Chapter 16 Lost, The Tree of Blood

Just when Jiang Sheng wanted to jump into the river to search for rescue.

On the other hand, One-Eyed Tall and Mouse Whiskers are in big trouble.

They originally wanted to follow Jiang Sheng and Leng Hui to save themselves the trouble of clearing roadblocks.


I got lost!
Or it is more appropriate to say that it is more appropriate to go around and turn around repeatedly.

It was normal at first, and they followed at a leisurely pace. Although they couldn't see anyone under the obstruction of the clouds and fog, they were able to follow the cleared path.

But at some point, something went wrong.

The road is still the same road, and they have been walking.

But if it wasn't for the accidental discovery of the mineral water bottle that the tall one-eyed man drank and threw in the grass, he probably didn't notice any abnormalities, and continued to circle around foolishly.

In the jungle, every place is different, and it is covered by clouds and fog, and there are no special marks, so it is extremely difficult to find yourself spinning around repeatedly.

After the two men made their marks, they tried to walk a few more times.

The results were without exception.

All circled back to the origin.

The one-eyed tall man was extremely impatient, scratching his ear and cheek.

When encountering monsters, he can still kill them with his fists, but for things like getting lost, he only has four words, "blue thin mushroom".

"Big mouse, did we encounter a ghost hitting the wall?"

"Aren't you a feng shui fortune teller? Hurry up and break it!"

The one-eyed tall man couldn't help complaining.

"Big fool, if you want to call me a big rat again, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death!"

"Fuck you big-headed ghost! What era is it? You still practice feudal superstition. Believe it or not, I will send you in to investigate and investigate as soon as the show is over."

"Ghost hitting the wall is when walking at night or in the countryside, you can't tell the direction, your self-perception is blurred, and you don't know where to go, so you turn around in circles."

"Can you open your remaining eye and take a good look."

The blue veins on the mouse's forehead were exposed, and it roared a few times.

"Let go of your dog fart!"

"We have been walking along the path cleared by Ms. Leng and Brother Jiang. Why can't we tell the direction?"

"Besides, the few times I walked before, I almost blinded the remaining eye, so I'm still going around in circles!"

"You say you are a feudal superstitionist, and you still want to send me in. Do you know what your name is?"

"Shave the hair on the egg! The moon is plucked from the sky! The bone spirit wants to eat Tang's monk meat!"

"It's all fucking wishful thinking."

The one-eyed tall man said unconvinced, and almost kicked the mouse's whiskers into the sky in anger.

'If it weren't for the fact that you couldn't fight, you would have been skinned and cramped long ago. '

The rat must quickly stabilize his emotions and suppress his anger.

He knew in his heart that what the one-eyed tall man said was right, something must have happened to him, otherwise he wouldn't have been going around in circles.

But what exactly went wrong?
"Big fool, do you remember when something went wrong on the way?"

The big tall man pondered: "What's wrong? Is it wrong to kill two poisonous snakes and crush a few bugs and a spider?"

Mouse must shake his head.

Of course not.

Although the roadblocks have been cleared, there is no guarantee that poisonous snakes and insects will emerge again.

These are the only things I encountered along the way, so what is wrong?

There was a sudden movement in the deep thorn bushes.

The two looked hurriedly.

I saw a dark shadow flashing past.

The one-eyed tall man reacted very quickly, and chased after him as soon as he wanted to, but his arm was grabbed by the mouse whiskers.

"What are you doing?!"

Mouse Mustache said solemnly: "I don't know how your kid has survived until now. When you encounter danger, you should run as far as you can. What do you think? You still rushed up. I haven't watched TV dramas. Usually you are so curious. , died early."

The one-eyed man was speechless, "Can you get out of the ghost wall if you don't chase it?"

This was really stopped by Mouse Xu, he hesitated, and didn't hold back a word for a long time.

The one-eyed tall man didn't say much, he just laughed and hurried to catch up, he was already slow, and if he was too slow, he would still be chasing ass.

The two were very fast, but they couldn't catch up with the shadow after all.

Stopped in a wood.

The tall one-eyed man sighed and wanted to complain.

At this time, the one-eyed stared round suddenly, staring straight at a tree in front of him.

This tree is not big, just as tall as a man and as thick as an arm.

The strange thing is that the branches and leaves are dripping blood on the ground.

Where is the tree that bleeds?
The tall one-eyed man was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Big mouse, hurry up and have a look, there is a tree that bleeds."


There was no sound.

The one-eyed tall man didn't get a response, only then did he realize that the surroundings were quiet and strange.

He hurriedly looked back.

There are only lush forests and thorns crawling on the ground.

But the mouse whiskers were nowhere to be seen.

This time, the one-eyed tall man broke out in a cold sweat.

He hurried back the same way and shouted loudly.

Let alone people, there are no ghosts.

After walking for a while, the one-eyed tall man suddenly stopped and his whole body trembled.

Because he actually walked back to the bleeding tree.

The one-eyed tall man's heart was pounding, the color on his face faded, and his teeth "clacked".

It was clearly because of being scared of this weird scene.

But he is not a coward, he has licked blood on the knife edge - he is not afraid of death!

Standing on the spot for more than ten minutes, nothing more weird happened. The one-eyed tall man gradually calmed down like a drum, and his thoughts followed.

He came here chasing the shadow, saw the bleeding tree, the mouse whiskers disappeared, and lost his way.

"His grandma's! It's probably caused by this blood-dropping tree! This thing can't be a cannibal!"

The tall one-eyed man cursed repeatedly, staring at the blood-dropping tree with his eyeballs, afraid that if he didn't pay attention, it would open its mouth and eat people.

'Whether it's his fault or not, I'll chop it up and it's over. '

Thinking about it, his hand touched the machete on his back.

His knife is not simple.

The body of the knife is heavy, and the handle is carved with a ghost head. It is quite sharp and can cut gold and jade.

That is the so-called "ghost head knife".

In ancient times, it was the sharp weapon used by the executioner to behead.

The one-eyed tall man also came by chance.

I saw him spit in the palm of his hand "pooh", rubbed his palm, held the ghost knife tightly, and walked towards the blood-dropping tree step by step.

He thought simply.

The executioner didn't know how many people's heads had been chopped off with this ghost knife, and it had long been used as a murder weapon, and ghosts and ghosts had to stay away when they saw it.

He is afraid of hair!
After a few steps, the one-eyed tall man came up to him, with a ferocious face, he raised the ghost-head knife high, and slashed down like a bamboo without mercy.


There was a loud noise, and the one-eyed tall man was so shaken that his mouth was numb, and he took three steps back.

Look at the bleeding tree!
There was a hole in the trunk, and blood gushed out.

Such eerie scenes are truly frightening.

The one-eyed tall man silently swallowed his saliva and gripped the knife even tighter.

'This is really a demon tree, risk your life to fight it! '

The ghost-headed knife dancer is full of wind, like a ghost, and greets the dripping blood tree with all the knife movements.

The sound of the two colliding was like a hailstorm, and the dull pounding sound continued continuously.

After a while, the wound on the blood-dropping tree trunk was dripping, but it still couldn't be broken.

The one-eyed tall man didn't even have time to wipe off the sweat that was as big as a soybean, so he just tried his best, slashing and slashing one after another like crazy.

again and again.

at this time.

The one-eyed tall man stopped suddenly, his back was stiff, and he felt a hand land on his shoulder from behind.

(I will update again.)
(End of this chapter)

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