Chapter 368 (Fifteen)
When I came to the previous cave again and saw the spirit stone lamp again, the crystal was calm as usual.She didn't even take a second look, but it's not that she didn't pay attention, it's just that from the eyes, it became a mental observation.

From this observation, I saw something.She discovered that there was nothing mysterious about this spirit stone lamp, it was just a formation carved on the spirit stone.This formation is also recorded in the book she read before, it is a simple spotlight formation.

After seeing it clearly, Crystal lost interest.At the same time, I like my spiritual power more and more!

The two soon arrived at the place they had been yesterday. Crystal still had no difficulty moving forward, but Nangong Yu had to move if he wanted to move forward.

Crystal looked around with mental power, and found that there was indeed no phantom array.This cave is so weird...

"Crystal, you can't go in anymore." Nangong Yu was already sitting on the ground, her head could not stand upright, she could only tilt it.But his eyes are still full of persistence!

Crystal sighed and looked inside regretfully.She could only sit on the ground, but fortunately her head was still straight.

"Have you noticed that the aura here is very strong?"

Nangong Yu closed his eyes, felt it carefully, and then nodded: "Indeed, it is richer than the outside of the cave. Moreover, it seems to be thicker inside."

Crystal nodded: "So, let's practice here?"

Although it was a question, she was not prepared to accept his objection.

Fortunately, Nangong Yu was not prepared to object, "Okay." It's just that he was uncomfortable in this place, so he moved a little further, and didn't stop until he could raise his head straight and turn his neck freely.

Here, he didn't let the crystal come out a little, because the spiritual power inside was stronger.In other words, it is better for crystals.As long as there is no danger, it is naturally better to be more inside at this time.

The two kept a certain distance and continued to practice.

Nangong Yu has his own set of kung fu skills taught by the Mountain of Immortality.At this time, Crystal is using her mental power to slowly explore the deeper depths of the cave.

She drew down her mental power very thinly, extending it little by little, and then extending it...

The cave is very long and gets narrower as you go inside.Moreover, after observing with mental strength, Crystal discovered that the cave has always been going down.Ten meters, 20 meters, 30 meters... Crystal frowned slightly.

In space, her spiritual power can extend thousands of miles.But here, only 30 meters away, it started to struggle.Looking at the mental power as thick as a little finger, Crystal frowned, enduring a slight discomfort, while running the "Wan Ren Jue", while drawing down the mental power again.

This is like ramen noodles. It is not difficult to knead the dough into dumplings, but it is much more difficult to pull the dough into noodles.Not only technology is needed, but also the quality of the dough is needed... and Crystal's spiritual power at this time is the dough, and her technique is found out by herself, and she doesn't know much about her dough, and she doesn't know the quality!

So, the process is difficult.The dough was finally drawn down to the thickness of a finger, which was already the limit for her at the moment.No matter how thin it is... maybe it will be broken, broken, and ruined.

Therefore, Crystal is very nervous and very careful.She manipulated her mental power carefully, and pulled it slowly, every time she pulled it, her head throbbed with pain... Even so, she did not give up.Because she knows that she has not reached her limit.

(End of this chapter)

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