Chapter 161

Just when she was having a hard time, she heard a sharp cry.She didn't have time to turn on the flashlight, and ran towards the direction of the sound, and she saw a huge gray-white beast gnawing at a slender person, and at that moment, the bloody smell of rust was sprayed on her face.She suddenly turned on the flashlight, hoping to scare away the impossible beast with the sudden light.The evil spirit beast was distracted by the light, and threw the person it bit aside, and the person was thrown into the bushes like a puppet with broken strings. Although it was only a few tenths of a second, she saw the shocking bloodstains and The face smudged with blood and mud—it was indeed Ouyang Xia!
The evil spirit beast turned around slowly, with Ouyang Xia's blood still on its mouth, staring at her with a "wheezing and wheezing".Her heart was so tense that it seemed to jump out of her throat, and with the light of the flashlight, she saw herself froze in place in a panic clearly reflected in the pupils of the evil spirit beast.Did grandpa look at the evil spirit beast in the same way back then?But she didn't dare to act rashly, the strange thing is that the evil spirit beast didn't rush forward to swallow her, the disturber who interrupted its meal, "Ah Woo" in one gulp.Maybe the evil spirit beast is assessing whether she tastes good or not?Such a weird and ridiculous idea floated in her mind.

She turned off the flashlight with a "snap", leaped forward, and threw herself into the bushes next to Ouyang Xia's fall.The evil spirit beast seemed to be aware of her actions, and turned to face this side with a "huh".Holding her breath, she lay down in the grass and watched every move of the evil spirit beast.In the dark woods, the slightly bright eyes of the evil spirit beast revealed a cold light, she only felt cold all over, and only then realized that she was already in a cold sweat.To be honest, she didn't know if she had the good luck to escape from the evil spirit beast this time.She looked at the flashlight in her hand, and it seemed that she really had to gamble on luck.She quickly turned on the flashlight and threw it behind the evil spirit beast, who was attracted by the light and temporarily turned around and ran over.

Relieved for a while, she quickly looked at Ouyang Xia who was lying in the grass.Heh, this injury is really scary, but it doesn't hurt the vitals, as long as the bleeding is stopped and treated in time, it is absolutely not life-threatening.But now she doesn't even have anything to bandage.She quickly searched in her head for the only healing spell she knew, that spell could only temporarily stop the bleeding for a few hours, forget it, she can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, quickly rescue Ouyang Xia, and let her run down the mountain to find someone treated.Thinking of this, she immediately put her hands on Ouyang Xia's wound, and said: "The moon is like water, heals my wound." Her palms glowed slightly, and Ouyang Xia's blood gradually stopped. "Hey, Ouyang Xia!" She patted Ouyang Xia's face.

"Hmm..." Ouyang Xia slowly woke up, "It's you?!"

"Don't be here, it's you and me!" She felt that the evil spirit beast was slowly approaching here again, "Hurry up and leave before the evil spirit beast comes back!"

Ouyang Xia got up in fear, and ran down the mountain in a stumbling manner.

Wow, even though she told her to leave quickly, there is no need to be so cold-blooded, just run away regardless of her?She rolled her eyes, and in a blink of an eye, the shining eyes of the evil spirit beast approached her again.Her heart turned cold, should she run for her life immediately?
The evil spirit beast was already very close to her, and its hot breath sprayed on her face. She saw her figure trapped in the cold eyes of the evil spirit beast again. She knew that she was frightened and cold, but her legs seemed to be trapped by the evil spirit beast. The nails are firmly nailed to the ground, and I can't take half a step out.She also wanted to call Chu Xiu to save her, but her voice seemed stuck in her throat, and she couldn't make it out.She began to regret why she was so great to save that annoying Ouyang Xia instead of running for her life.

"General!" Li Cheng shouted anxiously, but the evil spirit beast didn't seem to notice Li Cheng's existence, and ignored him at all.

As a bad guy, it's not shameful to die in the mouth of a divine beast, right?She found it funny that she could still think about these messy things when she was so scared that she couldn't even call for help.

Suddenly, the evil spirit beast seemed to have discovered something and turned around.

good chance!Her hands and feet seemed to regain consciousness suddenly, and she was about to use her hands and feet to run for her life, but the evil spirit beast raised its head to the sky and screamed, and ran like the wind in the direction it was looking at just now.

She froze in place—what the hell is going on?

"General, are you okay?" Li Cheng quickly came to her side and asked.

She just came back to her senses and said, "I'm fine, but what happened to this evil spirit beast?" Although she was too scared to move just now, she didn't seem to feel the murderous aura from the evil spirit beast. In Xia Shi, despite the distance, she could still feel a faint anger emanating from the evil spirit beast, but when the evil spirit beast stared at her, that anger seemed to dissipate.

"Does the beast know that the general wants to save people, so..." Li Cheng put forward his opinion.

She shook her head and said: "Brother Qi Huai taught me that evil spirit beasts have a strong heart to protect the Lord, and they also have the function of town houses to ward off evil spirits, so in the past, many princes would place stone statues of evil spirit beasts in their tombs to calm down the evil spirits." The evil spirit in the tomb and avoid being harassed by lonely ghosts or ghosts and ghosts. Could it be that the tomb guarded by the evil spirit beast is being harassed by someone?" I also met an animal very similar to the evil spirit beast in another general Zi Ning's tomb. , Could it be that the tomb of General Zining is guarded by the evil spirit beast? "Li Cheng, I'll follow and have a look!" Who would miss General Zining's grave?If the general's tomb is also guarded by evil spirit beasts, then Ouyang Xia must have been attacked by evil spirit beasts as an intruder who violated the owner of the tomb, so why is she fine?Does the evil spirit beast know that she is the owner of the tomb?Naturally, the master was not an intruder when she came home, but the senior brother Xiuwen and Brother Chopsticks who came to the general's tomb with her were probably the guests brought by the master in the eyes of the evil spirit beast!
"General, it's too dangerous." Li Cheng disapproved, "If you are in any danger, what face do you have to meet Mr. Qin?"

"I can't see you again, right?" She felt a little cruel when she said this, because Li Cheng's face was filled with sadness when she heard this sentence. "Sorry." She lowered her eyebrows.

Li Cheng shook his head and said: "Since the general has made up his mind, let's go now, otherwise the distance is too far, and the breath of the evil spirit beast will not be felt, and we will not be able to find where it went."

She thought that the evil spirit beast would go to that place.

Chu Xiu found blood in the bushes near the general's tomb.Is this Zigui's or Ouyang Xia's?Judging from Ouyang Xia's injuries, if she met Zigui, it was likely that Zigui used some spell to stop the bleeding. Otherwise, even if the injury was not fatal, she would have died due to excessive blood loss.But where did Zi Gui go?Where can she go alone?The last time Zigui was taken away by the ghost trapped in the general's tomb at Xiuwen's house, and he didn't come back until the next night, what about this time?

At this time, his cell phone rang in the quiet forest.Seeing that it was Xiuwen on the caller ID, he immediately picked it up: "Has Zigui gone back yet?"

"No." Xiuwen's voice sounded a little tired, "But I went door-to-door and asked. Uncle Liu at the entrance of the village said that when he got up in the middle of the night, he saw his junior sister at the stone tablet, as if he was waiting for something."

"The stone tablet at the entrance of the village?" Isn't it the same as the stone tablet at the intersection of Shangshan Road? "I'll go check it out right away. You stay at home and wait for the news." After finishing speaking, Chu Xiu hung up the phone and used teleportation to come to the entrance of the village, regardless of whether it would attract the attention of others or scare a bunch of people to death. people.

The stele stands quietly against the damp and cold wind, the surrounding area is empty and empty, and no one is seen.If Zigui was waiting for someone here last night, was she invited out by someone instead of being taken away by the ghost, or was she tricked into coming here before being taken away?With Zigui's skill, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to kidnap her easily; even if it is a ghost, she has experienced it now, and she will not tremble like before. As long as she uses the ecstasy command, even a ghost may not be able to move her ;Even if she meets an opponent who is difficult to deal with, she can call him directly - but last night was very peaceful, he didn't feel any strong yin energy, nor did he feel any spiritual shock, it was like Zigui obediently followed Just like others left.

The person who can make Zigui follow and leave without any resistance is either someone she trusts or a person who is much stronger than her, such as Shangguan Ling, whom she has seen before, who can easily repel Qin Shuang.But he quickly denied his hypothesis. Shangguan Ling had no reason to do that, and it was impossible for such a stranger with a strong sense of presence to appear in the village without anyone knowing.He thought of the man named Yin Hui who came to Zigui's house a few days ago.That man has a pair of unfathomable eyes, maybe his strength is as unfathomable as his eyes.If it was Yin Hui, he might easily take Zigui away without alarming anyone. Besides, Yin Hui doesn't look as aboveboard as Shangguan Ling.But there are still problems.He shook his head to himself, if Yin Hui was really that powerful, he wouldn't have to bother to recruit him to this kind of place, and just take him away at Xiuwen's house, wouldn't it be enough?
"Chu Xiu." It was Huangfu Lu who came.

He just nodded slightly and said, "Why did you come?" He didn't chat with Huangfu Lv, but only focused on checking the surroundings for any clues left by Zigui.

"Xiuwen told me that junior sister came here last night." Huangfulu's tone was very flat, it seemed that he was not worried about Zigui's safety.

"I was asking why you came to this small village instead of Shanghai?" he asked.

"I'll use spells to find my junior sister." Huangfu Lv didn't answer his question, but said to himself, took out a talisman, whispered a few spells, and the talisman turned into a pale yellow butterfly, Flickering in the air.

He didn't speak, but just looked at Huangfu Lv's actions with a little indifference.

"Let's go." Huangfu Lv greeted him and said, "The most important thing now is to find Junior Sister, isn't it?"

He smiled, Huangfu Lv still didn't want to talk about the purpose of coming here all the way.Looking at the direction in which the butterflies flew, he remembered a place. "Could it be over there?" That guy Zigui really knows how to run, and he only runs wherever it's unsafe!
"Chu Xiu, do you have a clue?" Huangfulu asked him with a sideways glance.

"I went to visit the grave with Xiuwen last year." He said, "I heard from Xiuwen that his neighbor, Qin Xin, has a house in that kind of remote mountain."

"Tomb-sweeping?" Huangfulu's calm face showed no joy or anger, "I haven't heard Xiuwen mention it."

"What's the point of sweeping the grave?" He glanced at Huangfu Lv and said.

"Did Junior Sister go too?" Huangfu Lv asked casually.

"Yes." It seemed that Huangfu Lv was very concerned about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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