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Chapter 350 The Secret of Dolphin Sleeping

Chapter 350 The Secret of Dolphin Sleeping

Zhang Hao boiled a pot of medicine in the yard, just some common medicinal materials.

The function is only to protect Wang Ye's heart, and it can last for a day, so that Wang Ye can go to the city for treatment.

In case it is really in Malgou Village, when the time comes, there will be dirges and music, which sounds very unlucky.

It's not an old man in the village. He has been in love with Wang Ye for so many years. He and Wang Ye have a hammer relationship, but they just don't want to dirty the place in the village.

After boiling the medicine, Zhang Hao gave the medicine to a member of the association.

Then Zhang Hao came to the house to see the situation of the little baiji.


Seeing Zhang Hao approaching, the little baiji patted its pectoral fins very happily, and stuck its body on the glass closest to Zhang Hao, like a puppy coquettishly.

"Be happy, people here are very kind to you, and I will come to see you every day."

After all, it was Zhang Hao who rescued the little guy. Seeing that it was so dependent on him, Zhang Hao couldn't bear to abandon it just like that.

Just like back then, when Zhang Hao entered the mountain, he found that little monkey whose whole body was frozen and purple.

At that time, Xiao Huang was very spiritual, holding his trouser legs with his frozen little hands, and his eyes were full of begging.

Zhang Hao didn't make up his mind back then, and it's the same now.

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand and touched the baiji dolphin's head: "I am selfish, I do everything to the extreme, and my hands are covered with blood. I can't tell whether it is right or wrong. I hope to do more good deeds in the rest of my life. Just think of it as doing good deeds for Xiao Yueer."


Feeling that big hand on his head, the little guy showed a very cheerful expression.

"I'll go first, and I'll come to see you during the day, and prepare some goose eggs for you then." Zhang Hao said with a smile.


The little baiji rubbed against Zhang Hao's palm with some reluctance, then swam into the water, watching Zhang Hao leave with reluctance.

And kept waving his right pectoral fin, as if saying goodbye to Zhang Hao.


After Zhang Hao waved his hand at the little guy, he turned around and walked out.

When Zhang Hao walked to the door of the room, he saw Professor Li walking over with the weak Wang Ye.

It may be that the blow of death was too great. Wang Ye used to have black hair, but now more than [-]% of his hair has turned white. The previous madness is gone, and the whole person is much calmer.

Whitehead overnight.

Zhang Hao couldn't help giving a thumbs up in his heart, it's awesome.

Under severe heart failure, he was so frightened that his hair turned gray all night, and he should have been frightened to death. Zhang Hao really wanted to know what was supporting Wang Ye.


Wang Ye bent his legs, knelt in front of Zhang Hao, and sincerely kowtowed to Zhang Hao.

"Mr. Zhang, I apologize to you for my previous ignorance, sorry."

Wang Ye looked at Zhang Hao beggingly: "I know that Mr. Zhang has superb medical skills, and I hope you can save me."

"Ahem, have a gift for Zhang Hao, why don't you hurry up and take it out."

Professor Li kicked Wang Ye lightly, and at the same time gave Wang Ye a look. Last night, he enlightened Wang Ye all night.

Wang Ye nodded quickly, took out a small box from his pocket, held it up to Zhang Hao with both hands.

"This is my gift, please accept it with a smile."

While speaking, Wang Ye opened the small box with his own hands. Inside lay a white stone slightly larger than an adult's fist, and a strong fragrance emanated from it.

This sweet, earthy scent permeates the entire room.

There was a flash of light in Zhang Hao's eyes.

"Amberx!" Zhang Hao said in surprise.

"Mr. Zhang has good eyesight. When I rescued the sperm whale, the local villagers who worshiped the sperm whale as a god gave me the best ambergris. I often wear it on my body and smell it. I feel that the whole person will be much more comfortable." Wang Ye explained.

Zhang Hao was very moved by this piece of ambergris, which is very rare.

Ambergris sounds nice, but it is the top spice that can only be born in the body of a sperm whale, and it also has strong medicinal value, which is more valuable than an equal weight of gold.

After the sperm whale eats the king squid and king physalis squid, the indigestible bones will start to form ambergris in the sperm whale's body, and finally get rid of the body and float on the sea.

At the very beginning, this thing was extremely sour and smelly, and the smell was even worse.

But when it is soaked in seawater for a long time, it will slowly harden and eventually form ambergris, which cannot be mass-produced at all.

Unless you can raise a sperm whale and then feed it king physalis squid and king squid, the sperm whale will emit the initial ambergris after the feeding reaches a certain amount.

Of course, this kind of ambergris cannot be used medicinally or made into spices.

The original ambergris must be soaked in sea water and exposed to the sun for decades. It is said that the longer the time, the stronger the fragrance.

Therefore, there is no way to mass-produce it at all, and the production in the whole world is very scarce.

And the pure white ambergris is the best among ambergris.

The moment Zhang Hao saw the ambergris, although he liked it very much, he still shook his head.

"Things are good things, you take them back." Zhang Hao said coldly: "You are already terminally ill, even if Hua Tuo is reborn, you can't save it, so go prepare for the funeral."

Having cut off his last ray of hope, Wang Ye fell down on the ground in despair, his face was ashen, and his eyes became hollow.

"Zhang Hao, is it really hopeless?" Professor Li asked bitterly.

"Too late."

Zhang Hao shook his head. Although he is very skilled in medicine, he is not a god, and he can cure mortal diseases.

But Wang Ye is different, he has run out of oil and the lamp is dry. Zhang Hao has the ability to repair the broken lamp, but he can't make up for the lost lamp oil.

"It seems to be God's will. God won't allow me to complete the sleep study of dolphins. I only have half a month. I didn't expect that God wouldn't even give me this time."

Wang Ye slowly stood up from the ground, and handed the ambergris to Zhang Hao.

"The ambergris is still given to you, it can be regarded as compensation for my previous mistakes."

Knowing that his time was short, Wang Ye also let go of his face. Ambergris was just a tasteless thing to him, so he should give it to Zhang Hao. This is the compensation for his previous mistakes, and it is also the kindness of repaying the bowl of medicine. .

After Zhang Hao took the ambergris, Wang Ye walked out the door in despair, as if he had lost his soul.

"Well, Xiao Wang is a good person, but unfortunately, he has a bit of a stubborn temper and a bit of a smelly mouth, so he is not liked by others."

Professor Li sighed involuntarily, and looked at Wang Ye with regret: "He has wanted to unlock the secret of dolphin sleeping all his life, which can be used to benefit mankind, and prematurely born weak baiji dolphins are easier to observe and study the secret. Looks like there's no chance."

Perhaps this is why poor people must have hateful things.

Dolphin Sleeping Secrets!
Zhang Hao's face changed when he heard this.

"Stop!" Zhang Hao shouted at Wang Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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