There's nothing wrong with it

Chapter 152 Tombstone

Chapter 152 Tombstone
She never provoked ghosts, it was only ghosts who came to provoke her.But if the villagers here object to them going up the mountain again, it would be better for them to go secretly to avoid the eyes of everyone.If the villagers here are angered, how can she live in this village if she marries Brother Xiuwen in the future? "That's right. It's rare to come here, so we'd better visit the festival." She winked at Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu nodded.If you don't want to arouse public anger, it's better to go up the mountain quietly.

Xiuwen has been smiling since just now, wondering if he has discovered their plan.

The lavender-like purple sunset slowly slid down the sky, and the silent night enveloped the entire village.Zigui walked down the stairs and was about to go out to the general's tomb. As soon as he reached the atrium, he saw Xiuwen sitting on the bench in the atrium, thinking about something. "Brother Xiuwen? What are you doing sitting here in such a cold?" She approached curiously and asked.It seems that senior brother Xiuwen's hometown is too harmonious with her horoscope, every time she has a good chance to spend time alone with senior brother Xiuwen!
"Oh, it's Junior Sister? It's so late, are you out to look at the moon?" Xiuwen asked with a smile.

"Yeah..." Looking up, where is the moon in the sky? "No, I came out to look at the stars." She quickly changed her words.

Xiuwen didn't seem to care whether she came out to look at the stars or the moon, and said, "It's so quiet, tonight."

"Yeah." She nodded.It was rare for her to see senior brother Xiuwen have such a calm look in his eyes, and she felt a little sad.Wang Wei is also really, what to write about "every festive season misses relatives"!

"Zigui, I want to ask you something." Xiuwen said.

"Eh?" Brother Xiuwen suddenly called her name, which made her almost unable to react, "What's the matter?"

"Would you be sad if you were betrayed by someone you trusted?" Xiuwen asked.

"Why do you ask that all of a sudden?" she asked puzzled.

Xiuwen chuckled and said, "I just want to ask."

"Of course it's sad." The one who is not sad is definitely not human.

"It will be sad..." Xiuwen seemed to be thinking about something.

"Brother Xiuwen?"

"If it was Zigui, he would definitely hate the person who betrayed you, right?" The smile on Xiuwen's face disappeared, replaced by a seriousness that would definitely be unrecognizable to those who knew him.

"So serious?" Brother Xiuwen, what's wrong?Why are you saying such strange things all of a sudden?Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that every time senior brother Xiuwen was alone with her, he would say something that wasn't what he usually would say.Did something happen between him and Senior Brother Huangfu?Brother Huangfu is the vice-chairman of the Night Camp Association, and he and Brother Xiuwen are childhood sweethearts. Of course, they usually behave very well, but since the death of Brother Xiuwen's family, there seems to be something strange about them. weird.

"Isn't this normal?" Xiuwen asked back.

"It's not that exaggerated." She laughed, "My grandpa said, "Believe" is the most wishful thinking, because you have to trust others. In the end, you are also responsible for being betrayed, and you can't blame others. "

"Your grandfather's idea is really interesting." Xiuwen laughed again.

"Senior Brother Xiuwen, did something happen to you and Senior Brother Huangfu?" Otherwise, why would you suddenly ask such a strange question?

"It's nothing." Xiuwen said with a smile, "By the way, isn't this the place you want to see the stars?"


"You and Xiaoxiu came here to go to the general's tomb, didn't you?" Xiuwen laughed.

Chu Xiuxiu, who was leaning against the pillar of the corridor, observed the two of them with indifferent eyes.It seems that Xiuwen seems to be preparing to slowly retreat from his silly appearance. He is quite curious about the other side of Xiuwen that has been hidden all the time, and he is even more curious about Zigui's reaction when he realizes that Xiuwen is different from her familiar one. Woolen cloth?

The night wind passed through the swaying branches, making a "sough" sound.The tall stone monument standing beside the path up the mountain is still standing upright beside the intersection like a soldier.

"Why did you even come with Xiuwen?" Chu Xiu asked very annoyed.Xiuwen doesn't know magic, so if he encounters any troubles this time, who knows if he can protect Zigui and Xiuwen?He had never met Li Cheng, the brigade commander who vowed to seek revenge on Huangfu Lv. It would be terrible if that guy was as difficult to deal with as Qin Shuang.

"I'm here to protect Xiao Xiuxiu and my junior sister!" Xiuwen said naturally.

Chu Xiu's eyes widened and he said, "Did I hear you right? You protect us?" If it's funny, it's worth [-] points. It's indeed a very ridiculous joke.

"Of course." Xiuwen patted himself confidently and said, "You forgot that I was the one who protected you and Ah Lu when you and Ah Lu were dealing with the black balloons."

What Xiuwen was talking about was the black mist condensed from resentment that they encountered in Qi Xingshan, right?It's really depressing, I owe Xiuwen a big favor for no reason. "Forget it, you know the way better than us anyway." Chu Xiu didn't insist, and said, "Don't be surprised, I don't want to be divided by Zigui and Huangfu."

"Brother Xiuwen." Zigui walked up to Xiuwen and said, "After we've been here, is there anyone coming up the mountain?"

"Probably not." Xiuwen said, "Unless it is to prepare for the Zhenshan Festival, no one will go there at ordinary times. Because everyone says there are ghosts on the mountain!"

There are indeed ghosts on the mountain.This idea is still deeply felt.But now—"It doesn't feel like that..." she said.

"How does it feel?" Chu Xiu asked.

"When I came here before, I felt as if there were many people here, but now I don't feel it anymore." She stopped and said.

"Speaking of..." Chu Xiu also felt a little strange, "When I first entered the village, I also felt that it was different from before. Could it be that someone came here to collect ghosts?"

"No way? Brother Huangfu couldn't handle it. Besides, if ghosts could be collected so easily, there would be no need to hold the Zhenshan Festival here every year." In her eyes, Huangfulu is one of the best magicians. If there is nothing to do, I am afraid that few people can do it.Although as far as she knew, there was another Shangguan Ling who was more powerful than Huangfu Lv, but Shangguan Ling was not the kind of person who would meddle in other people's business, so it was impossible for him to come here specifically to eliminate the ghosts here, right?
"The village chief said that there are no strangers coming here." Xiuwen replied, "If there are strangers in a small village like ours, they will know immediately."

Then why do the ghosts here seem to have disappeared?Could it be that Hades sent someone to solve it?If it could be done that way, Hades would have sent someone to deal with it long ago, and there is no need to wait until now to deal with it.What exactly is going on?

"Did something happen here?" Chu Xiu said, "If you continue walking, something might happen, so be careful."

"Hmm." She nodded.

"Don't worry, junior sister has my protection!" Xiuwen rushed forward and said.

Just forget about it—although Chu Xiu wanted to say that, but he has said so many times about Xiuwen's "overreaching his own strength". Anyway, Xiuwen doesn't care about it, Zigui will lose her temper , he became too lazy to talk. "Then keep going," he said.

They soon arrived at the tomb of General Zi Ning.The last time I came here was because Zigui suddenly disappeared, and then a large number of ghosts and Qin Shuang flocked into the village to seek revenge on Huangfulu. It seemed that none of them paid attention to the inscription on the stone tablet of this Spring and Autumn Period. What, take a closer look now, there seems to be some writing on the stone tablet that has been exposed to the wind and sun. "Are these seal scripts?" Chu Xiu saw the traces engraved on the back of the stone tablet, and called Zigui over, "Hey, you should be able to read these characters, right?"

"I can read seal script..." I was forced to learn it by my cousin Qi Huai before, but I didn't expect it to be useful in places other than appraising calligraphy, "but I can't read many characters clearly." And now it's night again , which is more blurred.

"What did you see clearly?" Chu Xiu asked.

"I roughly pieced it together, and the above is not the life of the owner of the tomb." She said.

"Isn't this the tomb of General Zi Ning? The tombstone is not his life story?" Chu Xiu felt a little incomprehensible, "Then what did it say?"

"Let me take a look—" Zigui illuminated the stele carefully with a flashlight, "what is written here is just resentment for the dead."

"That's all?" Chu Xiu was surprised, "Then who wrote these inscriptions?"

"Wait, I can't see clearly." Zigui carefully brushed off the dirt on it, "The person who erected the monument is called Zixuan."

"Could it be some kind of brother of General Zining?" Chu Xiu crossed his arms and said.

"Isn't it? Isn't this the tomb where the king gave to General Zining's "Great Burial"?It also used tens of thousands of soldiers to be buried! ’ she retorted.

"The name looks a bit similar, so let's guess casually." Chu Xiu said, "It seems that this inscription can't give us any clues."

"Didn't junior sister say before that there is still a room in the general's tomb? Let's go and see if there is anyone in it, just ask for news!" Xiuwen laughed.

Room?This guy doesn't want to say that the tomb is a "room" where a corpse sleeps?Chu Xiu frowned and glanced at Xiuwen. "That is to go into the tomb to have a look." He said.

"But what if you want to enter the tomb? There are no passages or exits there, and didn't you also say that if you go in rashly, you will be torn to pieces by the barrier outside the tomb?" Zigui remembered the most important thing. Question, "Last time you used teleportation to get in, what do you do this time? Do you also use teleportation?" The last time I entered and exited the tomb, Brother Chopsticks changed back to chopsticks very simply. It seems that even with teleportation There are also difficulties.

"I'm afraid it won't be so easy this time." Chu Xiu also said, "Not only is it difficult to determine the location, but you also need to bring Xiuwen. Otherwise, we will let Xiuwen wait outside, and the two of us will go in and have a look."

The two looked at Xiuwen at the same time.

Xiuwen said troubledly: "But I said I would protect my junior sister." He was worried that Zigui would never come back—closed his eyes, the scene when he got up last year and found his family's dead body was still vivid in his memory, he didn't want to have one day Tianzigui would also turn into such a cold corpse in front of his eyes, but—"She has my protection, so you don't have to worry about it," Chu Xiu said.

"But..." Xiuwen wanted to say something, but Chu Xiu interrupted him and said, "If you follow, not only will it take time and effort to go in, but you may have to protect you at that time, so it will be difficult to guarantee the safety of your precious junior sister." gone."

Now that Xiao Xiuxiu said so, it seems that he can't do it if he doesn't agree. "Okay then, Xiao Xiuxiu, you have to protect Junior Sister, don't let her catch a cold, don't let her get bored, don't let her get hurt, don't..."

(End of this chapter)

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