Chapter 110
"Lin Xiaorou, you don't know how to be flattering! If you don't eat a toast, you'll be fined at the bar! You'll have to wait and see the consequences of offending Yuwen's family!" The butler's face turned pale from anger, and he stabbed Lin Xiaorou fiercely with a trembling hand. direction.

"Thank you, but unfortunately I don't drink." Lin Xiaorou replied with a smile, then turned around and went back to the back kitchen, leaving the housekeeper's footsteps behind. After living for so many years, she was tricked by an ignorant little girl.

Back in the kitchen, Wang Lan was not there.All the cooks were busy, but Xiao Kui stood silently in front of the casserole for cooking pork rib soup with her back to everyone.

"What's the matter with you, Aoi?"

"Miss Xiaorou, this pork rib soup smells so good, just smelling it will make your saliva flow down!" Xiaokui turned around and said with a smile, her crooked eyes were extraordinarily delicate.

"Really, if you like it, I'll cook a small stove for you and buy you a bowl first!" Lin Xiaorou was very happy to be praised, Lin Xiaorou reached out to take the bowl and was about to fill the soup, but was stopped by Xiaokui, and said softly: "Or No more, I have a bad stomach, so I can’t eat too much meat and broth, mainly vegetarian soup, otherwise I will have constant diarrhea.”

That's it!Lin Xiaorou put down the bowl and said enthusiastically: "Then you can make some candied hawthorns. Not only can you appetize, digest food, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, but also improve meat-eating diarrhea. It's the most suitable for you."

"Really, thank you Miss Xiaorou." Xiaokui was very grateful to Lin Xiaorou for giving her this recipe, but it wasn't long before the damn chef ordered her to work again.

Lin Xiaorou took a sympathetic look at the submissive and thin Xiaokui. Such a simple and introverted girl would suffer this kind of anger here and be yelled at by that annoying head chef. If she had quit up.

A customer ordered chrysanthemum sparerib soup again, Lin Xiaorou directly took out a pot for Xiao Er, when Wang Lan came back and saw Lin Xiaorou kept asking Fu Bo why he wanted her?
Lin Xiaorou made a fool of herself with a haha, and was about to take a lazy nap, when she just walked to the backyard and lay down on the table, someone bothered her again.

"Miss Xiaorou, someone is looking for you outside."

"No, I don't have any relatives or friends in Xuelang Town!" She yawned lazily.

"If you really don't see me, I'll go back to you."

The little girl who passed on the message walked away, just as Lin Xiaorou lay down and narrowed her eyes, the little girl came again: "Miss Xiaorou, why don't you go and see her, people say that your friend .”

Don't worry, it's been going on and on.

Lin Xiaorou opened her eyes and muttered angrily, "Okay, okay, I'll go and have a look!"

After speaking, he stood up and walked out in a daze. It happened that Uncle Fu was not there, otherwise if he saw her going out alone, he would have to ask about the situation so that she would not be stopped by some restaurant again.

Just as Lin Xiaorou walked to the door, before she could fully open her half-closed eyes, someone suddenly pulled her forward and quickly pushed her into a carriage that had been prepared long ago.

The whole process happened so quickly that it was too late to blink.

"Miss Xiaorou, we are neither bad people nor malicious, just ask you to go to a place, and someone will take you back in a while." A strange voice rang in my ears, and my eyes were covered since I entered the carriage. A piece of white silk was put on.

"You are not bad people, so why did you arrest me? What is your purpose?" Lin Xiaorou shrank back with fear in her heart. If this group of people were with the people who harmed her before, wouldn't she Doomed!
"Don't worry, girl, we will never hurt you in the slightest, and we will absolutely guarantee to let you go home safely in a while."

It could be heard that this person's tone did not sound like he was trying to harm her, and there was a trace of respect, which made Lin Xiaorou even more puzzled.

"Who on earth sent you?"

Silence, the man stopped talking, only the sound of galloping horseshoes.

Lin Xiaorou took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, since this person said that she would not harm her, let's see what they are going to do for now.

The carriage was very bumpy, it didn't seem to be walking on a flat road, if Lin Xiaorou hadn't clenched her teeth forcefully, she would have vomited on the ground.

Circle you bastard, Lin Xiaorou scolded the person behind the scenes over and over again, even if you want to invite her to meet, that's not the way to treat guests, anyway, you have to sleep well and lie down well, now it's so messed up Same as kidnapping.

Just when her face was pale and she was about to vomit uncontrollably, the carriage stopped suddenly with a creak, Lin Xiaorou jumped forward with a poof, opened her mouth, and vomited upside down, poor stranger was vomited She couldn't find the rhythm of crying and had to force herself to be calm and take her out of the carriage as if nothing happened.

"The girl is here." The man untied the white silk for her, and the dazzling light made the man unable to open his eyes.

"Where is this?" She asked the people around her, but when she looked back, she felt embarrassed, and saw the stranger running in the carriage as if fleeing for his life, remembering that she seemed to have vomited something strange just now. People immediately understood.

Hey, she sighed and sympathized with the poor bastard!
Turning around and looking forward, I saw a large forest of apricot blossoms, which could hardly be seen at a glance.

The vast expanse of whiteness is like a cloud falling into the world, and the faint fragrance of flowers cloud the tip of the nose.

A gust of wind blew a few apricot blossoms along the wind, Lin Xiaorou reached out to catch them, there was a touch of red on the fragrant and soft petals, as if rouge had been applied.

Clusters, clusters.When a gust of wind blows, the flowers fly away immediately, and the petals fall like a celestial maiden, as if there is a rain of petals.

Just one glance can teach people to forget the world of mortals. What they see and think of is only this spring snow, only this endless fragrance and tenderness.

Lin Xiaorou was so fascinated, she strolled in, stretched out her hand, and petals fell into her palm, she giggled like a child, her silver bell-like laughter spread cautiously in the apricot blossom forest.

A light breeze picked up, and the fragrance was like mellow old wine, one smell would make one get drunk, Lin Xiaorou shuttled through the forest like a butterfly, letting the petals in her hands fly all the way.

Suddenly, a burst of piano sound was raised.

Then it came softly like a slow stream, so melodious and clear, like spring water playing among the green hills; Butterfly, and the sound of the piano is sometimes soaring like the sound of clouds and sometimes as low as the whisper of a lover; sometimes it is exciting, and sometimes it is empty...
Lin Xiaorou was attracted, and carefully brushed the flowers and branches all the way to find the sound of the piano.

At this time, the sun was just right, shining slightly on the white and clean petals, which blinded her eyes, making her unable to see clearly who the man in plain clothes and black hair was sitting behind the piano.

Lin Xiaorou held her breath, her whole body seemed to be frozen, she didn't dare to breathe, she hid behind an apricot tree and secretly looked at the people in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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