Apocalypse Supreme Jagged Throne

Chapter 101 Tell everyone about your sincerity

Chapter 101 Tell everyone the truth
Today, I think a lot.

The reason is very simple, when I was cooking today, I found that there was no MSG in my house.

Why is there no MSG?Because there is no money.

Why no money?Because I hit the street.

Why rush to the street?Because I didn't write a good book.

I often think, if I left home directly when I was discharged from the army and went out to make a living, would there be other results?At least not living a life where you can't even afford MSG?
Now this book is still hitting the street, yes, it is hitting the street, I want to write a lot, but sometimes the truth is that it doesn't depend on people's will, and there are too many careless things.Someone asked me today how is your writing going?Has it been published yet?How much royalties did you get?
Someone will ask my dad again tomorrow, where is your son?Why didn't you see him when you returned from the army?Why do you stay out of the house like a big girl?

Good words are like three spring rains, and bad words hurt people in June.

They won't care about what's going on with your family, and they won't see what kind of a bird your home is, just stare at you, and then attack you with all kinds of gossip, even if you don't provoke them, they will will come to provoke you.

I started writing a book last year, and it has been almost two years now, but my grades are not going up or down. Sometimes I ask myself, are you not suitable to stay in this circle?

I don't know the answer, and I don't know whether I should go on.

I once discussed this issue with one of my book friends. At the beginning, I said that it doesn’t matter if you have poor grades. If you write a book, since someone will read it, you should write it responsibly, even if it is unfinished.Always have to explain something.Only in this way can he say that he has no eunuch.

I believe that heaven rewards hard work, but sometimes heaven will doze off, which can't be helped.

Having said so much, I just complain about the recent troubles.I will continue to write the book.This is a responsibility.

Some people say that as soon as you write a book about the street, what responsibility do you bear?
In this regard, I would like to say, although I am on the street, but for things like responsibility, what kind of man is a man if he does not take some responsibility?
I will continue to write books, and now my collection is no more than a thousand, and it is still falling out, but as long as there is one person who collects it, I will continue to write until no one wants to read it, or I think I can finish the book.

Well, the rant is over.Continue to code words, today's first update will be later.a little bit.There's been a lot going on recently.

(End of this chapter)

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