Employed in the World: A Story of Waste Materials

Chapter 322 The World of Two People

Chapter 322 The World of Two ([-])

The World of Two ([-])

He saw Crystal's reaction in his eyes. Faced with such a dangerous situation, Crystal didn't struggle or worry at all.What does this mean? It means that she believes in him!This is a great improvement for the relationship between the two of them.

"You think too much." Crystal made herself more comfortable: "I want to leave, it's easy."

"What if I tap the crystal's acupuncture points?" Nangong Yu smiled and said, "Then, throw you down like this." Then you will be crushed to pieces.

"You won't." Crystal said with certainty.Moreover, even if she drops it, she is not afraid, she can enter the space at any time.

"Yes, I won't." Nangong Yu said happily: "So, Crystal still believes in me, doesn't it?"

Crystal still wants to say that he thinks too much, but there are some things that it doesn't make sense to say too much.So, she fell silent directly.

In Nangong Yu's eyes, her silence became the default.


At the foot of the mountain, the crystal was placed firmly on the ground.

The sky was still dark, and it didn't suddenly turn bright because of their cliff jumping behavior.At any rate, there are still some starlight on the top of the mountain, but at the bottom of the mountain, it is pitch black.

"Are you going to set up your capital here?" Then, become Shan China?
"No." Nangong Yu took Crystal's hand and walked slowly in the darkness at the bottom of the mountain. "We are not kings of the mountain."

"So, where are you going to set up your capital?"

"Mingyu City." Nangong Yu said confidently: "Qiushui Kingdom will replace Fenglin Kingdom and become one of the Three Kingdoms. Then, we will compete in the world."

"Then what's here?"

"There are troops, subjects, fields, forests, and hope." There are no palaces, ancestral temples, or mansions here.There is not everything for people to enjoy here, there is blood, hunger, and suffering...

Crystal probably understands that this place is actually only a stronghold for an uprising.

"Take me to the place where the food is stored first." Crystal said slowly: "I have to confirm the place first."

Nangong Yu did not refute. Now, food is indeed very important to them.So, after turning a few corners, he put a silver mask on himself.It was a very rough mask, made of silver, without any pattern, and only three holes were exposed, revealing two eyes and one nostril.Nothing else can be seen.

Turning around, Nangong Yu put one on her too.

Crystal reached out and touched it, feeling very uncomfortable.But she didn't refuse! !
After putting on the mask, you start meeting people, soldiers, wearing armor and holding weapons.It's the patrol! !
And the destination they are going to is a cave!
"This is the place where the bandits in the Autumn Water Stream hid their treasures. Their hundreds of years of savings are all hidden here." Nangong Yu said this, a little proud: "In the end, I got a profit."

Crystal suddenly thought: "The jewels in the underground palace?"

"Yes, that's only a part, [-]%."

Crystal was suddenly a little discouraged, because she thought she had made a few fortunes, and she was already rich.It turns out that the difference between real rich people and real rich people is not 01:30!

"That's the accumulation of hundreds of years in Qiushuijian." Nangong Yu seemed to know what she was thinking, "It's a miracle that you have accumulated so much wealth in just a short period of time."

Crystal gave him a strange look, "Are you consoling?"

"Well, you can understand that."

Crystal was speechless: "Ninety-nine percent of people in this world are not richer than me, do you think I need comfort?"

(End of this chapter)

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