The happiness of crossing every day

Chapter 1404 I just want to find a wife with a brain in love

Chapter 1404 I just want to find a wife with a brain in love
Wang Jiacheng used to like grandstanding.

One of his favorite things to do is scold those blind dates.

According to his current conditions, he obviously can't marry a wife, but he always says on the Internet that those blind date girls are not.

Moreover, he always dislikes those older women.

He is always there, whenever he has time, he will start cursing there.

Every day I say there, how bad women are, how dirty women are...

He scolded those women for nothing, as if he himself was the biggest white lotus in the world.

Out of silt but not stained, clear ripples but not demonic, pavilions and clean plants, neither vines nor branches.

He said those women were unclean, as if he was particularly clean.

He is obviously a big prostitute who has suffered from many diseases.However, he just likes to be straightforward and make things difficult for those women.

Every day I dislike east and west, left and right.

In the blind date market, he often proudly shows off to others that he has been on blind dates many times over the years, and so far, he has done four to five hundred times!

After seeing so many women, he felt like a big judge of a beauty contest.

But the women who walked in front of him were all ugly and ugly.

Old and ugly, small and short, with no breasts and no ass.Some people have ugly mouths, some people have darker skin, some people have spots on their faces, and some people have particularly yellow skin.

Wang Jiacheng once told his friends many times that every time he saw those women, he felt sick.

Because those blind date girls really don't suit his taste.

Those girls are really ugly.

He was too embarrassed to start.

In front of this friend, he disliked those women.

As soon as his cronies and friends heard that he called those women worthless, they all burst out laughing, laughing and leaning forward.

As for Wang Jiacheng, he sometimes likes to imitate others.

Learn the way others speak, learn other people's various gestures.

Especially those blind date girls.

When they eat, they have various expressions.

In front of his friends, he would deliberately exaggerate and act out their ugliness.

After those men saw it, they were all happy... tears came out of their laughter.

They feel that some women nowadays are so ugly, so weird, and so hypocritical.

How can an ugly, weird, and hypocritical woman get married?
Some of his cronies and friends stood on the same line as him, helping him scold him every day.

"Old Wang, don't even think about those women. Those women are not good enough for you anyway. We can see it. Those women are ugly. Let me tell you, anyone who falls into the blind date market Women, basically few of them are good guys..."

"You, it's better not to go on a blind date. You just stay in your life and see which girl is beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and you go after it..."

When Wang Jiacheng heard the suggestions from his friends, his face became a little unnatural, and he also wanted to chase after him.

However, my appearance condition is really not particularly good.

Some women only know how to look at their appearance, and they only want to find a good-looking, handsome, tall, thin man.

What about himself?

In fact, he also understands that he is not particularly handsome.

Some mean-speaking women still think he is ugly and ugly.It is said that there are big flaws in his facial features.

However, he himself didn't think so.

Anyway, he was thinking that his conditions in all aspects were actually quite good.

It's just that it's really too much effort for women, so he doesn't want to spend money.

Spending money is one thing that makes him feel very uncomfortable.

It's just marrying a wife, what will it cost?
When other men marry their wives, they don't spend a penny, but instead get hundreds of thousands from their wives.

... If others have such abilities, why don't I have such abilities?
In fact, Wang Jiacheng also wanted to be that kind of capable man.

So he was thinking about how to get money from his wife all day long.

He really looked down on those blind date girls.But I also want to get a lot of money from them.

Therefore, the first impression of Wang Jiacheng is that he is particularly twisted.

What's more, this man is not an ordinary twister, he is quite a twister.

Any woman in her right mind would feel uncomfortable if she came into contact with him.

Who wants to be his wife to a man who surrounds himself thinking about the money in his pocket and his mother's money every day?

Not born to be a slut!

Only that kind of woman who is born cheap would think of cheating on this kind of man.

An ugly, incompetent, low-educated pig who just graduated from a technical secondary school and earns only more than 2000 yuan a month. If there are still women who post back, it can only show that these women are really serious. It's too brainless.

Any parent, if he finds out that he has worked so hard to raise a girl for decades, when looking for a husband, he doesn't want anything, but instead pays for it.Give all the money, house, and car of my natal family to the man.

Then, the woman's parents will be pissed off.

Some mothers who don't have enough psychological endurance may be blown out of their heads by such a stupid daughter as themselves.

I was so angry that I had cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and everything came.

But any family with a daughter generally has such worries.

I have worked hard to nurture her for decades.It was not easy to let her go to university and let her be a graduate student.

As a result, after seeing a man with average or even poor conditions, this kind of promising girl in my eyes insisted on marrying him.

As a parent, I do not agree to her marriage.She also ran off with a man directly behind her parents' back, holding her household registration booklet and ID card.

And this kind of thing, the neighbors, relatives and friends of the rumors all know about it.

At home, as a mother, as a father, how can you not be sad?

Why don't you feel ashamed?
As the woman's parents, if they find out later that the daughters who eloped have given birth to their children, and everything is settled, the man's parents will come over and act arrogantly and triumphantly in front of them, thinking that they are great , as the woman's parents, to be honest, they will really be pissed off.

Raising a spineless girl who only knows how to revolve around men every day, at the beginning, it would be better not to raise her!


Wang Jiacheng has seen many such women who have written books for many years, but their minds are a little unclear.

He is thinking about this kind of woman who talks about men and love every day.

He felt that if he found such a woman, he would make a fortune.

I had a good time myself.

Although I have no money, my wife has money, and my wife's natal family has money too...

(End of this chapter)

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