The mighty lord of online games

Chapter 439 Rescue 3 Lords

Chapter 439 Rescue Three Lords
Lord Vikia's tactical level is obviously not low. Seeing that Zhang Qiang sent Lesarit to fight, he quickly adjusted the arrangement.

The formation was also arranged, with three hundred Vegia archers in the center, two hundred Vegia infantry on the right flank, two hundred Vegia heavy infantry on the left flank, fifty Vegia cavalry behind the central army, fifty Vegia cavalry following the infantry on the right, five Ten Vigian heavy cavalry followed the lord, fifty Vigian cuirassiers served as the general's guard, and the knights with their cavalry followed the heavy infantry on the left flank.

Zhang Qiang's remaining 300 people are all following his general guard. His general guard is actually hero knights and their knight attendants, entourage, and cavalry directly under Zhang Qiang, the heavy armored cavalry of the Kingdom of Swadia, plus some The guards of the Kingdom of Dia are composed of guards, and the number generally changes at any time. There are as many as seven or 80 people, and as few as a dozen people. They are the hero knights.

When the opponent did this, Zhang Qiang could see that the opponent's ability to deploy troops was obviously higher than his, which meant that his tactical level was higher than his.

Generally, the lords try their best to pile up soldiers in front of the opponent's position. First, the cannon fodder troops consume the enemy's cannon fodder troops, then some soldiers of other ranks, and finally elite soldiers. See whose soldiers are fierce, and see who can persevere and defeat the enemy. If the number of cannon fodder soldiers is large, defeat the enemy's cannon fodder soldiers, and then consume some enemy soldiers of the same level, they will basically complete the task, that is, they will almost die.

Then the two sides began to fight whose soldiers of the same level had higher morale, persisted for a long time, and who had more elite soldiers and killed more enemy soldiers, so that the comparison between the opponent's strength and their own strength would change. Once the opponent's strength was weakened, Correspondingly, the opponent's morale will decrease, and the opponent's soldiers will think about saving their lives instead of fighting. As long as the soldiers on one's own side can persist for a longer time, and wait for the opponent to invest more troops, then their own advantage will be invested. Elite troops will defeat the opponent.

But with the cooperation of tactics, the situation on the battlefield becomes blurred.

The side that is good at using tactics will gain an advantage. Of course, if both sides have more elite soldiers, everything is scum in front of strength, and the opponent's tactical advantage will be weakened.

At present, it seems that the opponent's tactical advantage is still very strong. At least the formation formed has more elites than Zhang Qiang's side.

Zhang Qiang's elite soldiers are still all at Zhang Qiang's side, but the opponent has invested a large part of their elite soldiers in the rear, thinking of defeating Zhang Qiang's [-]th rank soldiers first.

The situation on the battlefield needs to be witnessed by the fighting on the battlefield.

Francie commanded the archers to quickly shoot the first wave of bows and arrows, striking the opponent's archers. The archers commanded by Francie consisted of 20 fifth-tier archers above Vekia Marksman. These [-] high-level archers The elite archers stand alone in a row, distributed on both sides of the archers, and the opponent's archers are all Vikia archers of the same color, and they are all about the second-tier strength.

Although there are many people, they are not as high as Zhang Qiang's archers.

The first round of archers' attack caused the enemy's archers to lose about 10 archers and 20 people were injured. Eight archers were wounded, and the enemy's archers were 15 more than Zhang Qiang's after all.

The first round of the contest between the two sides was not successful due to the long distance. It seemed that due to the difference in numbers, Zhang Qiang's side suffered some losses.

But at the beginning of the second round, Zhang Qiang's side clearly had the advantage.

As the distance approached, the sharpshooters on Zhang Qiang's side shot more accurately.

Especially the bow and arrow masters, there are only ten people, but their shooting speed is faster than the opponent, and they shoot three arrows at a time, not to mention that all three arrows can severely damage the opponent, but there is always one arrow that severely damages an opponent's archer Yes, the other two arrows can also confuse the enemy archers, making the enemy archers have to dodge, or slow down their shooting speed and interfere with their shooting accuracy.

In the second round, Zhang Qiang's side lost [-] archers, and the other side lost [-] archers.

In the third round, seventy archers fell from the opponent, and fifty archers fell on Zhang Qiang's side. At this time, Zhang Qiang's side had not many Vikia archers. , but the morale of the enemy was significantly lower.

The aim was extremely poor, and the arrows were scattered.

In the fourth round, the enemy fell [-] archers, and Zhang Qiang's side fell [-] archers. At this time, there were not many archers on both sides, and the formation was close.

The distance between the two sides was only 200 meters.

The infantry on both sides began to accelerate their impact, roaring and rushing towards each other.

At this time, Lesarite adjusted his formation and let his [-] infantry rush to the enemy's heavy infantry phalanx, and strangled with the enemy. The archers stood by and the cavalry began to assault the enemy's infantry phalanx.

But the enemy's following cavalry phalanx was still a mile away.

The archer shot another round of bows and arrows. Standing in place and shooting arrows must be much more accurate than walking while shooting arrows.

The enemy's archer phalanx also stopped, but the enemy's archer phalanx turned its target to the charging cuirassiers, trying to block the cavalry's attack on the infantry phalanx.

In this round, most of the enemy's archers were wiped out, and the remaining dozen or so archers stood there shooting arrows. The enemy's leader also ordered the cavalry behind to speed up the assault to rescue the infantry phalanx.

The first wave of attacking teams from both sides quickly fought together.

Obviously, the infantry phalanx on Zhang Qiang's side will suffer a lot. Although there are some Swadia Kingdom guards and Vikia guards mixed in, the enemy's heavy infantry phalanx cannot be defeated immediately, and there are so many people. A heavy cavalry also rushed up and entered the infantry phalanx.

The Vegia cavalry following behind the archer phalanx went straight to the archer phalanx.

The archers quickly shifted their targets and started shooting arrows at the fifty enemy cavalry who were charging towards them.

At this time, Zhang Qiang's archer phalanx still had about seventy archers.

In the first wave of attack, Zhang Qiang's troops were obviously at a disadvantage, because the enemy's troops were 150 more than his first wave of troops.

Thanks to the enemy's tactical arrangement, the second wave of cavalry quickly joined the first wave of fighting, and the time and distance it took for Zhang Qiang's second wave to reach the battlefield was shorter.

The reason why Zhang Qiang arranged this way was because the first wave he sent included two hundred elite Vikia cuirassiers. In his opinion, these two hundred cuirassiers were enough to face the enemy's 500-odd infantry, so there was no Arranging the second wave, he personally led [-] troops hanging from a distance, watching the first wave of troops kill the enemy archers, and the enemy's second wave of troops rushed into the battlefield to attack his first wave of soldiers.

Obviously, Zhang Qiang was inferior to the opponent in terms of tactical arrangements, but he was slightly stronger than the opponent in terms of troop strength. The opponent did not have two hundred cuirassiers, but they were all second- and third-tier cavalry.

Facing Zhang Qiang's [-] cuirassiers, the enemy's infantry quickly dispersed. The second row began to retreat, opening up the distance. The first row of infantry rushed forward quickly, trying to block Zhang Qiang's cuirassiers.

They launched a round of spear attack, but in the face of two hundred cuirassiers armed to the teeth, their spear attack was nothing more than a hindrance to a dozen cuirassiers.

Some of the cuirassier horses were wounded, their bodies suffered some blows, and their speed was only slowed down.

Soon the cuirassiers rushed into the enemy's infantry formation and caused damage to the infantry in the first row. About thirty infantrymen were killed, a dozen infantrymen were injured, and some were in the second row. The infantry, they were knocked into the air, and the formation was knocked apart.

Five of the two hundred cuirassiers fell off their horses, one was killed, and one was seriously injured. Three cuirassiers got up and strangled with the infantry. The other cuirassiers rushed about [-] meters away. After going around in a circle, he returned and continued to charge.

At this time, fifty enemy cavalry arrived. Some of the cuirassiers confronted the enemy's cavalry, some rushed towards the enemy's infantry, and the other rushed to the front of the enemy's archers, wantonly beheading the enemy's archers.

Here, Zhang Qiang's archers shot and killed 11 enemy cavalrymen, and the enemy cavalry rushed into the team. The archers threw away their bows and arrows, took off their shields and weapons, and dealt with the enemy's cavalry. The archers quickly shot arrows at the enemy cavalry.

Lesarite and Francie rushed up and strangled with the enemy's cavalry.

Behind, the enemy's cuirassiers and general guards, the knights are getting closer and closer to the battlefield, approaching 800 meters, and are ready to charge.

Zhang Qiang's 1000 mixed troops also approached the battlefield, about [-] meters away.

Zhang Qiang quickly sent players to reinforce his infantry, and continued to approach the battlefield with the rest of the team.

After several times of charge, the cuirassiers quickly defeated the enemy's infantry, annihilated the enemy's archers, and strangled together with more than 100 enemy cavalry. Dronton led the infantry and the enemy's heavy infantry were still inseparable. , but also to deal with the enemy's heavy cavalry.

It can be said to be the most difficult.

Seven to eighty ordinary infantry were killed. The heavy infantry and guards entangled the enemy's heavy infantry and some heavy cavalry. At this time, seven or eight cuirassiers had already detoured to this side and participated in the attack on the enemy Heavy cavalry strike.

When the troops led by Zhang Qiang approached the battlefield 500 meters away, the enemy lord had already begun to charge.

And the players have already strangled with the enemy's heavy cavalry and infantry.

When the enemy's lord's guard rushed into the battlefield, Zhang Qiang's cuirassiers had strangled most of the enemy's infantry, and shifted the battlefield to help the archers against the enemy's cavalry.

The enemy's cuirassiers directly approached Zhang Qiang's cuirassiers, and the lord's guard rushed to the infantry commanded by De Langton.

The lord knights went to attack the archers.But Zhang Qiang was already close to the battlefield. He sent the guards of the Kingdom of Swadia and the remaining Vekia guards to attack the enemy's heavy infantry, and sent heroic knights to help the archers deal with the enemy knights.

The general's guards continued to follow him, and the battlefield was only 200 meters away from him.

The two sides fought together.

It can be seen that the enemy's heavy infantry has been crumbling, and some have begun to flee to the edge of the battlefield. The enemy's cavalry has also lost their fighting spirit and fled.

The remaining cavalry were newly joined cuirassiers and knights, who were still fighting.

The battlefield has turned in Zhang Qiang's favor.

It can be seen that two or three infantrymen are dealing with an enemy infantry, and thirty cuirassiers are chasing around an enemy cuirassier.

Bestur walked alone on the edge of the battlefield, bending his bow and shooting arrows for a while, and sprinting with a gun for a while, very arrogant.

Zhang Qiang's archers suffered heavy losses, and they had already been withdrawn by Francie, standing on the nearby high ground, just like what Xuanyuan Longfei did back then, shoot at the one that doesn't please you, and shoot at the one that dares to approach you .

The remaining thirty archers almost controlled the battlefield.

And Zhang Qiang had already led the general's guard into the battlefield, but he did not launch an attack, but stood still, and the archers in the general's guard began to name and shoot the enemies who dared to approach the general's guard.

The infantry threw throwing axes, javelins, and spears.

Two hours later, the enemy has been basically wiped out

About fifty cuirassiers chased Druboye and several of his knights and galloped across the field. After another half an hour, Zhang Qiang was relieved to see that the enemy lord, Druboye, was captured.

The battle is over.

At this moment, Zhang Qiang and the others were only 800 meters away from the main battlefield, that is, Earl Siwa's main battlefield.

The enemy has captured Count Siwa and is laying siege to a small circle of dozens of Swadian soldiers led by Count Kles and Count Tswede.

Without cleaning the battlefield, Zhang Qiang quickly rushed to the main battlefield with the remaining 150 cuirassiers and heroic knights, and joined in the attack on the enemy. The troops behind, led by Lesarite, rushed over.

At this time, the enemy still has more than 600 people.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the army led by Earl Siwa and the three of them is still very strong.

It is estimated that their strength is at least more than 1000 people, and then they fought with the enemy and fled while fighting, consuming almost 2000 of the enemy's strength. At this moment, the remaining dozens of people still resisted the siege of the enemy's strength several times their own.

Three hours later, the battle came to an end. Zhang Qiang captured all three enemy lords and rescued Earl Siwa and his three lords.

After dark, Zhang Qiang returned to Fort Le Lago with his troops after cleaning the battlefield.

After returning, Zhang Qiang didn't do anything, just fell asleep and didn't even see the three lords he rescued.

He was so tired.

The next day, refreshed, Zhang Qiang began to count the results of the battle. In this battle, he received three lords who were rescued by him.

When he met Earl Siwa, Zhang Qiang clearly saw that the arrogance in his eyes disappeared, replaced by some peace. Maybe the recent war hit him too hard. When he accepted Rod Laboye's invitation, at the same time He had been in misfortune since fighting the Sultanate of Sarande for the defense of his own dominions.

(End of this chapter)

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