Chapter 777 Retreat
Seeing his daughter begging for money, Gao Jiangyuan and Chen Yuanyuan quickly looked at each other.

In the end, it was Gao Jiangyuan himself who came forward and said patiently to his daughter.

"Girl, your mother and I really have no money now. Besides, our family has no money to buy a house or a car."

"Like this big house, it was actually a fund-raising house in the unit I bought in the past."

"The property rights of the house are not in our hands..."

"Our family originally wanted to change to a bigger house, but we really didn't have any money, so we couldn't change it."

"Then, look at how I usually go to work... the car I take is also from the unit."

"Let me tell you something embarrassing. So far, our family is really not a rich person. It is a typical poor person without a house or a car."

"You used to be able to use so much money because your mother loved you. I was worried that you would not be able to eat well in school, so I used my own salary to subsidize you. If you don't believe me, just ask how much money you have. Little brother, ask them how much their monthly pocket money was back then, and how much was their living expenses..."

When Gao Xinyue heard these words, her eyes widened.

She couldn't believe it.

She felt that her father lied indiscriminately because he didn't want to give her money.

How could it be possible for my own family to be the kind of poor people who have no house and no car?

If my family has no money, how can my three younger brothers have the conditions to study abroad?

Therefore, Gao Xinyue immediately confronted her parents, gritted her teeth and asked, "Parents, stop pretending to be poor in front of me!"

"If our family really has no money, how can my younger brothers have the money to study abroad? And they went to the kind of MIT, Columbia University..."

"I asked my classmates about it. To go to this kind of university, you have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just for the deposit!"

"Plus tuition fees and living expenses together, it will be even more remarkable!"

After Gao Xinyue said these words hysterically, she immediately changed into a different look.

She was crying and pitiful, and said to her parents, "Mom and Dad, you two can do it, can you?!"

"Don't be so patriarchal, okay?!"

"They are all your children, and they are your own children. Why are you so kind to my brothers and so ruthless to me?"

"Do you know that in this age, one cannot live without money?"

"We don't want how much money you have, just give me 8 if you make money, okay?"

"After giving me so much money, I don't want it anymore. And this money, as long as Wang Peng makes money from investment, then I will definitely return it to you."

"I also know that it's not easy for you to raise me these years. You also pay me to go to college, train me to become a talent, and raise me so big... I know that you have spent a lot of money on me. So, I am now I really don't want to add to your burden."

"If it wasn't really too difficult for me, I wouldn't say these things to you..."

Seeing his daughter playing emotional cards against him, Gao Jiangyuan, who had long been familiar with the ups and downs in the officialdom, immediately sighed in his heart.

He suddenly felt that his daughter had become very strange.

My daughter, who has no brains, has become like this for a man...

He immediately felt that Wang Peng's methods were unusual.

Some men can say that they are born to eat women.

I don't have much ability, but I coaxed my woman to be devoted to him.

This has to be said, and it is also a skill.

In this regard, Gao Jiangyuan slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand.

Then, he said to his daughter solemnly, "Girl, I said just now that our family has no money, it really is."

"As a father, I never lie to you."

"8 yuan? Don't say it's 8 yuan, our family can't even afford 8000 yuan now!"

"For 800 yuan, we all have to find someone else to make do with!"

"In order for your little brother to go to study, we have already paid out the money."

"Your brother also spent that money. Now when he goes there, he studies and works part-time to earn money."

When Gao Jiangyuan said this, he stood up and went to get the briefcase.

Then, he greeted his wife a few times.

"Wife, girl, eat slowly. It's already time. I have to go to work. Old Xu is still downstairs, waiting in his car."

Chen Yuanyuan listened and nodded slightly.

Then he stood up and personally sent his husband outside the door.


After Chen Yuanyuan slowly returned to the restaurant, Gao Xinyue was still a little unwilling to give up, and asked her mother, "Mom, is what Dad said just now true?"

"Is our family so poor?"

"I can't even get out the 800 yuan? How is this possible? Are you kidding me?"

After hearing these words, Chen Yuanyuan said to her daughter seriously while packing up the finished dishes.

"You are our own daughter, why did we lie to you for no reason?"

"Our family is really out of money now!"

"You also know how much effort and money your father and I have spent on you in order to cultivate you into talents!"

"I count on you to become talents. Then you go abroad to earn a lot of money. Back then, everything was prepared for you to go abroad, but you just didn't go. I do ideological work for you every day, and you only know how to shut yourself up. In the house, I don’t eat or drink. I say I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go.”

"Didn't I say enough at that time?"

"But what did you say? You said that I, a mother, sent you abroad to harm you. You said that you are a girl, and it is not safe to go abroad alone..."

"What can I do to you? Since you don't want to go, you can only send your elder brother and second brother out. The money will be spent on them."

"As for your third brother, you also know that he has been very smart since he was a child. He has the ability to go abroad, so I can't support him?"

"So if the money is spent like this, won't our family run out of money?"

When Gao Xinyue heard her mother say such a thing, she stood there in a daze.

After a long time, she seemed to have half accepted her fate, closed her eyes tightly, and then slowly opened them.

"Mom, just tell me, how much money do you have?"

After hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan pondered for a while.

Then, say a word slowly.

"Our family probably still has more than 100 yuan..."

"You know, our big family still has a lot of expenses every month. We have to eat meat and fruit, and ordinary people can't afford it..."

(End of this chapter)

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