Chapter 106
Hu Yan's movements were light and quick, and Zhang Qiang had no time to parry.

He saw a sharp hunter's knife shining blue light pressing down on his neck with lightning speed, and he felt cold all over his body.

His hands and feet were stiff, and his mind went blank.

His eyes flashed as Lesarit quickly turned his heavy step bow and tried to smash it away with a barbed arrow.

He saw the surprised expressions of the villagers in the surrounding Semilens Village, and also saw them turning around in slow motion, waving the weapons in their hands, trying to rescue him.

But their movements are simply too slow.

In the nearby forest, Dronton was leading three or four Rhodoks from Pergond village, pressing down three or four Nord soldiers, and using a long bamboo pole, he was carrying a tied pig that looked like a pig about to be slaughtered. Nords, come toward them.

Dronton realized his danger, and was hastily undoing the slingbag on his back. It was the first time he met him, and he smashed the bandit leader Petty with that weapon.

Everything happened between lightning and flint.

Three silver lights flashed like meteors, and Zhang Qiang felt the hunter's knife slash his neck, and his neck felt cold, and he fell to one side mechanically, with only the thought of being killed by someone in his mind, going back and forth, never stop.

In my ears, I heard clearly: "Ding Ding Dang Dang," the crisp sound of gold and iron colliding.

There was also the sound of Hu Yan screaming, and a drop of blood fell from the top of her head.

Before Zhang Qiang fell sideways, he saw Hu Yan frowning, as if in extreme pain. Big drops of blood seeped down from her wrist.

"Plop" Zhang Qiang fell on the grass, splashing a few broken grass leaves, grass stems, and a speck of dust, flying up from the place where he fell.

In the dust, Zhang Qiang saw a petite figure in the team of Semirence villagers. The rough linen of the Semirence villagers had fallen off her body at this moment, revealing her black clothes. Where else was she? A handsome face deliberately smeared with dust and mud.

She is holding a samurai sword in her hand, kneeling on the ground, her other hand is retracted from the air in her breast buckskin pouch, her knife hand is wearing a flaxen glove, and the other is retracted in her chest buckskin pouch In the hand, a circle of white cloth can also be seen on the wrist, and it is speculated that he may also be wearing linen gloves.

She just knelt like that, looking cool.

She also had a complacent and satisfied look on her face.

Time began to pass quickly, and Zhang Qiang suddenly felt that he didn't seem to be hurt much, but the coolness and surprise on his neck were still there. Lesarit had quickly thrown away the heavy step bow in his hand, holding the long sword in both hands , quickly ran over.

Dronton also discarded the cloth-pocket catapult in his hand, and ran over empty-handed. Their speed was like a fighter plane with vector thrusters turned on for tactical maneuvers.


Hu Yan let out a scream, she was injured, and was surrounded by the villagers of Semilunsi Village who came up again. You shot, I stabbed, and that knife fell to the ground.

Seriously injured, in great pain, writhing and crawling on the ground.

The woman who saved Zhang Qiang stood up, dragging her samurai sword backwards in her hand, and walked towards her slowly.

Zhang Qiang was helped up by Delangton who arrived first, "How are you, my lord?"

Zhang Qiang looked at him, "How am I, am I still alive?"

Lesarit ran over, knelt down in front of Zhang Qiang, and stretched out his hand to check Zhang Qiang's neck. Zhang Qiang knew that he was fine when he saw his eyes change from tense to relaxed to smiling.

Lesarit said: "My lord, you just suffered a little skin trauma, but you are also very lucky, just a little bit, that knife can cut your throat,"

As he said, he quickly bandaged Zhang Qiang. Zhang Qiang reached out and took out the intermediate healing medicine that Ginny put on him, and put it in his mouth. Dronton pulled out the wooden wedge from the donkey skin water bag on his body, Zhang Qiang took two sips of water.

Amidst a burst of strong coughing, Zhang Qiang made sure that he hadn't suffered any major injuries at all, so he pushed away everyone and stood up.

Picking up his straight-blade saber, he walked slowly to Hu Yan's side.

The villagers of Semilens Village surrounded her, and the petite woman in black tights held a samurai sword and pressed the samurai sword on Hu Yan's body.

"My lord, speak up, I'll help you get rid of this woman." The other party held her neck high, delicate and white, soft and touching.

Seeing that she is only sixteen or seventeen years old.

"who are you?"

"Why save me?"

"What is your purpose of saving me?"

Zhang Qiang asked three questions in a row.

The other party smiled and said: "Master Qianchou of our club thinks highly of you, he sent me to contact you, and hopes to cooperate with you."

Judging from his tone and appearance, he doesn't look like a player from the Calradia continent.

When Zhang Qiang asked such a question, the villagers of Semilens around him immediately pointed their weapons at the woman.

This woman didn't even look at the soldiers around her, she just glanced at Dronton and Lesarit with contempt.

This made Zhang Qiang very annoyed, the other party didn't take himself seriously at all.

He said displeasedly: "We don't cooperate with foreigners."

The other party said proudly: "I am from Fusang, a Fusang ninja, my name in the game is Wenren Muxue, and I am a senior ninja in the Qianchou adults' club."

Zhang Qiang frowned, "You don't look like a Fusang person, but a person from the south of our country. Why do you call yourself a Fusang person?"

Wenren Muxue said: "I am indeed a southerner, but I have watched Fusang cartoons since I was a child, and there are many cartoons, so I think I am a Fusang person.

I feel that as a Fusang person, I am proud to be able to practice advanced martial arts like ninjas. Look at your kung fu, muay thai, all of which are fancy punches and embroidered legs. If it is practical, it can be handed down. The only ones that are more advanced are our Fusang Ninjutsu. "

"You can go." Zhang Qiang said.

Wenren Muxue said: "Where is the boss of our society, Mr. Qianchou, how should I reply to him?"

Zhang Qiang shook his head, "I won't cooperate with Fusang people, and I don't want to see him, let him find another way."

Wenren Muxue said: "Should I take this woman away? This woman is extreme and ruthless enough, and fully meets the conditions of our ninjas. Our Lord Qianchou will give you corresponding rewards."

"You can't take her, she's our enemy," Deronton said.

"Yes, you can't take her away, she wants to kill me." Zhang Qiang said.

"I want to take her away peacefully. If I use force, you won't be able to catch me at all. You are so weak that I don't even bother to make a move." The other party's contemptuous eyes made Zhang Qiang very uncomfortable.

Zhang Qiang waved the straight-bladed saber in his hand, "Then let's try it."

Wenren Muxue raised her head and laughed. Her voice was very pleasant, just like the voice in some movie clips. It is indeed an excellent work influenced by the culture of Fusang people.

Zhang Qiang drooled when he saw all the villagers of Semilens staring at her figure.

"Come on, fight if you want," Zhang Qiang walked towards her, holding his saber tightly.

"You, you, really want to fight me?" The other party flinched.

Zhang Qiang said: "Yes, since you insist on taking our enemy away, I have to fight with you,".

The other party smiled suddenly, put away the samurai sword, swayed his body, tried to show his charm, and walked towards Zhang Qiang.

The game ring suddenly vibrated violently, "The opponent casts a charm skill on you, and the opponent casts a charm skill on you...."

However, Zhang Qiang was unable to respond to this prompt at this time, and he had already followed the other party's way.

Zhang Qiang looked at her, "You are so beautiful, I like you very much."

Wenren Muxue stretched out her hand to lift her neck up, her little hand brushed her neck, her cherry lips, her charming little face, and said with a smile: "Really?" Between the lips and teeth, the eyes are charming.

"However, I decided to let you go." Zhang Qiang said.


"I think I can invite you to our club as a guest. We really need a capable person like you to serve the club." Her voice was like the sound of nature, especially clear and moving.

The other party's charm skills are very powerful, even An Jianhui and Hou Xiaoliang who are next to them are also affected, their minds go blank, and they stand on the spot in a daze, unable to make any response to this, let alone remind Zhang Qiang in time.

And Ginny, Delangton, and Lesarit were still cleaning the battlefield in the distance, treating the wounded, and counting the spoils.

"Fuck you—" A villager from Semillins rushed up suddenly, and struck her hard on the back of the head with a short wooden stick.

No one expected such a sudden situation.

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(End of this chapter)

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