Chapter 247

Lord Jing left the hall, and the three corpses were left unattended in the hall like this, irritating people's nerves all the time.

When they came to the small room where Lin Xiaorou was lying, she was still asleep, and Prince Jing was sitting by the bed, watching her quietly.

At this moment, the murderous aura on his body turned into a touch of tenderness, and finally turned into the tenderness of fingertips to caress Lin Xiaorou's cheek.

"If you run away from the ends of the earth, you will return to me in the end."

Lin Xiaorou didn't fall asleep, but closed her eyes on purpose. When she heard Prince Jing's words, her heart trembled, as if a executioner with blood on his hands gently said to you that I will not kill you.

She was so frightened that she could only close her eyes to prevent herself from coming into contact with him.

King Jing noticed the stiffness of Lin Xiaorou's body, suddenly smiled, and said teasingly: "It seems that you are really not good at acting!"

Being exposed, Lin Xiaorou simply opened her eyes and looked at him straight: "I have something to tell you!"

"Go ahead."

"Come closer."

King Jing was not on guard against her, and really moved his body closer, but a cold object was pressed against his waist, and he looked down to see that it was the one he threw to her in the mountains just now.

He couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Am I shooting myself in the foot like this?"

Lin Xiaorou endured the pain of the wound, and said with a sneer, "Master Jing, I have no grievances or enmities with you, why bother to cling to me, if you let me go, I will let you go, otherwise I don't mind dying with you, When the time comes, let's see who regrets it more!"

Prince Jing remained motionless, looking at her with eyes as warm as water, his mouth curled up, his smile was like a demon from hell, it was so good-looking that it made people sink deeply.

"Our lives are linked together now. If I die, you will die too. Therefore, if you cherish your life so much, you'd better not make unnecessary resistance."

Lin Xiaorou was taken aback, when did her life become tied to him.

"What trick do you want to play again!"

Prince Jing was noncommittal, and suddenly grabbed Lin Xiaorou's wrist with one hand. Lin Xiaorou let out an exclamation, and King Jing took the opportunity to lean over and seal her lips with his mouth, making her speechless.

The dagger fell to the ground with a bang during the struggle, and Prince Jing took advantage of the situation to press on Lin Xiaorou's body, immobilizing her so that she could no longer move.

The domineering kiss crazily plundered and demanded in her mouth, almost choking her breath.

Lin Xiaorou opened her eyes, as if she had fallen into an abyss. King Jing's eyes looked like the wild wolf in the forest, overbearing and terrifying. He regarded her as a fat food and wanted to tear her to pieces immediately.

In desperation, she gritted her teeth fiercely, and bit King Jing's tongue forcefully, King Jing finally let her go in pain, his brows were furrowed, and a trace of blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.

"Where's the person who was with you last night?" He finally asked something serious.

Lin Xiaorou closed her eyes, bit her lower lip tightly and did not speak.

King Jing smiled and said, "Do you think I can't find them if I don't tell you? I have ordered a search of the mountain, and I believe they will be found soon."

"I escaped separately from them, and you will not find any results in searching the mountains!"

escape separately?The masked man could guess his identity almost immediately, and the possibility that he would abandon Lin Xiaorou and choose another way to escape was zero, so Huo Qihan must be nearby.

King Jing didn't bother to point it out, he got up and sat on the grand master's chair, showing a rare tiredness between his brows and eyes.

"I want to sleep for a while, if you want to get out of here safely, you'd better not do anything!"

King Jing closed his eyes. Lin Xiaorou was extremely tired after tossing all night. At this time, she also knew that the best choice was to sleep comfortably to replenish her strength, otherwise she would not even be able to escape the gate of the palace with her current physical condition!

There was no dream, and it was dusk when I woke up. It seemed that the wound had been changed, and the bandage was new.

Turning his head, the teacher's chair was empty.

Lin Xiaorou got up, dragged her body and opened the door
"Miss, the prince has an order to let you rest in peace in the house!"

There were two guards guarding the door, and when they saw her coming out, they let her in.

Lin Xiaorou was furious. She is not a prisoner, so why is she not free.

But she still understands the truth that eggs don't touch rocks.

Back in the room, she punched the quilt angrily and silently scolded King Jing a hundred times.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely tense, because someone who supported the emperor was finally beheaded by King Jing, and no one knew who the fifth ghost would be, so they kept silent and dared not speak.

Soon there was news from outside the capital that someone in the army expected something to happen to the palace and wanted to charge regardless of the existence of the soldier talisman. After hearing the news, King Jing ordered all those who disobeyed to be killed without mercy.

When it was getting dark, King Jing asked someone to move an incense burner with a special smell in the hall, and the hall was soon filled with an indescribable smell, which was said to be more like the smell of medicine.

These ministers were imprisoned for a day and a night. They were already tired, thirsty and sleepy.

King Jing asked someone to make a table of delicacies and put them outside the gate of the palace. He ordered that those who were on his side could go out to eat enough and then have a good sleep. Of course, the officials continued to do it.

At first no one moved, but later some weak-willed ones couldn't take it any longer, so they ran out, grabbed the food on the table and devoured it, and then left here under the escort of the guards to have a good "rest!"

He doesn't need someone who can easily betray the Jiu Lord.

With the first, there will be the second, and soon, several ministers are sent to a permanent "rest" when they are full.

The ministers who don't know the truth are still cursing there. Although the emperor's murder of the former emperor to seize the throne is despised by others, it is true that the former emperor had an imperial decree to appoint him before his death, so it is half legitimate, but King Jing is also the former emperor. The son, after all, was not hand-picked by the first emperor.

Now, except for a few ministers who strongly supported the former emperor, the rest of the ministers have ambiguous attitudes, which is very troublesome.

The smell in the incense burner was getting stronger and stronger, the emperor sat on the chair and closed his eyes tightly, his face was pale and looked a little painful.

Soon his hands and feet began to tremble, and a stream of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

The emperor looked at his trembling hands in horror, his body went limp uncontrollably.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Several old ministers immediately surrounded him and said anxiously.

"Hurry up and find the imperial physician to save the emperor!"

No one dared to move, only those old ministers stamped their feet anxiously and stared.

Regardless of their anxiety, King Jing approached slowly, held the emperor's hand with one hand, and said, "Brother Huang, if you still have unfulfilled wishes, please tell me together."

The emperor's eyes were like a knife gouging him fiercely, but more blood flowed out of his mouth, which soon stained his dragon robe red.

I didn't expect that after so many years of calculations and precautions, I still stumbled in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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