Chapter 526
Three days later, the flag was unfurled, the armor was bright, the scout cavalry cleared the way, and the power searched for a range of ten miles. Fatis led a group of heavy cavalry from the Kingdom of Swadia to guard Zhang Qiang's general guard. Sam Knight, Simon Knight, Lai Key Knights, led by three teams of knights, followed the protection, Caitlin, and Bundak led a team of infantry to escort the wedding bonus and items for Rod Laboye's daughter. A total of more than 1000 troops followed to Wikipedia Kulau City, the Marquis of Asia.

Behind him, Earl Glenward's [-] elite troops accompanied him and set off from Lana City in a mighty manner.

The residents of the newly restored settlements along the road, which had formed a small village of a hundred people, lined the road to see off, looking eagerly at their beloved lord, Earl Zhang Qiang, who was going to be engaged to their future countess.

Beside a road in a settlement, several people sat together, looked at Zhang Qiang's luxurious cold weapon generation team from a distance, and said enviously: "Damn reactionaries, damn feudalism, oppressing us poor people!" People, look at how nourishing their lives are.”

"Don't mention it, you are now a resident of their territory, and even your people are their property. If you don't want to be a resident of their territory, you can go to other places!"

"Huh, where are you going? This world is the world of feudal aristocrats. We cannot enjoy rights and benefits, but can only accept their charity. No, we must launch a revolution to overthrow this feudal system and establish our modern world system so that Everyone enjoys rights, everyone has food and clothing, and everyone can be a high-ranking official."

"Hmph, you have a fever. Unless you become an outlaw, it's just a dream for you to turn over."

Another voice said: "If you can't resist, just enjoy it. He is also a commoner in the real world. I heard that he is still a wage earner who is not as good as us. We are the world's elite with higher education. Can't we climb higher than him? ?”

"You mean it's not that we change the world, but that we adapt to the world?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. What is the greatest benefit of human beings? Maybe we have forgotten that it is adaptation. According to Darwin's theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest, human beings survive because they adapt to the world. If it is not adaptation, then human beings may perish like all species. Therefore, competing with a mature feudal world is tantamount to mantising a cart and overreaching. What we need is not benefit? If we can gain benefit, Why should we fight against him stupidly? What can we gain? Just like the older generation of our party, they struggled all their lives and got nothing. What is left is for future generations to enjoy. Life is short and hurried. Why bother to bump into eggs and stones for the so-called ideals? It’s better to have fun in time.”


Several people were still discussing, but Zhang Qiang didn't know what the traversers were thinking, he had already flown his heart to Kulau City.

Kurau City is more than 500 kilometers away from Fort Lunvadia, and it will take three days at the fastest to get there, seven or eight days slower, so he is anxious, and he has nothing to give his wife in the real world. But now, he can give his wife in the game world what she wants, identity, status, castle, territory, all of which satisfy her, and the father-in-law is also satisfied.

It can be said that he has reached the pinnacle of his life in the game world, and he is already very satisfied.

When passing through the city of Zhivading, even King Jaloger, who had returned to recruit soldiers in a hurry, went out of the city to see him off and congratulate him.

Zhang Qiang hovered outside the city of Zhiwadin for an afternoon, and reached an agreement with King Jaloger of Vikia. After getting married, he sent Viscount Rogerson's team to help King Jaloger fight the Nords. This will not offend the Nords, because the Kingdom of Swadia is also at war with the Nords.

The guarantee obtained is that once the relationship between the Swadia Kingdom and the Vekia Kingdom deteriorates and is in a state of war, considering his relationship with the Vekia Marquis, the Vekia Kingdom will not attack his territory.

He also promised that he would not take the initiative to launch a war against any city in the Vikia kingdom unless he followed the army to fight, or the Vikia lord plundered the villages in his territory.

The success of the diplomacy with King Jaloger bought time for the development of Zhang Qiang's territory.

Through King Jaloger, Zhang Qiang knew the current war situation between Vikia and the Nord Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Vikia has just launched a battle to recover Bruga Castle, and the army and the Nords are inseparable from the battle at Bruga Castle.

The war between the Kingdom of Swadia and the Kingdom of Nord is still going on, but Ruda Castle is no longer a battlefield. The Kingdom of Swadia regained Ruda Castle with heavy losses. The two sides fought inextricably within a range of [-] kilometers near Kelledan Castle. The expeditionary Swadia army could only rely on Ruda Castle to fight against the Nord guerrillas.

Fort Kelridan was run by the Nords like an iron bucket. Several storms resulted in heavy casualties. The Nords' defense was nothing to say. Where did the Kingdom of Swadia stumble? Now they can only do guerrilla warfare, harassing the Nords in Fort Kelridan, and many lords went to the Nordland to plunder the Nord villages and let the war burn to the Nord hinterland.

But there is nothing for Zhang Qiang, because his strength has not yet recovered, and he is facing the pressure that the Kujit can come back at any time. Even the Marshal Earl Crags of the Kingdom of Swadia has no idea. Let him help in combat.

A few days later, Zhang Qiang arrived at Kulau City, where lights and festoons were already decorated, and it was very lively. Rod Laboye went ten miles out of the city and went to Sambuga Village to meet Earl Zhang Qiang's team.

After a few words of pleasantries, Rod Laboye said seriously: "It is the tradition of the Calradia continent to use marriage to strengthen our alliance. I am very happy, Earl Zhang Qiang, to find someone like you for my daughter." Mr. Ruyi, we are about to hold an engagement ceremony, I wonder if you are ready?"

Zhang Qiang said respectfully: "Yes, His Majesty King Rodella, I think the bride price I brought is enough to make you feel that your daughter is married to the right person."

"Hahaha, Earl Zhang Qiang, I like your sincerity, the happiness of you and my daughter will be blessed by me, young man, it is my pride to include you in my family, now let's talk about you and my daughter The conditions of marriage, according to our tradition, the two of us must be able to ensure that Ms. Delina lives well under any circumstances."

Zhang Qiang quickly replied: "I promise, your daughter will live a better and happier life with me than with you."

Rod Laboye smiled and said: "I know this, I have to say, considering the status and status of our two families, I think you will provide a gift money of 100 million gold coins, and I will provide a dowry of 200 million gold coins. In case of disaster, or any other unexpected situation, you can have the capital to survive, or the strength to make a comeback, to ensure her a decent life, because after all, she is the daughter of my King Rodella, and the life of ordinary people is not good. It suits her."

Zhang Qiang said: "I promise, she will not go to that point, and I will not have any accidents."

(End of this chapter)

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