Chapter 241 Fatty It

"You mean... those students led people to occupy the cotton mill?"

A municipal office.

A well-dressed leader, with a pair of shiny black leather shoes on his feet, stood up from the desk with an expression of excitement.

Standing in front of him and reporting his work was Zhou De, the secretary-general of his secretariat.

When he saw his leader, he was really surprised and excited. After thinking about it for a while, he replied, "Leader, this is indeed the case at present."

"The cotton mills have been controlled and occupied. The big machines have stopped producing."

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense!"

This short and fat leader with a full body of official authority, a full sky, a round earth and a pair of shrewd eyes, slapped his desk angrily after hearing the news.

Huang Jiaqing didn't understand.

Why is my official career so bumpy? !
In the previous few years, he could obviously still live well in that affluent place.

But when the person above him and above him fell down, he, such a well-connected little Lala, was immediately affected.

From being a secretary in that affluent place, Ming Sheng secretly demoted, to such a heavy industrial city with nothing but steel and iron smelting every day.

If you want to get a little oil and water, you don't have to get it.

I still have to worry about the task assigned by the superior every day.

He has been here for seven years, but he is less than 60 years old, the hair on the top of his head is about to be wiped off under the heavy pressure.

This year, he originally planned that if the task of the steel mill was not good enough, then the task of the cotton mill could still exceed the standard.

However, he planned and planned the past. He really did not expect that these students would do such an earth-shattering thing.

Take control of the cotton mills...

What do they all want to do?
Not only he couldn't figure it out, even the secretary-general Zhou De beside him couldn't figure it out either.

As the leader's secretary, everything has to be done according to the leader's will.

If the leader says it’s okay, it’s okay, if the leader says no, then it won’t work.

The principle of being a secretary is that simple.

After Zhou De had completely reported the situation just now, he opened his mouth and asked a question tentatively.

"Leader, the situation I reported to you is actually five days ago!"

All of a sudden, Huang Jiaqing's eyes widened when he heard his favorite secretary-general Zhou De say such a word.

"What?! This happened five days ago, so why are you reporting to me now?!"

Huang Jiaqing has no other specialties in his life, he can only be a leader.

As a leader, if he wants his subordinates to avoid any major incidents, he must ensure that he has a high EQ, a high IQ, and is very well informed.

Leaders who control all aspects of the lives of more than 100 million people, if they want nothing to go wrong, they must strictly demand that they wait for the secretaries of the secretariat to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions. All the risk factors for life and safety were found out.

It can be said that the secretaries are the eyes and ears of the leaders.

What happened in this city?

Those who are secretaries must report in time.

If something goes wrong during this period, the leaders can ask the secretary at any time.

"Comrade Zhou De, it's been so long, why did you tell me today?!"

"Don't tell me, you forgot about this before? How big is this? Don't you know what is the priority? "

When Secretary-General Zhou De heard that his leader said this unceremoniously, he also looked ashamed.

He didn't rush to argue, whose fault was it.

He just lowered his head and apologized sincerely: "I'm sorry, leader, this is my negligence at work. These are all my faults."

"Five days ago, I heard the news, but...someone said that the students were unreasonable. I heard that they made a fuss, so I went I didn't tell you about it that day .”

"Okay, okay," Huang Jiaqing directly raised his hand to stop the secretary Zhou De in front of him, "You don't have to tell me whose fault it is, and you don't have to tell me what's been going on in your mind these days. Now we can only discuss how to solve this matter! This cotton textile factory should start work sooner!"

Hearing this, Zhou De frowned immediately, and he hesitated to say: "Well..., leader, every morning before dawn, more than 2000 students broke into the cotton textile factory. Factory. They were pretty well-behaved before, they just called on the weavers and shouted slogans with them. Later, I don’t know when, they actually started to engage in ideological struggle..."

"The matter became more and more serious later on, and those students actually started..."

"Smash and rob?"

Zhou De was still thinking of an appropriate word in his head, but Huang Jiaqing, who was standing in front of him, immediately answered.

Zhou De thought for a while and nodded.

"Bad, almost..."

Then, Zhou De hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Leader, what do you think should we do with this matter? Should we invite the people from the army over? Or let the people from the police station go over?"

When Huang Jiaqing heard this, he frowned.

After walking back and forth in the same place for a few steps, he sighed to his secretary Zhou De.

"These students are a lot of trouble. It can't be light or heavy. It can't be up or down. It's really uncomfortable!"


When Zhou De saw his leader, he also looked embarrassed. He opened his mouth after thinking for a while, and said hesitantly: "Leader, leader, can we put this matter there first and leave it alone?"

As soon as Huang Jiaqing heard the words, he immediately turned his head away.He opened his eyes wide and said, "Whatever?"

"You dare to ask me to ignore this matter?"

"Do you think I'm too big an official? Or do you think my life is too long?"

When Huang Jiaqing said this, he was also disappointed with Zhou De: "Zhou De, do you think you let me down too much? How did you come up with such an idea?"

When Zhou De heard this, he also had a look of apprehension.

After hesitating several times in his heart, he finally told his leader what he really thought.

"Leader, in fact, I came up with this idea after some deliberation."

"We can ignore this matter for now. Report this matter to the higher-ups first, and it will not be too late for us to act when the spontaneous movement of these students becomes vigorous."

"Now, if we let the army directly suppress it, it seems that we are making a big fuss. Moreover, we don't know what the higher-ups mean. If they want the students to engage in this movement, then we are busy now, isn't it just a waste of time? Is it? As for the task of completing the target at the end of the year, I believe that after this campaign, no one will put their minds on it..."

When Huang Jiaqing heard this, his face was startled.

stunned for a long time.

He finally asked with some hesitation, "You mean we,... can be fattened up before killing?"

(End of this chapter)

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