Employed in the World: A Story of Waste Materials

Chapter 137 The existence that must be looked up to

Chapter 137 The Existence You Must Look Up to ([-])
The existence that must be looked up to ([-])
"Of course not. There are no such good things in this world. It's just that the people in Bulao Mountain are all old people. They... well, so to speak, they are all people who can abandon the power of the world. Of course, when they were in the world, they He is an open-minded person. If he practiced martial arts well and practiced some internal strengths for health... Naturally, he would live longer than ordinary people. But it's not that exaggerated... According to records, the longest-lived one was a child of Long Teng 300 years ago. An abdicated emperor who lived to be 250 years old. But that's all..." Looking at the tent that belonged to Bulao Mountain, "They don't care about anything, even if there is a fight, even if the royal family is...they won't care."

"It's rare to be open-minded!" Crystal understood now.No wonder they have to look up, those are their fathers, their fathers, ancestors, can they not look up?
Thinking about it this way, I was a little disappointed.This is completely different from the effect she expected. Moreover, it turns out that not only one person can go to the Mountain of Eternity, but also the relatives of the emperor!
"Do you know the people there?"

"I don't know." Nangong Yu didn't look at the tent at all, but reached out to pour himself a glass of water.There are two glasses, but the crystal is always poured on her side, and his one is always empty when it is empty.Therefore, if he wants to drink water, he can only rely on himself. "There are not many people in Bulao Mountain. When they leave, they only go by themselves, and they bring their partners at most. The future generations have never been in their consideration... Now these are the older generation. The people of our generation, all I don’t know a few of them…” After a pause, he continued: “Furthermore, only the emperors of the Three Kingdoms know about the existence of Bulao Mountain. At most, there are also princes, and princes and princesses like us are not qualified to know about it.”

"Then how do you know?" And you know so clearly?

"When I was a child, I saw a letter from a person from Mount Blessing to Emperor Father." He pursed his lower lip before continuing: "When Emperor Father ascended the throne, he killed the king and brother. He was not the prince...so, when he ascended the throne, , I don’t know anything about Bold Mountain. But Bold Mountain has become an inherent inheritance... As a result, Bold Mountain wrote a letter to Father Emperor, explaining everything about it... I saw that letter. "

This time, it was Crystal's turn to purse her lips: "Is it okay for you to tell me that?"

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world." Nangong Yu was innocent and calm: "Besides, now, I am bound to win that position. Even if I know, it is not a problem. You will be my queen... now it is just If you knew earlier, it wouldn't be considered a violation!"

How arrogant and domineering these words are!
At this time, Crystal is used to his occasional appearance, and doesn't find it special, nor disgusted.I just glanced at him speechlessly...

Seeing that Crystal didn't refute his words, Nangong Yu felt satisfied and a little bit pleased.But I also know that I can't push it too far, and I can't force it too hard at once.Some things have to be taken slowly.

So when I spoke again, I changed the subject: "It's almost time. It's time to start!"

It's time to start!However, this time the transaction is different from every previous one.

This time it was not an auction, but a face-to-face transaction.

The people from Bulao Mountain came to watch the fun, and he knew how much jade they had prepared for the other three families.

(End of this chapter)

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