Chapter 116

"Hahaha." Zhang Qiang laughed loudly.

It looks like crazy.

With blood on his face, he stood up staggeringly, holding a straight-edged war knife in his hand. Although his body was already in pain everywhere, the intense, overloaded exercise made him feel like he was in a state of exhaustion, but now he showed His aura shocked the surrounding soldiers.

"As the commander, you killed the enemy's heavy cavalry, your soldiers were encouraged, everyone had more confidence in you, their fighting spirit was high, and the soldiers who wanted to escape also changed their minds, and they decided to fight for you. "The game ring pulled him back from his madness in good time.

With his roar, Lord Siwa's cavalry, which was about to turn around, suddenly became chaotic and collided with each other a few times. It seems that some cavalry suddenly lost their morale due to the disparity in numbers Being distracted, they collided with their companions, which greatly affected the timing and momentum of their assault on the two wings.

Lesarit roared and kicked frantically, and the soldiers who had regained their fighting spirit re-arranged the dense formation faster than their reaction speed.

Zhang Qiang saw a trace of panic flashing in the eyes of Viscount Siwa who was darting to one side.

At this time, Dronton's roar came, "Shoot, prepare, let go."

The crossbowmen team that had not been hit before aimed their crossbows at the cavalry team with a smaller number once again in a uniform manner.

Amidst the sound of clanking bowstrings, the cavalry rushing over from the flanks fell off their horses one after another.

"The crossbowmen of Zhang Qiang's free knights shot and killed the heavy cavalry of the Kingdom of Swadia,"

"The crossbowmen of Zhang Qiang's free knights shot and killed the knights of the Kingdom of Swadia,"

Zhang Qiang saw a knight from the Kingdom of Swadia fall off his horse not far in front of the crossbowmen, so he quickly stood up.Turn around and run away.

Seven or eight crossbowmen immediately threw away the crossbows in their hands, pulled out their weapons, and chased after them.

"The crossbowmen of Zhang Qiang's free knights were killed by the knights of the Kingdom of Swadia,"

"The crossbowmen of Zhang Qiang's free knights were killed by the knights of the Kingdom of Swadia,"


Six consecutive crossbowmen from the village of Semilens were killed by the knight of the Swadia Kingdom, and the knight continued to escape. At this time, Dronton rushed up, struck with a shield, and knocked the opponent staggeringly. Steady, and then waited for the opponent to react, and when he was dealing with the remaining two crossbowmen, he stabbed the opponent's shoulder with a sword from one side. Split Huashan, from top to bottom, and kill him on the ground.

"Dronton, the hero of Zhang Qiang's free knights, kills a knight of the Kingdom of Swadia and gains 230 experience points. You gain 2 experience points from his kill."

"There is such a thing," Zhang Qiang felt that this hero was not in vain.

At this time, the cavalry of the Kingdom of Swadia had already escaped 3 cavalry, and 3 cavalry were killed, and those cavalry who were chasing the deserter fled directly.

Lord Siwa was left alone, besieged by a large group of people from the village of Semilens, his horse was blown out from the belly of the horse, and fell not far from where he was fighting.

Look at the huge damage, it is estimated that Lesarite shot again, causing it with his heavy step bow.

Zhang Qiang couldn't help sighing, when will he be as strong as these heroes.

In this battle, the biggest losses were those of the Semilens who had been temporarily recruited.

At this time, he saw Dewey's 30 mercenary cavalry leisurely coming out of the woods.

Dewey looked around, and then at Lord Xiwa. Lord Xiwa was fighting to the death under the siege of more than 30 tribesmen, Lesarit, Delangton, An Jianhui, Hou Xiaoliang, and Lin Liangjin.

Zhang Qiang saw that his eyes lit up, and he was staring at Lord Xiwa steadfastly, his eyes rolling wildly, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

Zhang Qiang quickly reached out to stop him, "Don't try to take food from me again, I didn't take care of it last time, this time, I won't let you take advantage of it."

Dewey patted his horse forward, "Hehe, Zhang Qiang, I'm really sorry last time, I just experimented, and I didn't expect to get such benefits. Of course, your people caught him first, and I will give you You added, how about 10 Huaxia coins?"

Zhang Qiang rubbed his sore arms caused by the fierce battle just now, "Don't think about it, since I promised to give 10 Huaxia coins last time, I will accept it, this time? No, I still want to be a knight servant How about being promoted to a knight, go, this time it's none of your business."

Dewey raised his head and said, "If you don't give me this chance, I won't pay you one hundred thousand Huaxia coins."

"No, this time I lost more manpower than last time. You pay a mere [-] Huaxia coins. I also see it for the sake of our cooperation. I want this lord this time. You can't fight me."

Dewey stared angrily, "What, I'm an outlaw with a Bandit Token. It's only natural for me to attack your team. If you don't give it to me, I'll have to grab it. Brothers of the Jagged Guild, come on."

Hula, the 30 mercenary cavalry who had already recharged their energy in the jungle dispersed and surrounded Zhang Qiang. Dewey shouted: "It's not here, it's somewhere, go, and capture that lord for me."

Ginny just walked over, and he yelled to Dewey: "Dewey, this is the second time you have robbed us of our spoils."

Dewey smiled like a playboy: "How can this be considered robbery? I have already told Zhang Qiang that this is a transaction, do you know the transaction?"

Ginny took a step forward and shouted at him: "You didn't give us money last time, do you know how important it is to have a good relationship with a lord?"

Dewey said with a smile: "Of course I know, otherwise, how could I rob you... Oh, no, it's a deal with you?"

Ginny's face was flushed with anger, and she pointed at him with her finger, "You are making too much sense."

Zhang Qiang stretched out his hand and pulled her behind him, "Well, since you want this lord, how about I sell it to you?"

Dewey said: "It wasn't sold to me. My people went up to capture him. You see, they have already done the job. You don't have any bargaining chips with me anymore."

Zhang Qiang smiled, took a step back, and stopped talking.

And An Jianhui and Hou Xiaoliang ran over angrily, Hou Xiaoliang said: "Zhang Qiang, what do you mean, we sacrificed so many people, and several of us were wounded all over, and finally got him off the horse, and everyone besieged him , was about to catch him, but you gave him to Dewey?"

Zhang Qiang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, Hou Xiaoliang lost his temper and forcefully got rid of his hand, turned around and glared at Dewey, but Dewey looked up at the sky, as if Hou Xiaoliang was not looking at him.

He has a thick skin and looks like he eats all over the world.

"Haha, I've caught it. We've caught the lord of a kingdom. It's time." Dewey's mercenary cavalry yelled, using ropes to pull the disheveled Lord Siwa behind the horse and dragged him over. .

Zhang Qiang looked at Dewey, and Dewey shook his head with a smile on his face, with his head held high and his eyes down, looking down at Lord Siwa.

Zhang Qiang quickly turned around and walked away, dragging An Jianhui and the others away by the way, walking so fast that it was almost like running away.

An Jianhui looked puzzled, but he still ran away with Zhang Qiang.

Everyone watched Zhang Qiang walk away, and followed suit.

Dewey glanced triumphantly at Zhang Qiang who was leaving, and contemptuously said to the cavalry captain of the Jagged Guild beside him: "This man really has a personality, I like him, he knows how to give up, and he has discernment, haha."

Lord Siwa looked at Dewey and his cavalry with angry eyes. Dewey lowered his head again and said to him, "Your name is Siwa?"

Lord Shiva turned his head and ignored him.

Dewey turned his head and looked at the captain of the cavalry, "It's still tough! Hehe."

Dewey shouted again: "Your name is Shiva, and you are a vassal of King Halaus of the Kingdom of Swadia? Your title is a viscount, and you are the lord of the villages of Lulunsi and Yilin Hada?"

Shiva glared at him, spat at him, and said contemptuously: "You dirty mob, one day, I will dig out your heart and feed it to my horse."

Dewey stretched out his hand and flicked his horsewhip. Lord Shiva said viciously, "I will remember you. When you fall into my hands, I will deal with you with more vicious methods than this."

Dewey got off his horse and walked up to him, "Actually, if you don't want to endure some torture, you have to promise us some conditions."

Lord Siwa said: "Don't think about it, I am a vassal of the king, I will not compromise with the humble mob, or you will kill me, or wait for the wrath of King Harlaus!"

Dewey said: "Why bother, you are our prisoner now, I will release you, but the prerequisite is that you have to canonize me as your knight, how about it?"

Lord Siwa raised his head and sighed, "Enough, you won today, lucky ones, what a shame!"

Dewey thought he agreed to his terms.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, he heard the prompt from the game ring, "You defeated Lord Siwa of the Kingdom of Swadia and captured him. He is now your prisoner."

Dewey was delighted for a while, which proved that in this battle, he gained benefits without any effort.

Before he was happy, the game ring reminded again: "Your relationship with the Kingdom of Swadia is reduced by 3, and the Kingdom of Swadia is wary of you now. The right to rest and resupply anywhere in the territory."

The smile on Dewey's face gradually froze, and he saw Zhang Qiang waving at him with a smile in the distance.

But the matter is not over yet, "Lord Siwa hates you so much, your relationship with him is reduced by 30, and you are now in a hostile relationship."

Dewey's face had collapsed.

At this time, he heard again, "Because you have accepted the bandit stronghold, from now on, your identities will be considered as enemies by the Kingdom of Swadia, and you will be expelled from the civilian camp, and your camp is now illegal." If you are in the camp of gangsters, any commoner or lord of the kingdom camp on the mainland will hunt and kill you."

Dewey was already going crazy.

However, the matter is not over yet, "Because you have become the enemy of the Kingdom of Swadia, and you are the bandit leader of the outlaw camp, so you have now been expelled from the camp of the kingdom, and you have become the first chaotic knight in the history of the mainland Outlaws with the status of servants."

Dewey's heart throbbed violently. He tried his best to offend Zhang Qiang, Lord Nord, and the Lord of Swadia. What he got was to confirm his identity as an outlaw.

Where does this put the face of the president of the iron blood guild, the largest guild in the Uxhall area, among his players?
The Iron-Blooded Guild has become the largest guild in the outlaw camp in an instant. I believe that many players from the civilian camp and the kingdom camp will quit the guild because of this. People go to high places, and water flows to low places. Will you want to be a small bandit in a camp of outlaws who don't have a noble title and can't supply, rest, or trade anywhere in the mainland?

He jumped on the horse and quickly chased Zhang Qiang, "Hey, wait, Zhang Qiang, you bastard, why didn't you tell me these things?"

Zhang Qiang's laughter came from far away, "I've told you enough things, catch the lord and let him go, but you didn't follow my advice and insisted on capturing him, hahaha."

Dewey slammed the whip in his hand against a poplar tree, and the whip broke in two with a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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