Chapter 223 Yehua Palace

People from Ying Tianfu are also one of the shareholders?Huo Qihan frowned, looking around, there was nothing suspicious, and there was no sign of any damage to the lock on the door.

"Will the guard be there on the day of the theft?"

"They're all here, I'll call right away."

The clerks on the night of the theft were quickly called. They were two rough-looking men, and ordinary thieves should not be able to get close to them.

"What were you doing the day Ku Yin was stolen!"

"Mr. Hui, I was on night duty that day. I went to the toilet in the middle of the night because I drank too much water, and I was there the rest of the time."

"Me too, I also went to the toilet later, but I didn't go until he came back."

According to this, since everyone is there, it is even more impossible for someone to break in.

Unless, Huo Qihan glanced at the two guys, unless one of them was lying, or both of them were lying.

Although this treasury silver is not a lot, it is also important, and if one's own things are lost for no apparent reason, there must be some truth.

But if you ask now, you won't be able to ask anything, so Huo Qihan didn't do anything or say anything for the time being.

On the way back, Ling Feng, who had been by his side all the time, said, "My lord, who do you suspect did it?"

Huo Qihan seemed a little tired with his eyes closed.

"Both of them are suspected. The two guys have been there for so long, even if they don't have a key, they still know what the key looks like. It is not difficult to match one with heart. The shopkeeper is also suspicious. After all, he has a ready-made key. will be unfamiliar."

"Then how to investigate now?"

"Let's wait until night, and find a breakthrough from the two guys first."

"Okay, Ling Feng knows what to do."

Today Prince Jing is not in the mansion all day, Lin Xiaorou is like a rabbit being scattered by an eagle, she is extremely free, at night when the cook's food is not to her liking, she sneaks out of the mansion with Cailan to eat supper.

Recently, because the emperor is going to hold a birthday banquet, the entire capital has implemented a curfew system for safety reasons. At night, no one is allowed to walk around the street at will. When encountering suspicious people, they have to be questioned. I guess King Jing is just busy. These things go.

Lin Xiaorou and Cailan are a bit more relaxed because they are women. The two want to go to Zuixianlou. I heard that there is a new dish in Zuixianlou that is very unique, so Lin Xiaorou's heart itch is unbearable.

They walked happily all the way to the street, but found that the street was sparsely populated tonight, and the moonlight was pale and strange.

Seeing the guards with swords in front of them patrolling, they hurried to avoid it.

"Princess, it seems that the capital has imposed a curfew, why don't we go back."

"Don't be afraid, we're going to eat and we're not doing anything bad, so let's just pick the path!"

Seeing Lin Xiaorou's excitement, Cailan knew that she could not be stopped, and there were patrolling guards guessing that they would not be in danger, so she agreed.

The two chose a remote path and an alley, and suddenly heard a strange sound when they passed a dark path.

It seemed that someone was fighting, Lin Xiaorou didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but when she heard a woman's helpless cry, she immediately felt compassion.

"Cailan, let's go take a look."

"It's better not to mind your own business when Ma'am is away from home. If I get into trouble, I won't be able to explain to the prince."

Cailan was really nervous and worried, so Lin Xiaorou decided to let her stay here to see for herself, but Cailan couldn't help but she had to go along with her.

The sound came from a small alley, and the moonlight was just bright when I followed the sound, and people could smell a strong smell of blood before they saw it.

Lin Xiaorou frowned, and quickly ran to the entrance of the alley to take a quick look, only to see a man in black was drawing his sword, and two corpses were lying under the sword, and the smell of blood came from here.

Lin Xiaorou stared blankly at the man in black and always felt a little familiar, but the man in black froze when he saw her movements, retracted his sword and quickly disappeared into the night, his agility was astonishing.

"Husband, madam, dead!"

Cai Lan trembled when she saw the two corpses, her face turned pale.

Lin Xiaorou was afraid that she would cry out in fright, and immediately covered her mouth, pulled her aside, and said in a low voice, "Let's go, if people find out, they will be regarded as suspects."

Cai Lan nodded violently, her body trembling with fright.

The two returned the same way, and when Ling Feng arrived, he happened to see them leaving.

A trace of doubt immediately flashed in my heart, why are they here?

The strong bloody smell wafted along the night wind, Ling Feng turned into the alley and looked, and fell silent immediately, it was still too late!
Just now he went to look for the guy who guards the bank, but someone got there first. The guy and his wife were chased all the way here. He also chased here based on those clues, but it was still too late.

It seemed that this guy was really suspected of stealing silver, but his mouth was silenced, and the clues were interrupted for a while.

Going back to the Huixian Building to report to Huo Qihan, Huo Qihan also fell silent, and the man was silenced, indicating that this matter was not a simple theft, but a deeper conspiracy.

"Young master, but when I went, I saw Princess Jing and her maid, and the two looked flustered, Ling Feng thought maybe they saw something!"

Princess Jing?
Huo Qihan was taken aback, but said nothing.

"Ling Feng, go and check the background of this guy and the people you have been in contact with recently, and use him as a breakthrough point to secretly investigate. Since you have done it, it is impossible not to leave any clues. In addition, take out the money from other banks to avoid Let's suffer together!"



Huo Qihan called Ling Feng to stop again.

"Go and investigate Mr. Li in Ying Tian Mansion first."

"Why did you want to investigate Mr. Li? Could it be that Ku Yin's loss could be related to him?"

Huo Qi smiled incredulously, and hissed.

Ling Feng understood, and quickly left to investigate.

Inside King Jing's Mansion, in the study.

Lord Jing was lazily sitting on a chair, rubbing his forehead with one hand, looking a little tired, and the dark guard was standing in front of him, waiting for his order.

King Jing thought for a long time, put his hands down, and looked up at the front, his eyes were a little empty.

"Pay attention to Huo Qihan's every move."


"In addition, send the letter to Concubine Hua immediately."


A letter that had already been written on the table was delivered to the palace by the secret guard.

Concubine Hua's face was very calm when she received it, as if she had no joy or sorrow. She opened the letter paper and browsed quickly, understood the content by heart, and then burned the letter paper on the candle as usual.

Yehua Palace is the palace where the Empress lives. The gates here are closed all the year round, and the sound of Buddha sounds. Not to mention the Emperor, even the maids and guards rarely pass by here. Although it is not a cold palace, it is better than a cold palace. The place where the most noble woman in the world lives will surely be forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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