The mighty lord of online games

Chapter 516 The Territory Situation and the Confrontation Between Heroes

Chapter 516 The Territory Situation and the Confrontation Between Heroes
Because of this war, the relationship between Zhang Qiang, Earl Cress and Earl Tesweden, Mamunboye has become much closer, and several of them have become very good friends.

As the lords of the Marquis of Vikia, the relationship between Zhang Qiang and the Marquis of Vikia is also very harmonious, and the two territories have become friendly neighbors who support each other.

After one month, the villages in Zhang Qiang's territory have returned to poor prosperity, and caravans from other kingdoms have begun to return to Zhang Qiang's territory, especially Lana City, where items have become prosperous. .

Contrary to Zhang Qiang's territory, the properties of the two cities of the Kujit Kingdom, Turga and Aichemore, because the Kujit Kingdom is at war with Zhang Qiang's territory, and the trade channel of Kujit is Jiaxi Mountain Pass It is also in a state of being closed by Zhang Qiang's territory, so their commodity circulation is extremely difficult.

The Sajiche Fort Mountain Road was closed by the Marquis of Vikia, and they were at war with the Sultanate of Sarande, and the other distant passage through the Asogang Fort could not pass through the caravan. Due to the defeat of the Kujit Kingdom, There were many complaints, and some plotting lords took the opportunity to make a fortune. They dressed up their soldiers as grassland thieves and bandits, and robbed some weak tribes. They fought against each other because their khan was absent and there was no one to manage them.

The great nobles of the Kujit Kingdom, especially nobles like Sulu Nayan, who did not follow Serji Khan to attack Zhang Qiang’s territory this time, his son-in-law Feng Qingyang and Feng Qingyang’s supporters , escaped very cunningly.

Fleeing back to the Kingdom of Kujit, he encouraged Sulu Nayan to take the opportunity to expand his power and fight against other kingdom lords in order to seize the power of the Kujit Kingdom. Now Sulu Nayan has two castle territories.

The Kingdom of Kujit was at stake. Many lords betrayed Sergi Khan and turned to the Sultanate of Sarande, or the Kingdom of Sarande, and some went to the Marquis of Vikia, but the Marquis of Vikia has no spares The territory was given to them, so more lords went to the Kingdom of Vegia, just to fight against King Jaloger and the Nords.

And Zhang Qiang was considering whether to enter the Kujit Kingdom or attack Halma. To be honest, he didn't want to contact the Salander Kingdom prematurely. Once the border was reached, he would face the threat of war from the Salander Kingdom.

A Kujit kingdom has been torn apart, and it took two years to accumulate [-] troops to fight against the Sultanate of Sarande and himself at the same time, and he narrowly won. The Kingdom of Salander suddenly attacked the city of Halma, what should I do?

The only thing waiting for him is to flee to Palavin City with his tail between his legs, and become a wandering earl. With the expansion of his territory, the improvement of his strength, his status is getting higher and higher, and he has become a member of the ranks of great nobles. The exclusion and vigilance of other nobles, the most vigilant of himself is King Harlaus, a Harengos family is enough for him to deal with, and if Zhang Qiang is added, King Harlaus will definitely go crazy, He joined forces with the Harengos family to eliminate the Kreis family in order to gradually clean up these big nobles who could control him, but he did not expect that in the end, he would become more and more out of his control.

Fighting Deherim City, because Lord Kujit of Deherim City sent reinforcements to the expeditionary army, he also sent a joint combat army to the army of Lord Kujit who attacked Halma before. These troops were all captured by Zhang Qiang and wiped out.

Earl Kles took away about 1 captive soldiers and transformed them into their lord's army that was almost wiped out, and Zhang Qiang also left 1 people to slowly replenish and transform them. These captives were transformed The army was sent out to wipe out the bandits within a radius of [-] kilometers around the entire territory with his [-] troops. Maybe when the bandits were almost wiped out, these soldiers would become his own army.

Those bandits numbered about 4 to 400, and they were distributed within more than [-] kilometers of Zhang Qiang's territory. His immediate general guards went out with [-] troops to jointly suppress the bandits.

Of course, one person cannot command so many troops. He has to call Varicion, Earl Aguer, Viscount Rogerson, and a dozen of his own knights at the same time. This is not enough to command more than 4000 people at the same time. The army can only command more than 6000 people at most, and the rest are scattered to each Zhang Qiang's village territory to patrol and protect the territory.

Because of the bandits, those soldiers and bandits are too rampant, they are more vicious than some mountain bandits, horse bandits, thieves, these criminals.

Under such a strong force, some lords who wanted to plunder across the border all day also shrank back in fright.

On this day, Zhang Qiang led an army of 500 people and had just wiped out a group of Kujit thieves. Most of those thieves were Kujit cavalry who fled during the war, and there were about [-] people.

He led Bundak, Caitlin, and Fatis, the three guys who were originally incompatible.

Of course, the battle is still below. These three guys will definitely be divided into two factions, each fighting each other, and sometimes pointing at each other. However, their behavior was quite annoying at first. Later, in the This kind of boring marching, marching, tracking criminals, then fighting, chasing, continuing to march, encircling, annihilating, boring and frequent battles, they made everyone less lonely.

Seeing Caitlin approaching first, Zhang Qiang said to Zhang Qiang, "My lord, Bundak is a very brave warrior. His crossbow arrows are far and accurate. I have been in danger several times. He always Regardless of your own safety, come to rescue me, what kind of spirit is this?"

Zhang Qiang gave her a white look, I will be very happy if you don’t speak, and you are still discussing with me about Bundak’s spirit, Zhang Qiang really wants to tell him that this is a very stupid behavior, and he doesn’t want to lose such a heroic Bundak A veteran of war.

Bandak is more important to Zhang Qiang than Kaitlyn.

Seeing that Zhang Qiang didn't respond, Caitlin smiled awkwardly, "I should fight frequently, I think after a few fights, my old bones have become very flexible, and I feel several years younger. "

After Caitlin left, Bandak came over again, "My lord, Fatis is really a competent cavalry officer. If it weren't for his cavalry, we crossbowmen might have been hit like dogs by the enemy cavalry. Hit, trampled, turned into a meat paste, I'm happy with his heroic performance, but puzzled by what he did before, sorry for his eyes and actions towards Kaitlyn, I think , as our lord, you should use some people who can make your soldiers get along well, instead of opposing each other, this will weaken the combat effectiveness of our troops."

Zhang Qiang rolled his eyes at him, "Bundak, everyone doing their own thing is the greatest reward for me. I hope you can put your loyalty to me ahead of your mutual accusations, or look down to see what you have done." What shortcomings, look for your own shortcomings, humbly learn from others, maybe you can make greater progress, do you want to be a little soldier all your life?"

(End of this chapter)

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