Chapter 125 Talk
Yan Fuxi really didn't want to leave anymore, those players from Tiance Mansion were a group of self-righteous idiots, they were led by Fang Xiaogang and others to run and chase after them, they didn't even touch a corner of their clothes, but they were caught by others Two people were arrested.

He stopped and called Rhodok Crossbowman, and Rhodok Crossbowman returned to him obediently. The relationship between the two became very close. , Helped each other several times on the battlefield, and they have already established a tacit understanding with each other, and the Rhodok crossbowmen almost regarded him as his lord, and they often shouted, my lord.

In fact, Yan Fuxi is only a second-tier hired swordsman. Although the opponent was a quasi-second-tier soldier before, the strength of the opponent has entered the second-tier these days, which is on par with him. From behind, the civilian camp The status of civilians is a little lower than that of the subjects of the kingdom camp.

He should call the other party an adult, but this is a game world, and the main purpose is to benefit the players. Therefore, the leader of the kingdom camp, the NPC is still dominated by him, just like a well-bred dog, very clever and obedient Perhaps this obedience is based on the fact that he is Zhang Qiang's friend, or comrade-in-arms, and the Rhodok crossbowmen are recruited by Zhang Qiang, otherwise he would not listen to himself like this.

But Yan Fuxi enjoys this process very much, just like he is playing Diablo. The protagonist takes a hired archer to kill monsters everywhere on the map. The archer is more flexible and clever than the protagonist.

Yang Bing came over. He is a hall master of the Tiance Mansion Guild. These players of the Tiance Mansion are all under his command. Among them, the two who were originally arrested were classmates from his same village. They have a very close relationship. The rest of the boys who followed Li Yong also belonged to the same village as him, and they were drawn into the guild by Yang Bing.

Yang Bing used to play alone in the game. He started to run business in trading cities such as Halma, Lana, Elmore, and Turga in the Kujit Kingdom, and then he joined Tiance Mansion. He is smooth and good at being a man, but he is a bit stingy financially, and he is very strict about property. Up to now, Yan Fuxi has basically never taken advantage of him, and even sold the trophies he captured to him at a low price.

If Zhang Qiang is there, he will definitely get a lot of benefits. At least Zhang Qiang will not buy his things at such a low price, and there will definitely be a few more copper coins. Even if the price is 1 copper coin, Zhang Qiang will always be at the end. Give him a few more copper coins, this is why he is very optimistic about Zhang Qiang, but not the young man in front of him.

"Yan Fuxi, what's the matter, you don't want to run away? It looks like you are very tired."

Yan Fuxi was dull for a while before nodding slightly, "Yes, I'm tired, that guy is too cunning, we can't catch him, he is very familiar with the terrain in this area, I want to go back to Veluga City tomorrow to rest one time."

Yang Bing knelt down, pressed his shoulder and said, "Dude, have you considered it? Join our Tiance Mansion Guild. Playing games together is more beneficial than playing alone, and it's also safer. Look at Kara There are wars everywhere in the Dia continent, and there is no one to take care of it, so it’s not a problem, is it?”

Yan Fuxi shook his head, squinted his eyes, and said as if dozing off, "I don't want to join any guild. Being alone is so free."

Yang Bing said with a smile: "That's what I thought when I entered the game, and then I suddenly realized that in this game world of team sports, nothing can be done by one person. We players can unite, help each other, and form a powerful team. Only by forming a group can you resist those outlaws and go farther on the mainland. Otherwise, if you accidentally bump into hundreds of outlaws alone, no matter how skilled you are in martial arts, you will be crushed by others. It's useless. Is this the reason?"

Yan Fuxi really didn't want to talk more with Yang Bing, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, a cold light flashed in Yang Bing's eyes, it was fleeting, not someone who paid special attention to him, and couldn't see his hidden heart at all.

He reached out his hand and took out a roasted sweet potato from his pocket, and handed it to Yan Fuxi, "Eat it, I heard they said that you were locked in a dark room, and you haven't had a good meal for a few days. After a day of hunting and killing Fang Xiaogang and his gang with us, I think I'm very tired, very tired, let's eat."

Yan Fuxi opened his eyes, looked at the delicious roasted sweet potatoes, his throat twitched, and turned his head away, thinking of his life with Zhang Qiang, how hard and embarrassing he was in the Rose Knights, and these unfamiliar yet familiar How difficult is it for the Tiance Mansion players, those people are a bunch of selfish guys, they won't do you any favors except to laugh at you.

Watching Yan Fuxi take the roasted sweet potato in his hand, Yang Bing started nagging again, "Your servant is very good, whoever played with the crossbow is simply superb."

Yan Fuxi stopped eating the roasted sweet potato, "Don't make up his mind, he won't follow anyone," he said, and glanced at Yang Bing mockingly, "You Kujit players, why don't you The way to accept the task is to become a servant soldier of the knight under the lord's flag. This low-level status can't make him a second-tier regular army soldier of the lord.

Yang Bing looked at him and said proudly, "I'm a second-level hired horse in the civilian camp of the Kujit Kingdom. I'm a servant sergeant of the lord's knight. Why can't I command him?"

Yan Fuxi flipped the roasted sweet potato, and said while eating: "To put it bluntly, you are just a commoner, but you are a soldier of the regular army. Even if you are a servant soldier of a lord knight, your status is only temporary, you are still a commoner... Besides, why do you order others, knight servants can recruit NPC soldiers, and you must have commanding skills, you don't even have commanding skills If you spend money to hire knights from the mercenary union, they will not be loyal to you, and if the battle is fierce, you must run away."

Yang Bing was very helpless, this guy didn't eat oil and salt, and he even lost a delicious roasted sweet potato, but he still couldn't shake his mind.

Yan Fuxi threw away the remaining residue in his hand, "Besides, there is no one who has a master. He is loyal to a knight servant with noble status. If he does not cancel his allegiance to the original master, you are considered to be holding gold and silver mountains. It’s also impossible to invite others, the NPCs in the game world are good at this, and they are absolutely loyal to their masters.”

Yang Bing stood up helplessly, and said to himself, "When can I become a knight squire?"

Yan Fuxi patted something on the stomach, "Who knows, you're still the head of your guild, you're not more comfortable, and you have to bring those NPC soldiers, and you have to feed them, buy equipment, and fight, what a hassle."

Yang Bing glanced at him, "Are you willing to be a small civilian camp player? Don't you want to be a lord of the game world? Have your own fief, your own army, your own caravan and people?"

Yan Fuxi said: "I think so too, but this meal has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be walked step by step, and it will happen slowly."

Yang Bing walked back and forth irritably with his hands behind his back, "When will this be? I have been playing games for almost a year, and I am still a small commoner who got into the Tiance Mansion Guild and spent a lot of money. It took a lot of effort to climb up to the position of the hall master, but you know that the guild in the game world is a loose alliance-like organization, everyone is very random, you can't let your temper do it, and the hall master can't command How many people. Everyone goes their own way, once called, there are hundreds of people in each hall, only fifty or sixty people came, and everyone still asks for money and equipment, which is annoying to you."

Yan Fuxi strode forward, and the Rhodok crossbowmen followed him step by step, just like his guards.

Yang Bing shouted from a distance: "Is that Rhodok soldier a soldier of that player?"

Yan Fuxi didn't look back, and shouted: "Yes, a soldier who is a knight serving the player."

Yang Bing said: "Whose?"

Yan Fuxi replied: "Zhang Qiang."

Yang Bing stood there, muttering, "I must find this person and see how this guy got the status of a knight squire. He is still a noble. The knight squire does not seem to be a noble. Reserve nobles? Reserve nobles are also in the civilian camp. Ah!" This was his understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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