The mighty lord of online games

Chapter 503 Mobile Cannon, Counterattack 2

Chapter 503 Mobile Cannon, Counterattack 2
Zhang Qiang could clearly see the trajectory of those boulders passing through the air without a telescope.

The loud noise of the moving catapult startled the Kujit, but at first they could not figure out where it was coming from.

Therefore, I stood there dumbfounded.

This is because, where they are, the trebuchets in the city cannot hit them.

Inside the camp, Petrov Seryosha was celebrating his victory in a calm breeze.

"Viscount Feng Qingyang," after staying in the game world for a long time, even these Russians are used to speaking in the game world.

Petrov Seryosha said to Feng Qingyang: "Although we have suffered heavy losses, the losses are all NPCs, and our player team has not lost the slightest loss. It must be said that your persuasion skills have worked. All the time, I was thinking, is this a real alien world, or are we still in the game, how can there be game features, these data and skills sound very fantasy, um, in the words of you Chinese people, It’s just very fantasy, sometimes, I don’t know whether to live in the data world or the real world.”

Feng Qingyang touched the slightly bald scalp on the top of his head, and sighed, "Yeah, sometimes I don't know whether it is the real world or the game world, whether it is the data world, the computer game, or another world. Forget it, don’t worry about that, the important thing is that we can obtain real benefits. The black iron crystals in the mountains around Kujit are no less than those in Vikia, but the quality is slightly worse. In the snow-capped mountains, the quality is fine. It is a pity that my power is in Kujit, and you can only obtain ore of this quality by cooperating with me."

Seryozha said: "Yes, but if we want to establish influence in Kujit and control these ores, we have to open up the passage out of the mountain like the Kujit NPC, otherwise, we will not be able to obtain materials from other kingdoms outside. We will starve to death and freeze to death. If we want to really master a resource, we have to cut off and prevent others from obtaining these resources. The red pine wood resources in the Kingdom of Swadia are indispensable. Without red pine wood resources, we have Even black iron ore can't play their role."


A loud bang.


"Uh-ha, uh-ha-," the sad cry of the war horse.

"Help me." The player screamed.

Petrov Seryosha, Feng Qingyang, and the people in the tent stood up at the same time, shouting in unison: "What's going on?"

"what sound?"

A player hurriedly opened the curtain of the tent and ran in, "It's not good. We..."


A huge boulder fell on the top of the tent at the entrance, mixed with countless small stones, and directly smashed the tent down. Before the player who reported the message could snort, he was crushed by the boulder, and other small stones shot in like bullets. , raging in the tent that was about to collapse.


The Russians standing in the tent and the Chinese players from the Tiance Mansion Guild covered their heads, faces, chests, and even shoulders one after another. Some of them were hit in the back and fell to the ground in pain.

The inside of the tent was full of boulders and the dust, turf, and grass clippings stirred up by the collapse of the tent. When everyone's eyes went dark, they were buried under the tent.

The field of vision stretches upwards, and then again.

I saw countless huge boulders falling from the sky, some were whole boulders, some were packed in baskets, after a long flight, the baskets did not fall apart and fell down, some flew into the air and collided with other boulders, fell apart and became shattered. Into countless small stones, flying everywhere.

look down.

The boulder that fell on the Kujit cavalry team directly swept three or five cavalrymen to the ground. After the boulder fell to the ground, it smashed two or three nearby cavalry into meat paste, and then rolled over, either breaking the horse's leg or suppressing it. Landed cavalry on the ground.

Some turned into pebbles in the air, and directly smashed a dozen cavalrymen off their horses.

Due to the stone attack, the cavalry team began to panic, the horses were frightened, they ran around and bumped into chaos, and the entire cavalry team became very chaotic. In the chaos, someone must be unlucky. Clever, was rushed to another place by the horse, and then knocked down by other horses.

The cavalry rushed into the tents, rushed to the infantry and civilians, and even rushed to the players' teams.

The entire Kujit camp was in a panic.

Like a plow for plowing the ground, the trebuchet plowed back and forth among the densely packed tents of the Kujit people and the assembled cavalry formation.

It took a full half an hour until some Kujit lords escaped and found Zhang Qiang's team, and the panic ended.

Several Kujit lords formed a team, and then rushed towards Zhang Qiang and the others.

They were greeted by a row of crossbow bolts fired by Swadian crossbowmen.

When they charged another 100 meters, what greeted them was the arrow rain from the Vekia archers.

After rushing to 90 meters away, they fought back, and what greeted them was the battle roar of infantry.

There are also the bows and arrows of Kujit cavalry archers in Zhang Qiang's team.

When they rushed to a distance of 50 meters, the infantry ran forward and shot the javelins and tenders in their hands while running up. Although not many shots could be shot at this distance, it could also block their charge.

When they rushed to the front, 30 meters away, there was another wave of javelins.

This is the most suitable distance for the javelin.

Another wave of cavalry was swept to the ground.

When they rushed to a distance of more than ten meters, there was another wave of javelins. This wave was the most powerful, and many cavalry could be seen nailed to the ground with their horses and men.

At this time, the archers quickly retreated to the back of the infantry, and the infantry began to form a line. The spearmen in the front squatted down, stuck their spears on the ground, held the bottom of the spears tightly with both hands, and stared at the cavalry.

The spearmen in the back row raised their spears high to prevent the cavalry from jumping at the spears in the front row and crossing the front row to attack the rear.

Ten meters behind, three rows of heavy infantry quickly raised their shields, drew their swords out of their sheaths, and prepared to kill.

At this time, the archers who ran up to the top of the hill turned around and continued to shoot arrows. The cavalry on both sides began to disperse.

The enemy gathered more and more cavalry, and more and more people reacted. The cavalry quickly fell under the archers and crossbowmen, and the pikemen lost some of the impact. They fought with the heavy infantry again, and were constantly blocked. Constantly decreasing.

At this time, the trebuchet behind readjusted the shooting distance and began to block the cavalry and infantry behind the enemy.

Some wise lords started running up from both sides.

At this time, Zhang Qiang quickly issued an order, and some of the cavalry on the two wings attacked to block the two wings.

The enemy had no choice but to rush up and die.

(End of this chapter)

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