The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 413 Generate some resonance

Chapter 413 Some Resonance

"Want to tell me great news?..."

What great news?
Could it be that... Can Gao Jiangyuan also qualify as a college student?

At this time, Chen Yuanyuan was thinking well.

Gao Jiangyuan indeed received such great news.

"Yuanyuan, today is actually my day to sign up."

"Everything that should be done has been done. So, starting today, I can also be a new batch of college students."

"And still... a college student at Hongyang University for the Children of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers."

Hearing such words, Chen Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, and she nodded fiercely.

She congratulated with some excitement.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, congratulations!"

"From today onwards, you have become my classmate! Moreover, you are still my elementary school brother."

After hearing this, Gao Jiangyuan nodded fiercely.

"Yuanyuan, it took me all morning to sign up at the school. At noon, I slept in the dormitory of the school..."

When Gao Jiangyuan said this, he changed the subject.

"But when I just came out of the dormitory, I saw you at a glance, walking with a tall gay man. You were talking and laughing."

"Yuanyuan, is that fair-looking gay man just now a classmate of yours?"

When Chen Yuanyuan saw Gao Jiangyuan say this, she was serious.

And the look on his face that wanted to inquire, she thought about it, and then explained to him seriously.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, you, you actually guessed wrong."

"The gay man just now, I actually mentioned it to you a long time ago."

"His surname is Li, and his name is Zehua. He is a student in the art department. He is very talented in painting."

"I met him when we were sketching. I took the initiative to find him."

When Chen Yuanyuan said this, she ignored Gao Jiangyuan's ugly face.

She directly took the scroll of paintings that she was holding carefully in her hand, and slowly pulled it away.

until it is fully extended.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, look, he's really good at drawing!"

"When I was in the past, I especially liked the kind of talented people. Regardless of men or women, I just want to meet such people."

"Staying with excellent people, after a long time, I will gradually be affected by the environment and become excellent."

Gao Jiangyuan heard such words, although he felt a little irritable in his heart.

However, he still held back firmly.

After all, in his opinion.

He is a big man, he can't lose his temper casually.

If emotions are not well controlled, it will only make the immediate situation worse.

Losing your temper with your own family members will only hurt the relationship between you and your family members, thus pushing the other party further away.

Of course, losing your temper with an irrelevant stranger in public will only damage your image in vain.

As a result, some people directly misunderstood that their temper and temperament were still far behind those outstanding people.

Therefore, even Gao Jiangyuan, who was a little unhappy in his heart, still restrained those bad thoughts at this time.

After he had suppressed his emotions, a wide-eyed smile appeared on his lips.

"Come on, show me!"

"What did he draw for you?"

"Are his paintings really that good?"

After Chen Yuanyuan heard such words, she quickly gave him a slight look.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, his paintings are really good! You don't have to doubt it."

"If you don't believe me, why don't you take a closer look now?!"

"This picture of beauties by the river was carefully drawn by him. It took several months to draw."

"I asked him to help me draw a picture. It was a matter of last semester. It has been several months. Now when it is in my hands, I feel very happy."

"Look at this color, does it look good?"

"And this framing, did you put your heart into it?"

"And the combination of the long-range view and the close-up view really makes people fall into it accidentally. It's simply wonderful..."

Gao Jiangyuan heard it with his own ears, and Chen Yuanyuan was there to comment highly on this painting.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was almost uncontrollable.

He thought for a while, then smiled and said to her: "Yuanyuan, this painting is really good."

"It's very beautiful. Especially when you are painted so beautifully."

"Actually, you are already beautiful, but under his wonderful brushwork, the beauty on your body, as well as that temperament, appear extraordinarily real."

"When I saw it for the first time just now, I thought it was a real person standing in front of me."

"Too powerful."

After listening to Chen Yuanyuan's honest and objective evaluation of Gao Jiangyuan, she felt quite happy.

She felt that the man in front of her really appreciated the painting.

He really resonated with himself.

Therefore, Chen Yuanyuan smiled at him immediately.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, I didn't expect you to think the same way..."

"I am so happy."

Hearing such words, Gao Jiangyuan almost couldn't control his true mood.

He now feels that he is fighting a silent defense battle.

Yuanyuan is a bridgehead that she will defend to the death.

He has been silently sticking to her girl Yuanyuan for four years.

When it comes to the last moment, he must not relax.

Otherwise, he will accidentally be pried into the corner by those men who are eyeing and have a pair of sharp eyes.

"Yuanyuan, I feel that you seem to appreciate people who are talented in this area..."

Chen Yuanyuan nodded slightly when she heard such words.

Then, she looked at him seriously and said, "Brother Jiang Yuan, you always feel absolutely right."

"I think there are not many talented people nowadays. After all, talent must be supported by talent."

"It is a kind of talent to be able to draw in particular."

"Being able to tell stories, being able to tell one thing clearly and logically, being able to communicate with people, or dealing with all kinds of people, in fact, these things are all talents..."

"As long as you have a skill, you can settle down in this world. Slowly enjoy your own happy life. I think that is worthy of recognition."

Hearing these words, Gao Jiangyuan nodded slightly.

"Yuanyuan, you are absolutely right."

"That's what I thought when I was in the past."

"Therefore, as early as two years ago, I paid special attention to cultivating myself."

"When I usually go to work, I always think about how I can improve my life value."

"Studying hard and studying hard are actually not enough."

"So, in my usual spare time, I slowly discovered one of my specialties."

(End of this chapter)

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