The mighty lord of online games

Chapter 132 Crisis of Ideas

Chapter 132 Crisis of Ideas
in the real world.

In a dilapidated house, under the dim light, an old woman with gray hair is trying to mend a new-looking autumn jacket.

The sleeves of the jacket were torn from the inside, but if you weren't paying attention, you wouldn't think the sleeves were about to come off the garment.

The old woman's purpose was to keep the autumn jacket intact so that her son could wear it on a blind date.

They have no extra money to buy clothes for their son.

Apart from rice, flour, oil, water and electricity bills, there is really not much money left.

That's not enough money to buy an ordinary trendy men's clothing top.

"Fuck, stop sewing. Didn't your son give you a lot of money a while ago? Just go and buy one." The man said to the old woman.

"Buy, buy, buy, you know how to spend money. The money will be used for your son to marry a wife in the future. How can you spend it indiscriminately?" The old woman raised her head and yelled at the man angrily.

The man trembled and stopped talking. His status in this family, after he had a car accident and failed to bring financial income to the family, fell to the miserable end of the Lion Roar in the River East. He could only drank his worries all day long. , I usually pick up some garbage, I can only eat and smoke by myself, and pay a few dollars for the electricity bill for my family.

Sitting at the door was a young and robust woman with big hands and feet and a low face value, but her face was normal wheat complexion, her neck was darkened and her hands were rough. It looked like she had been working in the fields all day, day and night, weather-beaten. women.

This is Zhang Qiang's second aunt.

"Sister, don't sew. If it doesn't work, let Zhang Qiang wear his big cousin's new clothes to go on a blind date. That girl is not a girl from a wealthy family, and I heard that she is very real. She doesn't have the kind of makeup that other girls wear all day long." , idleness, lazy habits, she is a good girl who can live at home. It took me a lot of effort to persuade our neighbor to introduce Zhang Qiang."

The old woman said: "No need, my family Zhang Qiang has to wear my family's clothes to go on a blind date. If the clothes are too good, people only look at the clothes and not the person. A girl like that, don't mind, she must be a good girl, it doesn't matter if she looks ugly." , have a good heart and be able to bear children, only then can they be worthy of my Qiangzi."

The second aunt smiled and said: "In that case, it will be easy to find, but can Zhang Qiang agree with the person we choose for him?"

The old woman said humanely: "If you don't agree, you have to agree. After all these years, let his temper go. Look at the life process."

The man jumped up, "That's right, the whole network, the Internet, computer games, not doing business properly, you must give him a serious lesson, this unfilial son, the last time he came back, he left 5000 yuan, and it's been half a month No one is there, he must be playing games again, let's go and tear off his network cable and let him play again."

The old woman didn't scold her man this time, maybe she also felt that it was time for her children to listen to them.

The second aunt also felt that this made sense, so she clapped her hands and said: "My second boy, now he doesn't want to make progress anymore, he follows Yang Bing, who plays games in the village all day, saying that games can make money, so go play games , I borrowed 8 yuan from me last time, saying it was to buy some game helmet, but I haven’t returned it to me yet, and this kid is the same, don’t you know that money I have accumulated over the years?”

The man said: "Fuck, what kind of game does a man play, go up and tear his network cable, smash his computer, see if he still plays?"

The second aunt said: "Yes, when I go back, I will pull his network cable and throw his helmet into the latrine behind my house. He is already in his twenties. If he doesn't work hard, he will learn from others. Playing games is really bad. I will warn Yang Bing in our village not to bring my kid to play games. Otherwise, I will stay at his house every day and let his family give me an explanation."

Second Aunt stood up and wanted to leave.

The old woman said kindly: "Er Nizi, take some beans and tomatoes and go, there are a lot of them planted in the yard, and our husband and wife can't eat that much, it has been stored for a long time, and we don't have a refrigerator, so it's a waste if it breaks. "

Second Aunt Zhang Qiang said: "Elder Sister, I will not be polite."

The old woman said: "Your sister, when have you been polite? When I was a child, I had food but never treated you badly, and you never embarrassed me. At that time, you snatched a cornbread from me. I just ran away and almost starved me to death. If my father hadn’t divided me in half, I might have starved to death. Alas, when I think of that time, I was so hungry. I can only eat steamed buns and mixed with wild vegetables, the wild vegetables in the field have been dug up, at this time..."

When she said this, there were faint tears in her eyes.

The second aunt supported her and comforted her: "Sister, I don't want that time anymore. Although we are poorer now, don't we live well?"

The old woman's shaky body was supported by the second aunt, and she tried her best to stand still, "Well, well, no matter what we say, our life is better than that time, and we can eat white noodles every day, right? Let's go, I will lead Where are you going to get the vegetables?"

Zhang Qiang didn't know what happened at home at all. He was watching the brutal fight between Tyrant Guild and Dynasty Guild on the hill not far from Yimer Village.

Not long ago, Hou Xiaoliang ran back alone, and the soldiers from Semilunsi Village he brought with him were all left on the outskirts of Yimer Village.

He looked embarrassed.

If they hadn't upgraded their professions when they were in Veruga City, from a hired sentry in the civilian camp to a caravan guard who can ride a horse, he rode a horse and ran fast. Clearly killed.

Dronton also came back. None of his men suffered any losses, but they had wounds on their bodies, including a few buttocks and a few feathered arrows stuck in their backs.

While Zhang Qiang was waiting for them, he had already advanced a few kilometers with his soldiers and An Jianhui, during which they defeated a few teams of individual players who wanted to take advantage of the chaos and rob him.

There are battlefields everywhere around Yimer Village, with the smoke of war everywhere, and the shouts of killing all day long.

His team of 50 people carrying the banner of nobility has now become a favorite in the eyes of outlaws and casual players.

Hou Xiaoliang gulped down half a jug of malt wine.

Malt wine is the most common kind of alcohol in the civilian camp on the mainland, and the price is only a few copper coins to a dozen copper coins for a large pot. The alcohol content is not high, at most it is like the alcohol of fruit beer in the real world It is like a drink, which quenches thirst and can be drunk as wine.

Of course, in this game world where alcohol is so scarce that there are only two types of alcohol, wine and ale, you have no choice.

Wiping off the wine stains around his mouth, Hou Xiaoliang took a deep breath of the dry air laced with gunpowder smoke, and said to Zhang Qiang: "I found out that in the southeast of Yimer Village, there are several troops of bandit heroes who were defeated earlier. , are harassing Yimer Village, in the southwest direction, are the people of the Tyrant Guild, they have a lot of manpower and a lot of cavalry, they have already beaten the cavalry of the Dynasty Guild to death, and now they are surrounding the infantry troops of the Dynasty Guild coming out of Yimel Village attack."

"Cough cough..." He may have said it in a hurry, the malt wine he drank earlier was not completely gone, he was choked, coughed continuously, and tears flowed out.

Zhang Qiang went up and patted his back lightly, soothing his breath.

He didn't see a trace of guilt in Hou Xiaoliang's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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