Forensic Medicine Qu Xiaoshui

Chapter 125 The Sudden Case

Chapter 125 The Sudden Case (1)

The woman tried to recall the last time she saw the hostess: "It seems like three days ago, I saw her when I was shopping."

"How was her condition at that time?" Qu Xiaoshui asked earnestly and kindly.

Gradually, my mind recalled the last time I saw her at the vegetable market three days ago.The unruly long hair is disheveled behind the head, and there is still bruising on the corner of the mouth. In the hot weather that seems to be on fire, it is out of season to wear a long skirt that reaches the bare feet. Wearing a somewhat loose long-sleeved top, the color matching of the clothes is also very inconsistent.

"She was very pale at that time, but this is also normal. Only his alcoholic husband beat her three times a day. It would be strange if she could recover. When I saw her, her injuries were still intact. It’s complete, but it doesn’t affect the action. It doesn’t look much different from before.” The woman described it carefully.

"Beauty, what's the name of her man? What kind of job does he do? Why did he beat people so hard? Their leaders don't care?" Qu Xiaoshui looked curious.

Some people are willing to cheer, and the eldest sister is of course willing to say more: "Her family man is called Xie Shouchi. He used to be a small boss of a plywood factory. It was more than ten years ago. He and Hong Mi were introduced to each other at that time. At that time He looks like a dog, he looks decent, and he looks energetic. Even if he only graduated from high school, but he has his own factory, the conditions are first-class. Hongmi has a high degree of education and is beautiful. The two of you are together!" The eldest sister sighed a little, "He was so beautiful at that time, he was the first one in town who made a lot of money, and he was the first one here who could afford a car."

Hearing Hongmi's name, Qu Xiaoshui's eyelashes trembled, but he didn't say anything.

Jiang Yue noticed her subtle movements, and seemed to remember that on the first day after returning home, Aunt Zhang who met by chance at the gate of the community once said that this girl named Hong Mi was Qu Xiaoshui's original deskmate. Not long after the second child was born.

"Unfortunately, the factory was closed later, and he didn't do any serious business anymore. Sometimes he did some odd jobs, sometimes he drove to the train station to pick up people, and he ran short distances or long distances. It's nothing anyway. Stable income." After thinking for a while, she leaned into Qu Xiaoshui's ear again, and said in a low voice, gloating a bit: "My guy said, Xie Shouchi just can't save face, figure, and forget the past. It’s not that he’s not doing well, so the old man in the factory wanted to give him a hand, but he refused. Just live like this, I heard that he sometimes goes to play cards, the kind of gambling!”

People are envied by others when they are beautiful, but after falling into the dust, there will also be people who were jealous in the dark and want to go up and step on them more, as if the other party is not miserable enough to bring out their inflated sense of superiority at this time .

It is difficult to send charcoal in the snow, but what the woman said was that there were old people who were willing to lend a helping hand to him, which showed that Xie Shouchi was not too bad in the first place.Being human is not a complete failure.

Qu Xiaoshui's throat was a little dry and tight, and she heard herself ask in an irrelevant and interested tone: "I heard that his family has two children, even if it's for the children, why are you making such a fuss? "

When the elder sister heard it, she really knew the situation!Talking about it makes me feel more at ease: "No, the second child has not passed the [-]th day, how can I say that Hong Mi is miserable, the good life has only passed a few days, and now I can only continue to suffer for the child. on."

"Didn't you say that Hongmi's brother is very powerful? Just let her be abused by her man?" Qu Xiaoshui was really puzzled.

The Hong Mi in memory is not such a submissive temperament, although it is not lawless, but it is not a disadvantage.

Especially her father and brother dote on her very much.

When she was in school, her brother was known as the one who fought the hardest.Moreover, it is impossible for any bloody man to let his sister live such a miserable life.

"You don't know that. When her father and brother were able to support her, of course she was not beaten, but isn't the situation different now?" Maybe the biggest talking point of the people nearby is this family. Gossip, and the eldest sister also knows a lot about it: "A few years ago, her father and her brother had a car accident. At that time, Xie Shouchi was still a big boss with great reputation, and he had money in his pocket. Her father's funeral , and the cost of his brother's surgery, but he paid for it."

After a pause, the eldest sister said again: "I heard that it cost hundreds of thousands! Xie Shouchi really liked Hongmi when he came here, so he was really willing to spend money for Hongmi!"

"Her brother was rescued later, but he was also crippled. I heard that his health has become very bad. These days, he has to point to his sister to help. How can I help?"

Qu Xiaoshui's heart was clenched tightly, and there was a slight tingling pain, which was dull and aching.

Did the girl with bright eyes and kind eyes in my memory encounter so many things later?She has no idea.

Jiang Yue saw her sadness, and quickly took over the topic: "She is quite pitiful."

"Yeah, what a poor person. But there must be something hateful about a poor person. You don't know, when her man hit her, we were all scared when we saw the ruthlessness." The eldest sister had lingering fear on her face.

"People who live nearby have also helped to report to the police many times. Even the leaders of the town were alarmed and came to mediate specially. There were also lawyers who said they wanted to give her free legal consultation and fight divorce lawsuits for her. But she It's just a stubborn one. When the police came to the door, they insisted that the injuries on their bodies were caused by bumps on their bodies. When the town leader asked, she helped her man and said that this was a family dispute, and no one else could care about it. When the lawyer came to the door, she directly She kicked her out, saying that people are destroying her family." The eldest sister sighed and shook her head: "She can't stand up on her own, and others will be all over the place if they try to help."

A few people strolled around and arrived at the vegetable market. The eldest sister didn't bother to gossip with the two of them, and went shopping on her own. Her family was still waiting for her to cook.

"Sad for her misfortune, angry for her." Jiang Yue stroked Qu Xiaoshui's hair: "Are you afraid that something will happen to her?"

"I just had a hunch that there was a case." Qu Xiaoshui paused, "But I didn't expect that the protagonist in the story Uncle Chongming told would be someone I know."

"Jiang Yue, let me ask you." Qu Xiaoshui didn't know how complicated he was in asking the question: "Tell me, why does a woman who has suffered domestic violence for a long time refuse when others help her, and Protect the perpetrator?" This is what Qu Xiaoshui is most puzzled about.

"Either she has a reason for not being able to leave that person, or she's enjoying it too."

Qu Xiaoshui rolled his eyes at him: "How can a normal person enjoy it? If you don't pay attention, the other party's eyes will turn red, and she will die. So, the reason can only be that there is a reason why you can't leave."

"The reasons why a woman can't do without a man are the following: children, financial resources, love, or something in the hands of the other party." Jiang Yue said.

"Tsk tsk~ You know so much!" Qu Xiaoshui quickly adjusted his emotions and tried his best to look at this matter from an objective standpoint.

Jiang Yue chuckled: "The fact is obvious! She has already given birth to two children for Xie Shouchi, which is enough to show that she still has a lot of affection for him. Otherwise, how can a woman be willing to give birth to a man who has been violent to her? ?”

 I was working overtime today, and I didn’t get home until after eight o’clock. The code words were fairly fast, but I was swallowed by the code word software twice, and had to rewrite repeatedly.

  I feel that the rewritten content is roughly the same as the first edition, but there are subtle differences.

  unhappy.Rewriting can't write the original feeling.

  We had been raining here for days and the jeans were sticking to us and very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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