Gentlemen's Friends

Chapter 6 Part 3: Three

Chapter 6 Part 3: Three ([-])
Qu Tongqiu was taken aback. Fortunately, Chu Mo regarded him as a transparent person and had no intention of making trouble for him. He only spoke to Zhuang Wei with a very attentive expression: "Have you decided? Follow me or not?" Island H?"

Zhuang Wei pretended not to see him, stared at the ceiling, and did not speak.

Qu Tongqiu thought to himself that people are different. If he put on airs like this, he would have been beaten to death long ago. However, Zhuang Wei's posture is not only good-looking, but also Chu Mo is flattering:
"Zhuang Wei, tomorrow is the last day of Master's photography exhibition, and tickets are hard to come by. If you don't go this time, you won't have a chance."

With a cold and reserved pride on his face, Zhuang Wei finally said, "Okay, I'm going, but I'll take him with me." He pointed at Qu Tongqiu.

"Him?" Chu Mo looked like he had stepped on a dog's poop, "Are you kidding me!"

"Whatever, then I won't go either."

Chu Mo's expression was complicated: "That's all right, you go to Island H with me, and I'll buy him a plane ticket to other places. Is that all right?"

Zhuang Wei sneered and said, "You think I will travel with you two?"

Qu Tongqiu was embarrassed, his ears felt hot, Chu Mo glared at him, and continued to lobby: "But I only booked two rooms, and there are only two tickets, what should I do if there is one more person?"

"It's simple, he stays in the hotel with you, and I'll go to the photography exhibition."

Qu Tongqiu really felt that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Zhuang Wei will enjoy the master's exhibition, and he will suffer from Chu Mo's beatings. He is not stupid.

However, as soon as he took two steps outside, Zhuang Wei grabbed his collar and said, "Stop!" Chu Mo scolded sharply, "Get out of here!"

Qu Tongqiu was in a dilemma, being pushed and shoved, both of them took their anger out on him, making him dizzy and could only scream "Ai Ai Ai".At this time, I was full of thoughts that it would be great if Ren Ningyuan was here.

I don't know if the summoning took effect, but I was screaming in pain when my arm was being pulled, when suddenly I heard Chu Mo say: "Ning Yuan, it's just in time, take your little fat man away!"

Qu Tongqiu was beaten again inexplicably, and when he heard Ren Ningyuan's name, he felt as if a god descended, and immediately turned his head and shouted:

Zhuang Wei sneered, "Why should he take it away? It's not his dog."

"You don't like him again, why do you still have to take him with you?"

"Because I don't like you even more."

Ren Ningyuan listened to them quarreling for a while, and smiled and said, "This can also quarrel? You ask him if you want to go, and it's over?" After speaking, he looked at Qu Tongqiu, "Are you willing to go?"

Qu Tongqiu was made ashamed for no reason, and the two of them didn't intend to listen to him at all. Seeing Ren Ningyuan came to ask him, his chest suddenly felt warm, and he felt that he would never say no to Ren Ningyuan, and blurted out without thinking. then said:

"I go."

Ren Ningyuan smiled, and said to the furious Chu Mo, "Why are you so angry, I'll go too, let's gather four people, it's fine."

It was the first time for Qu Tongqiu to fly on a plane. He was at a loss, and no one explained it to him. He could only imitate the other three.Fortunately, his seat was with Ren Ningyuan, and he was relieved to be able to sit next to Ren Ningyuan.

When I got my share of the plane meals, the dishes and rice were arranged neatly and beautifully, which was much better than the meals in the cafeteria.

Qu Tongqiu used to leave good things for Ren Ningyuan, so he pushed the lunch box over: "Boss."

Ren Ningyuan looked at it and said with a smile: "I can't hold two boxes, you can eat it yourself."

Only then did Qu Tongqiu feel at ease eating.For him, the plane meal tastes very good, but the portion is not enough, and one box is still not enough.

And Ren Ningyuan tasted some rice and small pieces of fish, then put down his fork, and seeing his eager eyes, he asked, "Do you still want to eat? I only moved here, you just dig it out."

Qu Tongqiu didn't care about the slobber and taboo, he ate up Ren Ningyuan's leftover box of food seriously.

Ren Ningyuan coughed slightly, and began to look down at the newspaper he brought over just now. After reading for a while, he leaned back, closed his eyes, and breathed steadily, as if he had fallen asleep.

Qu Tongqiu looked at his handsome and steady side face, thinking that a man should be like him, fierce but not arrogant, majestic but not vicious, gentle but not offensive, even if he can have one-tenth of his is enough up.

He was full of pious admiration when he suddenly saw Chu Mo walking over: "Hey, little fat man."

Qu Tongqiu hurriedly raised his finger, gave him a "hush", and then pointed at Ren Ningyuan with his eyes closed.

Chu Mo scolded: "You are the most flattering." But he still lowered his voice, "Come here."

Although Qu Tongqiu was afraid of him, he didn't want him to disturb Ren Ningyuan Qingmeng with his loud noises, so he went to the bathroom with him in fear.

"Let me tell you, you should stay away from Zhuang Wei all the way, or you will be courting death, do you know?"


"You are not allowed to be alone with him, and you are not allowed to talk to him, understand?!"


"If you dare to say one word to him, I will punch you when I go back; if you say two words, I will punch you twice. Remember it for me." Chu Mo slapped him on the head mercilessly, and then put him in a daze with fright. Qu Tongqiu pushed it out, "Get lost. I'm going to the toilet."

Qu Tongqiu returned to his seat, a little afraid of the scene of the four of them walking together after the plane landed.Next to Ren Ningyuan, he really hoped that the plane would never stop, as long as he sat next to Ren Ningyuan, he would be a little guard to protect the boss's sleep.

However, the plane landed on time.

After walking out of the cabin door, I found that it was raining. Everyone got off the elevator car one after another. The rain soon became heavier and heavier, but the car at the airport did not show up for a long time. A large group of people had to stand where they were, cursing and trying to hide from the rain.

Chu Mo came prepared, and Qu Tongqiu always brought his old folding umbrella with him no matter what the weather was like when he went out.The former went to Zhuang Wei to offer courtesy, while Qu Tongqiu handed the umbrella to Ren Ningyuan consciously: "Boss!"

Ren Ningyuan took it with a slight smile, and as soon as he opened it, Zhuang Wei scolded Chu Mo, "Who wants to share an umbrella with you!" But in the end he didn't want to get wet, so he strode over to Ren Ningyuan to take the umbrella down.

When Ren Ningyuan saw Zhuang Wei approaching, he didn't refuse. He treated everyone with the same kindness.

Chu Mo was so angry that he jumped, but he couldn't do anything to the two of them, so he only vented his anger on Qu Tongqiu.

Qu Tongqiu got hit on the head again, and got another hit when he was hiding, so he could only follow behind Ren Ningyuan, watching him and Zhuang Wei holding the old umbrella in harmony, and getting drenched all the way.

When he finally got into the car, Qu Tongqiu was already wet all over, his clothes and pants were all stuck to his body, and he could only grab his hair back casually.What worries me is the glasses. After wiping them on wet clothes for a long time, the lenses can't be cleaned. Fortunately, his short-sightedness is only [-] degrees, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't wear them.

Zhuang Wei glanced over him boredly, and suddenly turned back to take a serious look at him, and then looked at him again, as if a little surprised, endured it for a while, and said, "You seem to have lost a lot of weight."

Thinking of Chu Mo's threat, Qu Tongqiu dared not speak out.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Zhuang Wei snorted coldly, stared at the rain outside the car window for a while as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but look back at him again:

"It's not like you can't keep your eyes open."

When he said this, even Chu Mo, who had always had a stinking face, turned his eyes over, only Ren Ningyuan was noncommittal.

Zhuang Wei said, "I've lost a lot of weight."

Chu Mo also echoed: "Yeah, I'm a different person. But it's still just as ugly."

Qu Tongqiu had never had the experience of being the center of other people's attention, and he was terrified, so he hurriedly smiled.

Zhuang Wei immediately showed disgust and turned his eyes away.

When the group arrived at the hotel, they put all their things in one room for the time being. Ren Ningyuan smiled and said, "The journey has been exhausting, let's take a bath together, have a full-body massage, and take a rest by the way."

Qu Tongqiu hurriedly said: "Boss, I won't go." In return for making a punching bag, Zhuang Wei will help him pay for transportation, board and lodging, but he can't afford other additional expenses.

"Come together, I'll treat you," Ren Ningyuan smiled, "I ate a lot of breakfast for you."

Qu Tongqiu suddenly felt a little uneasy, Ren Ningyuan seemed to want to distance himself from him, it was quite a relationship.

He has offended Ren Ningyuan, but his sincerity towards the boss is a lesson to be learned. If Ren Ningyuan doesn't talk to him in the future, he doesn't know what to do.

Following the three of them to the sauna room, Qu Tongqiu was probably the only one who had never seen this kind of world. He had never experienced such pain or comfort in his life.After washing, soaking, steaming, and compressing the whole body, I lay down there and let others massage me. When I was kneaded hard, I screamed in pain, but afterwards I couldn't tell how comfortable it was.

Hearing him groan for a while, Chu Mo couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, what a fucking voice you have! Keep your voice down."

Qu Tongqiu immediately shut his mouth tightly.

Zhuang Wei rarely joined the scolding, while Ren Ningyuan just closed his eyes and fell asleep as usual.

After the massage, his whole body was relaxed. Qu Tongqiu was very sleepy. He squinted his eyes and accompanied the three of them to trim his hair. When he was drowsy, the hairdresser also cut him a few times and blew the hair debris off his face. , he groped back to the massage room next door, found a bed and fell asleep.

The massage room with no guests was dimly lit, Qu Tongqiu soon fell into a deep sleep, and had many strange dreams that were chaotic and strange but real, such as kissing someone.

The person in the dream should be a beautiful woman, but her face was so blurred that she couldn't recall the outline afterwards.But that kiss was like real.

Although he has never kissed a girl before, he doesn't know what a real kiss feels like.But the rough touch of lips in the dream made him mistakenly think that he was awake, and even clearly thought that he was getting up after that.

When I went outside, I found that the three of them had disappeared. I searched anxiously, but the hairdresser with a strange face said coldly, "You are late, who made you sleep until now and you can't afford it."...

"I can't sleep until now!"

The thunderous sound woke him up completely. Qu Tongqiu suddenly opened his eyes and saw Chu Mo's face.

Qu Tongqiu was frightened, he didn't care about recalling the dream, he sat up quickly: "Where's the boss?"

Chu Mo scolded him: "You are too dog-legged. Ning Yuan went to pay the bill, why is Bataba so tight?! There will be no milk for you."

Qu Tongqiu was about to climb off the massage table, but Chu Mo scolded again: "You pervert, tighten your clothes tighter! You want to show it to someone, don't be disgusting."

Chu Mo was already fully dressed.And Qu Tongqiu was still wearing the bathrobe he wore in the sauna, but he didn't know when the belt fell apart when he fell asleep, so he had to fasten it in wonder.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Zhuang Wei came in and threw him a bag of things: "Go and change."

Qu Tongqiu was hit in the face, he hurriedly caught it, opened it to see that it was strange clothes and pants, and asked, "Where are my clothes? Didn't I trouble them to dry them?"

"Such a disgusting thing, I threw it away a long time ago."

Qu Tongqiu was about to say how could you do this, but seeing Chu Mo's face was very ugly, he suddenly remembered that he was going to get punched for saying a word, so he quickly shut his mouth, looked down at his clothes, saw the size marked on it, and said puzzledly: "This It's too small for me to wear at all."

Chu and Zhuang scolded impatiently at the same time:

"Stop talking!"

"You can be content with what you can wear."

"If you want to go out naked, I'm afraid I'll get my eyes dirty."


Qu Tongqiu had to reluctantly change his clothes, but to his surprise, he could fit in all the clothes, all the buttons were buttoned up, and nothing felt tight.It's good if you can wear it, so I feel relieved and open the door to go out.

Ren Ningyuan had already settled the bill, and sat flipping through magazines in the hairdressing salon. When he saw him, he just looked up and smiled.Zhuang Wei didn't speak, Chu Mo was a little surprised: "Damn, you really put it on? Did you use a lot of lubricating oil? The clothes are really strong."

Qu Tongqiu seldom looks in the mirror. First, as a boy, he doesn't care much about his appearance, and second, every time he looks at it, he feels uncomfortable.

This time when Chu Mo said it, he also looked in the mirror on the wall.I just cut my hair short, lost my glasses, and changed into decent clothes. I really look very different from before.

Although there is no comparison with those three people, it is really not much better than the obscene look that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for a long time.

Probably due to the disappearance of the oil that oppressed the eyelids, the brows and eyes became clearer, and the eyes that were always drooping as if they hadn't woken up were able to open quite wide.His face became smaller, so that Qu Tongqiu realized for the first time that he had a face to speak of. Although it was neither square nor sharp, it was not like those three people, and his cheeks were pouty, but it was not ugly either. .

He has always been scolded for being fat and fat, and he will look stupid because of being too greasy. These days are not going well, the oil and water are almost consumed, and the stupidity has disappeared. Although the corners of the eyes are still a little drooping, look On the contrary, he has a good-natured and gentle appearance.

He is aware of his thin body. He has to face the bloated lower abdomen every day when he takes a bath. Recently, there is no belly to speak of.

I suddenly realized that I have become much more pleasing to the eye, and I was a little happy for a while.

Before he was overjoyed, he was slapped on the back of the head by Chu Mo: "What kind of photo are you taking? Hurry up and leave!"

Qu Tongqiu hurriedly covered his head and followed the crowd.

It doesn't matter whether he is fat or thin. People won't treat him differently just because he has lost dozens of catties. Anyway, he is just the same in his bones.

After dinner, the rain didn’t stop, and I couldn’t go out for night diving at night. I just stayed in the hotel, planning the itinerary for the next day, and one thing that urgently needed to be confirmed—room allocation.

As soon as this was mentioned, swords were drawn on the table and there was a stalemate.Qu Tongqiu looked left and right, feeling uneasy, worried that he would be kicked out to sleep on the street in the end, just like when he was holding an umbrella.

Zhuang Wei said impatiently, "It's not difficult, just book two more rooms."

Chu Mo was a little embarrassed: "Four men want four rooms, it's too hypocritical. Besides, the good hotels on the island on weekends are not fully booked, otherwise there is no need to book so much in advance."

"That's fine, you sleep with Ren Ningyuan, and I sleep with Qu Tongqiu."

Except for Ren Ningyuan who was sitting still, the other two almost jumped up.

Qu Tongqiu immediately vetoed loudly: "I don't want to sleep with you!"

"Oh," Zhuang Wei glanced at him, "or do you think Chu Mo is better?"

Qu Tongqiu was so frightened by the possibility that his face turned pale, and he immediately fell silent.

Chu Mo argued with Zhuang Wei to no avail, and Ren Ningyuan kept silent, so he turned to Qu Tongqiu: "Little fat man, who do you think you want to sleep with?"


"It's okay, just say it. Today you have the final say, is it enough to give you face?"

Qu Tongqiu was in a dilemma, none of the three people he was not afraid of, but only one he admired, and that person did not look fierce, but was leisurely reading his "National Geographic".



"I want to sleep with the boss."

Chu Mo immediately showed a victorious expression, and said farewell: "OK, please go."

Zhuang Wei dropped his chopsticks and walked out, Ren Ningyuan only raised his eyebrows.

No matter how noisy Chu Mo and the others will be, Qu Tongqiu finally has a place where he can sleep peacefully.

The hotel room is very comfortable, fully air-conditioned, clean and spacious. The fly in the ointment is that the single bed has to sleep two people, which seems a little small.

Qu Tongqiu climbed up early, dusted the bed that was already neatly made, pulled the four corners of the sheets, and said respectfully, "Boss."

Ren Ningyuan sat in the armchair on one side, did not look at Qu Tongqiu, and continued to read the magazine he brought in: "Go to bed first."

Qu Tongqiu obeyed, so he slept in a small place next to the bed, covered a corner of the quilt, and left most of the bed to Ren Ningyuan.

He didn't know when Ren Ningyuan went to bed. The bed was soft and smelled fresh, and he fell asleep as soon as he sank into it.Once he fell into a deep sleep, even a thunderbolt could not wake him up.I just feel that this sleep is long and deep, sweet and dreamless.

When I woke up, I was comfortable, the air-conditioning was too strong, but the temperature in the bed was just right, and the place where my hands touched was warm.

Qu Tongqiu suddenly realized something was wrong, opened his eyes and found that he was hugging Ren Ningyuan's waist, rubbing against his arms, with one leg still pressing on his stomach.

The back of Qu Tongqiu's head trembled, and he broke out in a cold sweat. What was even more frightening was that Ren Ningyuan had woken up a long time ago, and was putting his hands behind his head, squinting his eyes and looking at the ceiling.

He has always been careful and respectful to Ren Ningyuan, he didn't want to be so offensive in his sleep, Qu Tongqiu hurriedly let go, and said in panic: "Boss!"

Ren Ningyuan didn't care too much: "It's okay, you probably slept cold."

(End of this chapter)

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