Entering Uncle Ying's Zombie World

Chapter 140 Deadly Date 1 [The Finale] Nothing Caught Nothing Nothing Holds

Chapter 140 Deadly Date 1 [The Finale] Nothing Caught Nothing Nothing Holds
When he bit his teeth, Kazuo Yamamoto realized that his teeth had been bounced off, and then he felt an incomparable force that bounced him away.

In the sky, Kazuo Yamamoto looked at Tianyou who was glowing with golden light, he was stunned, why did Kuang Tianyou still have such power.

Tianyou turned into a golden light and came out of the sky in an instant. At this moment, he felt that the entire galaxy was lying at his feet in just a gesture of raising his hand. This kind of power was beyond imagination, as if the entire universe was doing it for him. He trembled.

"Blood, it turns out that the bottle contains Brother Hao Lan's blood."

Tianyou murmured, a thought appeared in front of Kazuo Yamamoto, and he just looked at him quietly. At this time, Kazuo Yamamoto became so insignificant in the eyes of Kazuo Yamamoto, he could easily let Kazuo Yamamoto Ashes to ashes.

Kazuo Yamamoto also looked at Tianyou quietly. At this moment, Kazuo Yamamoto finally understood that everything was just wishful thinking, and he was just a frog in a well, and he wanted to jump out of the chessboard.

Even if he has never done anything, Kazuo Yamamoto also understands that he is so insignificant in front of Tianyou today, just like a firefly under the bright moon.

The current gap between the two is like an ant and a giant dragon. Kazuo Yamamoto is the ant. He thinks that the invincible power is so insignificant. It turns out that everything is just a delusion of a frog in a well. He thinks that the sky is the sky. It's so big, but he doesn't know that the sky is so big that he can't even imagine it.

"Kuang Tianyou, I didn't expect you to win." Kazuo Yamamoto looked at Tianyou calmly. At this moment, Kazuo Yamamoto accepted his fate, and he realized how ridiculous he was.

It turned out that no matter how hard he tried, he was still a frog. The only difference was that he was now a frog that jumped out of the well, realizing that the sky was a bigger frog than he could have imagined.

This seems to be a harvest, but this harvest will cost him his life.

Tianyou also had a little understanding in his heart and said: "Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

"I didn't even expect that this world is so stalwart."

I always think that the world is that big, but I don't know that the world is infinitely larger than what you and I know.

"I also thought, I thought just now, you are invincible, you are more powerful than gods and Buddhas."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I feel that you are so weak, so weak that I can crush you to death with a single finger.

It's as simple as crushing an ant to death.

Kazuo Yamamoto laughed: "I also realized that ants are still ants, and they think they can compare to a dragon. How ridiculous it is for ants to speculate on the power of a dragon."

"And I am that ant, a ridiculous ant." Kazuo Yamamoto closed his eyes: "Let's do it."

Tianyou didn't do anything, looked at him, just patted his shoulder lightly, just lightly.

Kazuo Yamamoto fell to the earth, slowly fell from the sky, and landed on the ground motionless.

Tianyou only felt that the invincible power was dissipating rapidly, and he also flew back to the ground. He knew that that power did not belong to him, and could not belong to him. He didn't struggle, why couldn't he retain that power.

Mirai and Zhenwu rushed over at this time, looking at Kazuo Yamamoto lying on the ground, Mirai cried bitterly: "Dad, you don't want to die."

Uncle Jiu was stunned for a while, he was a little confused, the reversal came too suddenly, what happened?
However, Uncle Jiu knew that God Bless won and Kazuo Yamamoto lost.

Tianyou descended from the sky, his scales disappeared, and he returned to his normal human form. He landed not far from Kazuo Yamamoto.

Future begged: "God bless, I know he deserves to die, one hundred and ten thousand should die, but he is my father, can I beg you to spare his life?"

Shingo just watched there without saying anything, but he knew that Kazuo Yamamoto was dead.

Tianyou didn't say anything, just went to pick up Xiaoling, carried the assembled resurrection on his back, and flew into the sky.

Kazuo Yamamoto wiped away his daughter's tears with his hand: "Don't cry about the future, it's my fault, I'm sorry."

"Dad, please don't die, I don't want you to die."

At this time, the future also understood something and cried.

Kazuo Yamamoto shook his head: "Silly boy, death is just a relief to me, what's so sad about it."

"What's more, I should have died decades ago. If I died then, I wouldn't turn you into a monster, let alone make you suffer with me."

"Future, I'm sorry for you."

I'm really sorry for you.

Before the words fell, Kazuo Yamamoto turned into pieces of light and slowly disappeared.

The future is crying bitterly. The person she hated for decades, her father, died. At this moment, she realized that she cared about him so much and loved him so much.

Zhen Wu hugged the future and said nothing, letting her cry heartily in his arms.


"Why does that kind of power appear on a little zombie?"

"Don't you feel it, it's not the little zombie's."

"That seems to be..."

"It's his."

"Why does his power appear on the little zombie?"

"Because of his blood."

"Just because the little zombie absorbed his blood?"

Silent for a while.

"Then, is it necessary for the Pangu clan to exist?"

"Just a little bit of his blood can make a little zombie possess his power. Although it's only for a short while, it's only a little bit, but it's still beyond your and my imagination."

"The Pangu Clan really shouldn't exist in this world anymore, otherwise it will be a big secret."

"The Pangu clan is just a clan created to limit fate, so let fate end it."


Tianyou landed on a mountain top, he hugged Xiaoling, he couldn't bear to let go, he carried Fusheng on his back, and he didn't want to let go.

But she and him are dead after all, they are both dead, it is impossible to come back to life, Tianyou understands better than anyone else.

At this moment, he was a little envious of Kazuo Yamamoto. He died just like that, but he was still alive, living in great pain.

It turns out that living is really more painful than death, living is so painful.

Tianyou even had the urge to seek death, but he lived at the price of resurrection and Xiaoling's death, this price was unbearable and unbearable for Tianyou.

But Tianyou can't die, want to die but can't die, this is the most painful.

Zhenzhen, because he still has Zhenzhen, so no matter how painful he is, he can't die. From the moment he owns Zhenzhen, he no longer belongs to himself, but also belongs to Zhenzhen.

Tianyou wailed in pain and helplessness, he really didn't know what to do, he began to regret a bit, if he didn't break the bottle and died in the hands of Kazuo Yamamoto, that would be great.

In fact, he should die, he should die with her and him.

Standing on the top of the mountain for a long time, scales appeared on Tianyou's body, and he turned into a monster again. He hugged Xiaoling, carried resurrection on his back, and flew into the sky.

Now, the only thing Tianyou can do is to bury him and her. Tianyou wants to bury her and him on the moon. After that, I can see him and her every day, and she and him can see him every day. .

But when Tianyou came out of the sky, he discovered that although he is immortal and can do without air, but without his previous strength, it is so difficult and almost impossible for him to fly in the universe and reach the moon.

The moon looks very close, as if it can be touched on the top of the mountain, but it is so far away, so far away that it is impossible to reach it even after spending a lifetime.

Tianyou just flew towards the moon like this, although, he knew, it was impossible, but he could only do this, because it was the only thing he could do for him and her.

I don't know how much time passed, Tianyou began to lose consciousness, but he still hugged Xiaoling tightly. Although he is a zombie, he is immortal, but he will still be tired and exhausted.

After falling into a deep sleep, under the shining of the moonlight, Tianyou woke up, and he set off again towards the moon, just flying like this.

Once again, I fell asleep unconsciously, woke up unconsciously, and flew towards the moon again.

I don't know how much time has passed, Tianyou's eyesight has already gone numb, his mind stopped turning, and he is as dead as a corpse, but he is still flying towards the moon.

Gradually, Tianyou completely disappeared, as if he had died, wandering in the lonely universe, but he would always fly towards the moon.

Finally one day, Tianyou slowly landed on the moon, but he didn't wake up. Slowly, he and Xiaoling were revived, covered by the wind and sand, and buried on the moon.

How long time passed, Tianyou seemed to hear a child, a child was calling him, Zhenzhen took the child and ran towards him, the child ran towards him with great joy.

Tianyou suddenly woke up from the sand. He sat there for a long time before he remembered something: "My name is Kuang Tianyou. I have a son who has been resurrected."

"Resurrection, is that the child in my dream just now?"

Tianyou felt his head hurting, as if it was going to explode, all the memories of the past flooded him: "Dead, resurrected and dead."

"Dead, Xiao Ling is dead."

Both died, Xiaoling and Fusheng both died, she and he both died because of me.

Tianyou was crying in pain, and after a long time, he slowly recovered, he murmured: "I can't die, and I can't get lost, I want to go back, Zhenzhen is waiting for me to go back."

There was more brilliance in his eyes, Tianyou collected his emotions, looked at it, only to find that he was already on the moon, at this moment he lost his mind again for a while.

After regaining consciousness, Tianyou buried the two of them, and said to her and him, "Xiaoling, Fusheng, goodbye, I will miss you both."

"When I miss you, I will look at the moon. If you miss me, sprinkle the moonlight on me, and I will feel it."

Bye now! ! ! ! !
Zhenzhen is waiting for me, I have to go back.

After looking at it reluctantly for a few times, Tianyou flew up to the sky, looked back, and flew into the universe again, into the extremely lonely and cold universe.

On another cosmic journey, Tianyou never let himself fall asleep again, because he was afraid, he was afraid that he would lose his way, would not be able to return to Earth, would never be able to return to Zhenzhen's side, and to them.

Whenever he was about to pass out, Tianyou would think of Zhenzhen's appearance in his heart, would hear her calling him, and would run towards him like a little angel.

Therefore, Tianyou survived the sleepiness caused by exhaustion again and again. I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how long he has been flying in the universe. In short, Tianyou is numb.

Finally one day, Tianyou saw the blue earth. He exhausted his last strength and broke into the atmosphere. He was no longer able to fly, and fell to the earth like a perishing stone under the gravitational force.

A certain mountain, with a bang, Tianyou fell, but at this time Tianyou found that his immortal body was facing the end of collapse, his whole body was full of cracks, like porcelain.

Zombies, even immortal zombies, can't stand wandering in the universe for a long time. The so-called immortality is only relative. What's more, Tianyou is not an immortal zombie in the true sense. Transformed zombies.

Tianyou lay in the pit, looking at the sky, and the moonlight shone on him. At this moment, he felt extremely warm, and seemed to see that Fusheng and Xiaoling were cheering for him.

Slowly, Tianyou stood up, he found that he regained his strength, he flew into the sky, and after flying for a while, he was tired and had to fall down.

Landing in the woods, Tianyou sat down, and a poisonous snake ran past him very quickly, as if he hadn't noticed him.

An owl flew down suddenly, startling Tianyou. When Tianyou thought the owl would pounce on him, the owl passed him and pounced on the grass only ten centimeters behind him.

When the owl flew up, it held a mouse in its beak, and the mouse struggled and squeaked.

"It turned out to be catching mice." Tianyou suddenly said.

During the rest, several small wild foxes walked past him, unhurried and not afraid of him at all.

After feeling better, Tianyou flew into the sky again. After resting for several times, Tianyou returned to the outside of Jiajia Building. The guard at the gate of the building happened to be off work and came towards him.

Tianyou greeted him, but the old guard didn't seem to hear him, and brushed past him.

Tianyou was stunned for a moment, then saw Sister Jin and Jin Shouzheng trotting towards him, they seemed to be doing morning exercises, Tianyou smiled and shouted: "Sister Jin, Brother Shouzheng."

The two of them trotted over as if they hadn't heard it, even passing through Tianyou's body.

Sister Jin ran for several meters, looked back suddenly, and murmured: "Could it be that I heard it wrong, why did I feel like God was calling me just now?"

Jin Shouzheng also looked back. Although he also had a similar feeling, he said: "Let's go, there is no ghost here except us."

Sister Jin nodded, and the two trotted away slowly.

Tianyou was absent-minded for a moment, and finally understood why in the woods, the little animals were not afraid of him at all, as if they couldn't see him.

"It turns out that I'm dead, and I'm just a ghost now."

Therefore, none of them can see me, so I get tired after flying for a while, and I get tired after flying for a while.

Tianyou looked at the Jiajia Building, as if lost in his wits, after a few glances, Tianyou flew into the sky and left the Jiajia Building.

A ray of sunlight suddenly shined, Tianyou wanted to hide, but he didn’t know how to hide, and he didn’t know how to hide. At this moment, when Tianyou felt that he was about to lose his soul, a golden light fell from the sky, shining on him, protecting him from the scorching sun. burn.

Tianyou looked up, and saw an incomparably stalwart existence in the sky, looking at him with one hand clasped together.

Amitabha! ! ! ! !
"God bless, you not only saved the world and wiped out Luohou, but your infatuation has even touched the gods and Buddhas in the sky, so I decided to fulfill one of your wishes."

"Speak, say what you want, anything is fine."

Tianyou looked at him, at this moment, how much he wished that he could be resurrected, so that he could be reunited with Zhenzhen. He experienced endless suffering, just for the purpose of reunion.

But at this moment, Xiaoling and Fusheng flashed through Tianyou's mind. He clenched his hands and murmured in pain: "I'm sorry Zhenzhen, I can't be so selfish."

"I hope that the past can be changed. Neither I, Fusheng, or Kazuo Yamamoto have turned into zombies."

In the Jiajia Building, at this second, Zhenzhen looked out the window with a feeling. For some reason, she felt very painful. She seemed to be losing her most precious thing. Zhenzhen stretched out her hand, trying to grab it. What, the other hand is holding tightly.

Time passed, time passed, Zhenzhen stood at the window, her outstretched hand caught nothing, and the hand she held tightly held nothing.

Zhenzhen was in a daze for a moment, she felt as if she had lost the two most important things in her life, Zhenzhen was just so sluggish, and after a long time, she didn't move again.

The door of the room opened suddenly, and a beautiful figure walked in, scolding: "Zhenzhen, you damn girl, why are you so dazed there, it can't be that spring has arrived, and the heart of spring is in turmoil."

"Let me tell you, Zhenzhen, don't rush, you will be swallowed by Kuang Tianyou's big bad wolf."

(End of this chapter)

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