Chapter 775
Seeing Zhang Hao's initiative to invite them, the two women were both surprised and delighted.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you, thank you very much."

"I'm sorry, you are a generous gentleman. I have done a lot of things to apologize to you before. I am here to apologize to you."

The attitude of the two women is very sincere.

"You saved Lin Wan, I should help you all." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "It's getting late now, let's get some food."

"Ow ooh..."

Dabai who was at the side heard that there was something to eat, and started to jump up excitedly.

At present, several people put all the things they can use into the shelter of the mansion and start cooking in it.

Cook all the jerky with water, then take out the compressed biscuits and start eating.

One man and one wolf, the two women on the side were stunned by the look of wolfing down.

I have never seen so many people who can eat so much under such a difficult situation.

In the Arctic, everyone tries to save food as much as possible, because in this place, food is life.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Hao and Dabai didn't know how to control at all, and they ate far more than ordinary people.

After eating a meal, the two women were really stunned when everything was over.

"Oh my God!"

"Too bad, we're all out of food."

The two women were crying and found that there was no food now. They felt very rich, but they returned to the original state overnight.

Xiao Ru said helplessly, "I'll check the trap later. If we're lucky enough to catch two rabbits, we still have a chance to survive."

Sister Wang nodded helplessly: "That's the only way to go."

After finishing the last bowl of soup, Zhang Hao said calmly, "The rabbit is not big enough to fit between the teeth, why bother to catch the rabbit."


Dabai nodded in agreement, it agreed with Zhang Hao's words very much.

The rabbit doesn't look small, but its body is covered with fur, and its internal organs are being removed. At most, it is only enough for an ordinary person's meal.

Of course, this refers to ordinary people who do not do strenuous exercise.

A rabbit is too small for Zhang Hao and Dabai.

Seeing the shock of the two people, Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will go outside to get some good food today, and I don't care if you don't eat things like rabbits!"

Xiao Ru said with a puzzled face: "We have already searched this pine forest, and there is not much decent food at all."

Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Leave the food to me, you don't have to worry."

When he first came to the pine forest, Zhang Hao saw some good things, because he had to build a mansion last night, so he didn't have time.

Today is different. Zhang Hao, who has enough time, is going to make something good for himself.

"Things like rabbits are not delicious, and they are not enough to eat. You just wait for me to get back some good things."

While speaking, Zhang Hao put down the bowl in his hand and stood up in his mansion.

That's right, his house is very huge, enough for Zhang Hao, a 1.8-meter-tall man, to stand up.

Compared with the previous small shelter that can only be entered by bending over, the difference is really too big.

"Don't be impulsive. Be careful when you go outside. I found some bear feces in the woods. That kind of big guy can eat people!" Xiao Ru said worriedly.

"Hehe, for you, a bear is a man-eating beast, but it is different for me. It is a gift given to me by nature."

While talking, Zhang Hao brought Dabai to the outside of the courtyard, and took out some leftover wood that had been felled earlier.

The short knife kept dancing, and all these tree trunks were chopped by Zhang Hao and turned into firewood scattered on the ground.

Then Zhang Hao moved the firewood to the mansion.

"These should be enough for you to keep warm, just wait in the house with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me."

After Zhang Hao finished speaking, he turned around and left the shelter. He left very quickly this time and was going to look for food outside.

A man and a wolf were walking in the woods.

"Thank you for your hard work. You haven't eaten anything good these two days." Zhang Hao comforted Dabai.

"Ow ooh..."

The corners of Dabai's mouth rose, feeling that it was very happy, and even rubbed its head against Zhang Hao's palm.

"There is the sea in front, and the view is relatively wide. Let's go there and have a look." Zhang Hao said.

While speaking, Zhang Hao turned over and came to Dabai's body.

I saw Dabai raise his limbs and start galloping towards the seashore.

In about ten minutes, Zhang Hao and Dabai arrived at the beach.

"It's freezing!"

Zhang Hao saw that a thick layer of ice had condensed on the surface of the sea.


After Zhang Hao came down, Dabai stood beside Zhang Hao, looking around vigilantly, it did not allow any beasts to sneak attack on its master.

"The sea looks very good, and the terrain is very good. If you can have a fishing net, break the ice and lower the net, you may get a lot of fish." Zhang Hao commented carefully.

But at the moment, he doesn't have anything that can weave a web in his hand, so he just thought about this idea and threw it out of his mind.

Then Zhang Hao scanned the surroundings again.

"Find a nearby stream."

Zhang Hao turned over again and came to Dabai's body, and patted Dabai's neck lightly.


Dabai started to search around.

With a super sense of smell, Dabai can easily smell the smell of water sources within ten miles.

Take Zhang Hao and run forward, that direction is the freshwater stream closest to Zhang Hao and Dabai.

Soon, the two came to the place where the stream was, and began to search upwards along the stream.

"Finding water is equivalent to finding food." Zhang Hao said with a smile.

Don't think that in the ice and snow, animals can eat some snow, so they don't have to look for water.

This kind of thinking is wrong.

Three pots of snow can't boil a bowl of water, so it's okay to rely on eating snow to maintain the moisture your body needs.

In theory, it is possible, but it will still be thirsty. If natural snow melts into water, the amount is too scarce, so animals will look for water sources.

When they came to the place where the stream was, Zhang Hao got down from Dabai's body and began to walk up along the stream with Dabai.

"There are footprints left by the moose."

Zhang Hao carefully looked at the footprints on the ground. Judging from the traces, the footprints were left at least four or five days ago.

"Good news, at least it proves that there are prey around here."

Although I saw a herd of musk oxen when I entered the tundra before, but the tundra is so big that the musk oxen had no idea where they were going.

(End of this chapter)

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