Chapter 544
In the distance, the knights of the Kingdom of Swadia hidden behind the hills quietly waited for the time when the Nords and Vigians were exhausted.

The Nords have fewer troops, even fewer scouts, and they have a lot of loopholes in reconnaissance. They also know their current situation. As long as they can't take Dekiosburg for a day, they will have to worry about it for a day. Rudaburg and Dekiosburg are too close. They can run back and forth almost in a day and night, so they may be wiped out in the wild by the powerful Swadian kingdom at any time.

So their attention was all on Dekiosburg, and they didn't expect that the army of the Swadia Kingdom had quietly lurked in the surrounding hills and woods.

At this time, Zhang Qiang had left behind a thousand soldiers and some wounded, and with a large force, Ruda Castle, which was hastily abandoned by the Nords, set off for Deqiosberg with more than 900 soldiers.

Previously, Zhang Qiang asked Lesarite to return to the territory to bring five hundred elites to supplement his loss of troops. When he walked halfway, Lesarite met him, and Rolf, who was traveling with him, had the commanding skills of an earl. It is guaranteed to bring five hundred elite soldiers. Otherwise, although Lesarit is a heroic knight with high commanding power under Zhang Qiang, he was born as a soldier. Maybe he is the second son of a noble in the outer world continent, no, yes The third son also belongs to the nobility, but in the continent of Calradia, he is a soldier, at most a soldier instructor. He is good at training soldiers and guarding castles. It is more than enough to be the commander of the city guards, and to be a general , he is not good enough, but Rolf has that ability.

How can I say that he is also the earl who once helped the Rolf family conquer the world? His brother Ragnar is even the king. He has fought for many years without losing the wind, so although his brother has lost his ambition and is willing to be mediocre, his ability is still there, and it is not difficult at all to lead five hundred soldiers.

The troops of both sides met in the village of the subsidiary territory of Deqiosberg near Deqiosburg between Rudabao and Deqiosburg. This was the place Zhang Qiang agreed with them.

Entering Tosdell Village, the villagers here closed their doors and windows one after another, and peeked at the armies of both sides from the gaps in the doors and windows. Deqiosburg used to be the territory of the Kingdom of Swadia, and was later captured by the Kingdom of Kugit. Before the capture, In line with the principle of weakening the enemy's war potential, the Kugits plundered the village. Although they did not slaughter the entire village, it was almost the same. Fleeing and dying, there were not many Swadians.

Later, some villages became the territory of Kujit. Most of the people who came here were refugees, and the Swadians were the majority, but there were also some people from other kingdoms who lost their homes because of the war. The Kujit later migrated. A lot of people came here, so the villagers here are mostly Swadians, followed by Kujit people, and there are also many people from other kingdoms. Later, this place became the territory of the Vekia Kingdom. As the rule deepened, the population base of the Kugits increased, and the number of people from the Swadians and other kingdoms became less. When the Wikis came, of course they killed the Kugits first, so the Kugits became Less, more Vikirians.

During the war between Swadia and Nord, the population here began to drop sharply. Because of the continuation of the war, many people fled, so it looks dilapidated at the moment, with barren fields, few livestock, and skinny bones. In some places, the corpses of fallen soldiers and villagers can be seen exposing the mud, which looks terrifying, and the ground is full of mosquitoes and flies.

In general, because it is the inherent territory of the Swadian Kingdom, more Swadians come back, but their current identity is Vikia, with Swadian faces. Well, the Vekia Kingdom has not ruled here for a long time. With the personality of Kumbha, he doesn’t care where you are except for collecting taxes. Therefore, when the Swadian army enters here, they will Without knowing who would win, he still timidly hid at home, not daring to come out.

Hu Yan and Diligangyar's troops were in a hurry, so they passed by here and did not enter the village, and did not carry out massacres or anything, but their team must have been discovered by the name of the village here, and they were the same as Kumba's The battle was also known to the villagers of Tosdell Village.

It sounds confusing, but it's actually very simple. It's a battle between three families. When you finish the fight, we small people will wait for your scout cavalry to pass the letter. Whoever wins will rule this place. We have no opinion. Whoever comes will not be able to pay taxes , that’s how it is anyway.

What are the benefits of Zhang Qiang?

The advantage is that Zhang Qiang also represents the Kingdom of Swadia. This is the former inherent territory of the Kingdom of Swadia. Therefore, he will not receive any cold treatment here, and the troops can rest and station here.

The troops of the two sides met here, and Lesarit and Rolf came to see Zhang Qiang. Lesarit said: "My lord, this time I went back and brought five hundred elite soldiers, most of whom were above the third rank. There are more crossbowmen, because you said that these two castles should be taken down, no, it should be said that three castles, we have already captured Kelledan Castle, and we always need people to guard it.

Hero Rolf said that it is better to bring more crossbowmen. When attacking a city or defending a city, crossbowmen are always more useful than cavalry. The next step is infantry, because we are still facing the Kujit Khanate and There is a danger of flank attacks from the Kujit Kingdom and other territories of the Kujit Kingdom, so we brought a little less infantry and stayed to defend the city. We brought some more militiamen. "

Zhang Qiang nodded towards Rolf and smiled, expressing his approval of his opinion.

Lesarite continued to report: "So, we brought 100 elite soldiers, more than 200 cavalry, 200 infantry, [-] crossbowmen, and [-] militiamen. These people can serve as three soldiers. The defenders of the castle, the city guards, can liberate many of our elite soldiers for field battles with the enemy."

Zhang Qiang was very happy, this way he had 300 more soldiers, and with his [-] elite soldiers, he had nearly [-] soldiers. Earl Aguer led another [-] soldiers to ambush in Deqiosburg Outside the city, he was preparing to attack the city. When Deqiosburg was captured, his troops would be more powerful than when he started the expedition.

It made him happy.

Having enough troops will allow him to gain more benefits, such as operating these three castles and making this territory his territory.

After resting for a few hours, the scout sent back the battle report of Deqiosburg. Zhang Qiang didn't dare to wait any longer, and led the troops to prepare to leave. When he left, he called on the village chief and promised to leave a small group of first-rank soldiers behind. After helping the village to train the militia, he gained the favor of the village chief and improved the relationship with Tosdell Village. At the same time, he gained 3000 Wikiyans to join the army, so that his total strength really became [-].

Now Zhang Qiang is an earl, and he is the official of the Kingdom of Swadia, so he no longer needs to do the task of the village chief repeatedly like being a knight, to improve the relationship with the village, and the way of doing tasks has also changed. He can already exchange benefits with the other party, instead of training the militia himself, buying cattle, killing robbers, such a tiring way of improving relations.

At dawn, Zhang Qiang's troops approached Deqi Osberg, and there was black smoke in the sky over Deqi Osberg, with messy footprints, ruts, horseshoe marks, and even branches and straws that were trampled by large troops. Traces of the war.

Slowly approaching, constantly receiving reports from scouts.

(End of this chapter)

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