Chapter 429

Taking Mamunboye with them, Zhang Qiang and his party returned to outside Bazek Village.

Bazek village has become a battlefield, a huge battlefield.

Zhang Qiang didn't know why Pearl of Light and Avar made such a big bet to attack the dark hunter who appeared in Bazek Village. At present, it seems that the battle is very fierce.

The whole village, three or four miles around the whole village were fighting.

Deserters continued to escape from around the battlefield.

What the two sides killed was earth-shattering.

The village of Barzek appears to have been taken over by the Dark Hunters.

Although not many, yes, indeed not many, looking from the top of a raised hill where Zhang Qiang was, in the village of Bazek three or four miles away, dark hunters in twos and threes were shooting at their hundredfold enemy.

That's really accurate.

A team of Vikia archers went up, and in less than half an hour, more than 50 people were all reimbursed, and then another team went up. At this time, it can be seen that the Dark Hunter has not many arrows, and the arrows shot are forest Lin Luoluo.

At this time, a group of Vegia farmers rushed up, wielding kitchen knives, big knives tied with kitchen knives, picked up stones from the ground, smashed, yes, smashed, they rushed up and surrounded the dark hunter, about five people, just crowded like that People slashed and killed, and those outside were smashed with stones.

But in less than half an hour, the 50 Vikiya farmers in this team were all lying on the ground.

The dark hunters cooperated tacitly, there were sword and shield players, there were sword and shield players, there were spearmen, and there were those who held up the ax and the epee. They cooperated like that and killed the pair of cannon fodder soldiers.

It can be seen that this is Avar of the Sultanate of Sarande using cannon fodder to consume the arrows, weapons, and armor of the Dark Hunter. This trick is easy to use no matter how powerful the enemy is. Besides, the Dark Hunter is not invincible.

However, there are also quite a few dark hunters. Looking from this direction, there are seventeen or eight teams of dark hunters fighting in the village and outside the village. Calculated as a team of five people, even if there are twenty teams, then there are only 100 people, even if it is three Ten teams, only 150 people, but the Sultanate of Sarande has a huge force of [-].

But it took all morning for these troops to fight against such a small number of people, and they still couldn't completely wipe out the enemy.

When Zhang Qiang and the others arrived, they still didn't seem to have made any progress.

"What are they for?" White Bread asked.

Zhang Qiang shook his head. He didn't know what these people were for, and how they knew that there was a dark hunter here, and they started to gather troops in the village before the dark hunter appeared.

Rolf said softly: "They are for the equipment on these dark hunters. The equipment on them is super equipment that even the master craftsmen on the Calradia continent can't make. Their weapons, even if they are stronger than those on the Calradia continent The weapons on the weapon are better because they have added attributes, such as speed, durability, armor-piercing, and so on.”

Zhang Qiang and the players around him looked at each other. Isn't this similar to the previous computer games?

The player secretly said: "That is to say, the weapons we used before are all blank weapons, and the weapons of others are blue attribute equipment."

The fluttering wind tunnel "maybe it's green equipment, maybe it's a little more advanced than ours, or it's weapons and equipment that are much more advanced than ours."

At this time, Lai Ji, who has never had a sense of existence, the leader of the slave trader, and the spokesperson of the Zaka Knight in Zhang Qiang's team, said, "Viscount Zhang Qiang, do you still remember the baron ring that Baron Prius you inherited gave you? Mu Bao The strange ring, in fact, it was obtained by the Earl of Columbia from a battle with a dark hunter."

Zhang Qiang's heart beat fast. Since he completed the task of Baron Prius, the ring's attributes disappeared, which made Zhang Qiang feel lost for a while.

Not to mention anything else, just adding 1 to your comprehension will make you much stronger than others. Others need to kill 100 people to advance, but you only need to kill 50 people to advance.Double the experience.

Turning his gaze back to the battlefield, after a period of intense consumption, Sultan Salander's army finally dispatched his own stronger first- and second-tier infantry to besiege the Dark Hunter.

The battle for the Dark Hunter has gotten tougher.

Two hours later, after paying more than 1000 people, two teams of dark hunters were wiped out on the battlefield outside the village.

A group of lords of the Sultanate of Sarande rushed forward, without using the soldiers, they jumped off their horses and stripped the equipment from the Dark Hunter.

In a few clicks, the equipment on the dozen or so dark hunters was divided up.

This also caused several small-scale melees, killing each other, and hundreds of people died.

However, it was probably suppressed by the people above, the chaos stopped, and the lords and knights who put on the dark hunter equipment and held the dark hunter weapons were sent to fight against the dark hunter.

Dark Hunter is almost synonymous with ferocity, hundreds, hundreds of soldiers were filled into the battlefield, and then turned into corpses, their lives disappeared on the snow field.

By visual inspection, about five or six thousand cannon fodder soldiers were filled in, and there were also one or two thousand soldiers of the first and second ranks.

The results are also very encouraging. About [-] or [-] dark hunters were wiped out on the battlefield outside the village, while the battlefield inside the village was still fighting. Soldiers were sent in continuously. After the cannon fodder soldiers were filled, they were soldiers of the first and second ranks. The soldiers were not finished yet, the soldiers, knights and lords of the third and fourth ranks were sent out.

Wave after wave, as soon as the battlefield was less than half consumed, reinforcements came up.

That is, as long as there is a gap in the battlefield, it will be filled with reinforcements immediately.

It's very cruel. I don't know what Avar of the Sultanate of Salander thinks.

On the battlefield in the afternoon, there were no dark hunters fighting outside the village. About [-] soldiers of the Sultanate of Salander were still standing outside, and about [-] soldiers entered the village.

Now, while they had to deal with the dark hunter, they also had to deal with some traps, horses, fences, and other obstacles that Zhang Qiang and the others had set up earlier.

One side is to fight the Dark Hunter.

Bolcha didn't know when he appeared beside Zhang Qiang. He was like a ghost. He inherited the lurking skills of a thief. He woke up with a start, and there was Delina as the bait, he was anxious to save Delina, maybe Zhang Qiang could really catch him.

Bolcha whispered to Zhang Qiang: "There is a huge trap in the village. I think there are still dark hunters behind. I saw a flash in the valley. Yes, it flashed again, which means that another wave of dark hunters was caught. Teleported out, but they didn't show up in battle."

Zhang Qiang did not respond to Borcha's words, and focused on the battlefield. On the battlefield, the battle in the village could only be seen roughly, but it could be seen that it was not optimistic. Another 1000 people were sent out and entered the village.The sound of shouting and killing was still intense.

Rolf said: "Should we do something? Can't just watch?"

Zhang Qiang shook his head. He didn't think his more than 100 people would be able to grab the benefits and retreat in front of the army of the Dark Hunter, or the Sultanate of Sarande, which still had more than 9000 fresh troops. He was enough After losing money, if I accompany these soldiers and heroic knights, will I still have the ability to run back to my territory?

The continent of Calradia is not safe.

If you are just a free knight, what you have to deal with is not very powerful outlaws wandering around, but now you are the lord of the Kingdom of Swadia, and you are hired by Rod Laboye, that is to say, you Currently still in a state of war with the Sultanate of Sarande, with no troops, it is very dangerous to wander alone on the Calradia continent with a few people on horseback.

(End of this chapter)

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