Working part-time as a wife is too busy

Chapter 110 The Emperor Summons

Chapter 110 The Emperor Summons (2)
At first, Rong Yao was only skeptical. This inspiriting technique was said to have been lost in ancient books for many years, but the longer he spent with Gu Xiaoya, he found that everything impossible can become possible with her, so the suspicion gradually became Some confirmation, just now he thought Gu Xiaoya would deny it.

Gu Xiaoya didn't expect that Rong Yao would put someone beside her. She knew that Rong Yao would definitely investigate her again, but she didn't expect that after Chun Niang's changes, she realized that she had done something in the middle.

If he hadn't checked Chunniang before, he might not have doubted her at all later on. He could only say that this man had stretched out his hands a long time ago.Thinking about it, even the prince of Hua Chaoguo can place his own people first. This man is really good at planning for a rainy day.

"Actually, what I know is not soul-stirring at all!" Gu Xiaoya just teased Rong Yao just now, although she has experienced such things as resurrection from a dead body, but she can't or can't, what she knows is only hypnotism.

"Then what do you know? How can you confuse people's memory, or even lose it?" Rong Yao asked puzzled.

"What I know is hypnosis. It's very simple to explain. It is a method that makes people fall into a deep coma. At this time, all people's behaviors are beyond their control, and the memory of the human body is like an open door." Doors, as long as the person performing hypnotism makes the unconscious person close certain doors in the deepest memory, then he will no longer remember what is inside the door. The soul of the person is still the same, but the memory will It’s changed.” Hypnotism is a very profound knowledge, and Gu Xiaoya didn’t expect Rong Yao, an ancient man, to be able to understand it in two or three sentences, and this hypnotism can’t be learned, especially deep hypnosis. A master hypnotist studied for several years.

Rong Yao probably understood in his heart that this hypnotism can change people's memories, that is to say, as long as Gu Xiaoya uses hypnotism on Rong Jie, he can completely forget the existence of those two women. Yes, the charm in him is locked in the door of memory.

"Miss, will the third brother never remember?" Rong Yao was worried that if he couldn't find a way to break the charm and Rong Jie recovered his memory, the result would be bad.

"It's impossible to completely delete the memory in his mind. Sometimes when a person receives a certain stimulus, he may become the key to open the door of memory, but I will try to weaken his memory during hypnosis. Even if he thinks about it in the future, he won't be too deeply involved." At present, this is the best way for Rong Jie after he wakes up, if the charm is really powerful.

"Will it hurt you?" Although the younger brother is very important, the wife is equally important, and Rong Yao doesn't want to see any of them get hurt.

"I'm an expert, it's fine!" Gu Xiaoya smiled mischievously.

Rong Yao pulled Gu Xiaoya over and let her sit on his lap, then hugged her and said with a smile: "My lady, I am very grateful for the marriage bestowed by the emperor. He planned to throw a stone that everyone detests to Rong Yao." home, but it turns out that this stone is a priceless and priceless jade.”

"In that case, you should thank him!" However, after only two or three intimate contacts, Gu Xiaoya found that she was getting used to it. Anyway, it was her own welfare, so she should enjoy it early. She turned out to be a member of a bunch of "foxes". Boss, it's not bad to be a vixen in front of a man you have feelings for.

It's really "don't tell people behind your back, you will meet ghosts the next day", the day after Rong Jie was seriously injured and returned to the imperial capital, the emperor summoned Rong Yao, Gu Xiaoya and Leng Yan into the palace together.

Emperor Guangzong summoned three people in the imperial study room, except for a father-in-law who was close to him, there was no one else.

After entering the imperial study room, Gu Xiaoya followed Rong Yao and Leng Yan calmly, and did not look up indiscriminately. After kneeling down to salute the emperor, Emperor Guangzong asked them to stand up.

"Gu Xiaoya, raise your head!" In the secret reports that Emperor Guangzong had seen in the past few months, the woman Gu Xiaoya was mentioned the most.

Everyone in the Ningyuan Hou Mansion hates the idiot lady who lost the protection of her parents. She has transformed into a famous female doctor in the imperial capital, and has become an inseparable female servant of the prison inspector. What's more, she has a weird kung fu. Internal strength can bring people back to life through torture.

He actually missed such a "treasure", and sent this person to the Rong family at his own risk.At first, he thought it was Gu Zhanming's tricks and replaced her, but the investigation found that she hadn't changed or changed, and this woman was the real Gu Xiaoya.

Emperor Guangzong looked deeply at the woman standing quietly in the middle of the imperial study room. When she raised her head, her eyes were calm, and her appearance could be called stunning, but the scars on her face ruined her beauty. Imposing, but not ostentatious, or deliberately restrained.

I remember that when she was given a marriage by himself to the Rong family, according to the regulations of the emperor's marriage, he also ordered someone to add a dowry to her. After all the calculations, Emperor Guangzong felt that he had lost a lot, and that he had completely taken advantage of the Rong family.

Gu Xiaoya could guess a thing or two from Emperor Guangzong's regretful eyes flashing past, just like what Rong Yao said to her that day, the emperor thought she was a stinky stone that could be used to humiliate his courtiers, but he didn't expect to throw her into someone's house Only then did I realize that there was a treasure hidden in this stone, and it was too late to regret it.

The Ninth Five-Year Emperor naturally has the majesty of the heavenly family. In Gu Xiaoya's eyes, Emperor Guangzong can't be called a majestic emperor. It doesn't quite match.

Is it true that the emperor who has been pretending to kill his parents because of jealousy?If he really thinks that his father is the crown prince who justifiably ascended to the throne of God, why doesn't he kill himself?Could it be that he thought that she was just a weak woman who couldn't achieve any great things, so he spared his life for so many years?
To be honest, before meeting Emperor Guangzong, Gu Xiaoya had a lot of guesses and imaginations about him in her mind, but after seeing him, all of these were overturned. She felt that apart from Rong Yao, she couldn't see clearly and guess Guangzong clearly. God this person.

"General Rong, do you want to thank me for giving you a good wife?" Emperor Guangzong just asked Gu Xiaoya to look up, then turned to look at Rong Yao with a smile and asked.

"Thank you, the emperor, for the good match!" Rong Yao's "thank you" came from the bottom of his heart. If Emperor Guangzong and Gu Zhanming hadn't calculated and calculated, he still wouldn't be able to marry such a good wife.

(End of this chapter)

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