olaf return to his territory after the city of Lana was defeated, and then transferred Bundak and Mathilde back, their strength and himself stayed in the castle of Count Olaf and his son There are also about [-] troops inside, just to guard Lana City, and then use all the mobile forces to attack the city and regain the city in this area.

As for Earl Dilinard, he must be given some benefits. It is better to let King Harolds seal the Uluzdak Castle to him, and propose it on his own initiative. With the help of Earl Glenward, I believe King Harolds will He will not be able to see the situation clearly, even if he has lost to Earl Crags in a row with his recent dizzy moves.

"Fatis, go to the city to recruit mercenaries, recruit all the mercenaries that can be recruited," Zhang Qiang said to Fatis who had just returned from Halma City.

"Yes, Lord Earl." Fatis quickly turned around and went out to carry out Zhang Qiang's order.

They rested overnight in Halma City. James and the others had already entered the city and rested for a while.

All the personnel have already entered the city, and the wounded and seriously wounded are resettled on the spot. There are more than 2000 troops in Halma City, but these have no combat effectiveness. The combat effectiveness is only the more than 800 people in Halma City anyway. Dry the earl's city guard.

But Zhang Qiang was not worried, he left Francie to defend the city, and headed towards Lana City with the reorganized [-] troops.

Among them were Count Olaf's [-] infantry and archers, who had supplemented many mercenary forces.

The city of Lana has fallen, but Earl Degrana's people have not digested it properly, so they were transferred away by Earl Crags. The soldiers guarding the city were the former Zhang Qiang's city guards who surrendered, and Earl Olaf was in charge. Attack Lana City, while Zhang Qiang is responsible for attacking Fort Ahuen.

Overnight, the two castles returned to Zhang Qiang one after another.

The liberated two castles provided Zhang Qiang with 1000 troops. After all, Zhang Qiang had many soldiers here, especially the militia. Among them were more than [-] elite soldiers of the third rank. They were all captured and imprisoned. Soldiers inside.

As soon as he came out, he immediately joined Zhang Qiang's team.

After resting for two days, leaving Earl Olaf to guard the city, Zhang Qiang led more than 6000 troops towards Lunvadia Fort, sweeping up the small groups of troops left by the enemy in the villages in Zhang Qiang's territory along the way, all of them were those who did not participate in the battle. During the war, the knights of the Swadia Empire gathered about 8000 militiamen, and more than [-] people marched to the castle of Lumwadia.

Before Zhang Qiang attacked the city, Earl Dispin slipped away with his troops.

Zhang Qiang left Chen Zhiqiang to defend the city, and the rescued troops increased by another 3000 people.

After returning to Lana City for supplies, they drove to Fort Malaga in a mighty manner. It took two days to make siege equipment, and it took three days. More than 2000 militiamen died, and two hundred elite soldiers took down The lord of Malagburg, the lord of Kujit, the Malagburg guarded by Nayan Yimiza, regained the castle of Zhang Qiang's territory and rescued the captured Lesarit knight.

Leaving [-] militiamen to guard the city, Zhang Qiang led an army of [-] and marched towards Dremag Castle again, preparing to meet with Viscount Rogerson who was guarding there.

(End of this chapter)

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