Almighty Principal System

Chapter 111 Young People

Chapter 111 Young People

PS. Today is the make-up exam for graduation. I am very tired. Teacher Yang has already died in battle, so there will be two updates today.
"Xiaohe, listen to me! I was wrong! I was really wrong! I shouldn't have broken up with you because of work! I didn't expect you to come to Qishi too! This is the destiny destined by heaven! I like you, I love you You, I can’t live without you! Xiao He, you are giving me a chance! The sea can dry up, and the stone can rot, I will never change my heart for you!” The man tugged at the gentle Bu Yuehe He didn't let go even if he died, and kept saying nasty love words in his mouth.

Hao Yun got goosebumps when he heard it, and he quickly asked the onlookers to plug their ears. Hearing these things is too spicy!

"Wang Jindong, we are over! When you signed the tripartite agreement behind my back, we are no longer the same people. You have your pursuit, and I have my life. We are just two straight lines. After the intersection, we can only cross Go farther." Bu Yuehe said with a calm face, her mentality is quite good, there is no hysteria at all, only a calm state of mind.

"Xiao He! You should know that it is difficult to find a job in art. Finally, a studio agreed to accept me. I don't want to give up this opportunity. A man should start a career first and then start a family." The man argued strongly.

Hao Yun glared at the children who were watching Xi Zhenghuan, trying to take their little hands out of their ears, and then quickly stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder: "Hey, buddy! Let go! The girls don't want to be with you What's wrong with you?"

"Who are you? Why do you want to meddle in our affairs? It has nothing to do with you, please stay away!" The man said to Hao Yun forcefully, without showing any shame to Hao Yun.

Hao Yun rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said: "My dear man, just for the word 'please' just now, you will save yourself a spanking. Really, I will not beat you for this politeness. But please Let go of my teacher first, speak up if you have something to say, it's inappropriate to gossip in front of the children."

The man looked at the little radish heads stretching their necks to watch the show and said, "I only want Xiao He! I don't care if you die?"

"." Hao Yun rolled his eyes silently: "Although it is said that it is better to demolish ten temples than break up a marriage. But the twisted melon is not sweet!"

"A twisted melon is not sweet, but it quenches your thirst! I just want to get back together with my girlfriend!" the man continued to say forcefully.

Hao Yuntan spread his hands and reasoned: "But you have interfered with our normal teaching work! Teacher Bu is an excellent teacher in our school, and her task today is to bring good children who have won honors for our school to come here. Playing in the amusement park, shouldn't you reflect on what is wrong with your own behavior now? I have never interfered with your right to pursue girls—but you should also score the occasion, right?"

The man who was hit by Hao Yun's righteous combo let go of Bu Yuehe's hand in embarrassment, but he still did not give up persuading: "Come back to me! We used to be so in love! Let's draw the sky together the sunset, let’s paint the school’s meadow together.”

"Brother, stop quickly! Is it appropriate for you to say such disgusting things in front of so many children? If you do this again, I will call the police!" Hao Yun raised his tone by half a point.

"You..." The man gritted his teeth and looked at Hao Yun angrily, always feeling like he wanted to punch him.Hao Yun really deserves a beating, what is wrong with pursuing his girlfriend?Why are you interfering?
"What about me? I'm a principal anyway. Why do you want to beat me up? Bu Yuehe is now a teacher in our school, and I have an obligation to protect her from being violated by society. The school is a pure place, and I don't want people to Go pollute her. Leave, there is no grass in the end of the world, why bother to fall in love with a single flower? Unless one day Bu Yuehe personally tells me that she wants to get back together with you, or you appear in my field of vision and hit once You once! If you want to take revenge on me, you are welcome at any time. But I need to leave my name, my name is Hao Yun, if the guy who helps you get ahead is a little bit more advanced, you should have heard of my name." Hao Yun tweeted The driver walked up to Bu Yuehe and said, "Relax, you are my employees and my treasures! How can I let you be entangled? Children! Get on the bumper car with me!"

A dozen children got into a bumper car, while Hao Yun took Bu Yuehe into a couple car for two.

"What's the situation?" Hao Yun asked Bu Yuehe while "chasing" the little carrot heads after turning on the switch of the bumper car.

Bu Yuehe took a deep breath, and couldn't help but sighed a little on her pretty face: "Ex-boyfriend. You also went to college. There are not too many couples who break up during the graduation season."

"Since we broke up, why is the grandson begging you to come back to him? Do you still have some morals? It's pitiful for a man to be like him." Hao Yun said.

Bu Yuehe was silent, she just said after being on the list: "Don't worry, I will never delay work because of him."

"Of course don't worry, I'm very assured of any of you! You are the elite among the elite recruited by Sima Jun'an, and with his personality, you will never recruit mediocre people under his command." Hao Yun said with a smile.

"Hey? Cui Jianxiu! How dare you bump into my principal? The thief escapes! Let my principal hit you!" Hao Yun turned the steering wheel wildly and went straight to a scoundrel.

Bu Yuehe smiled and said, "Do you know why I came back to Qishi?"

"Isn't it because of Sima Jun'an? Most of the teachers in our school were deceived by Sima with his face." Hao Yun asked suspiciously.

"It has nothing to do with the vice-principal. I came to Seventh City just to see the place where that guy would come even if he broke up with me. But I was disappointed. Compared with other places, Seventh City is no different." Bu Yue Hejing said quietly.

"The old love is over?" Hao Yun raised his eyebrows and asked.

Bu Yuehe said lightly: "It's just not reconciled."

"What's not to be reconciled to? Everyone has everyone's choice. It's hard to tell who is right and who is wrong. Emotional matters can't be forced, and if you miss it, it's irreparable. The reason why I don't like that guy is because He thinks too much—since there is still love in his heart, why did he break up? Don't tell me that reality forced me, I can see that you are not that kind of realistic woman." Hao Yun said solemnly.

Bu Yuehe smiled sadly: "Yes, because of love, I can give up any good life to stay with him. It may be that people who study art have a romanticism in their hearts."

“谁说不是呢!所以我才没揍他呀!我这人最搞不明白的便是感情问题,小的时候以为躺在一张床上嘿嘿嘿便是爱情。上大学以后我胖的像一个Like the ball, I don't even have a serious girlfriend, and now I'm forced to marry by your Director Xiahou all day long. Is it easy for me?" Hao Yun said helplessly.

"It's not easy for you." Bu Yuehe comforted with a smile on her face: "But you and Director Xia Hou are quite a match, you two are the best CP in our school."

"Let's put aside those boring topics, people, the most important thing is to be happy! Do you think I am taking the child to play today? In fact, I am the child!" Hao Yun laughed, and then he raised his voice: "Scumbags! Wait for the principal's thunderous sanction!"

For a while, there was a bloody storm in the bumper car square, and the children were making noise and laughing.Hao Yun was also making noise, smiling.All the unhappiness disappeared in this laughter.

It's nice to be young.
(End of this chapter)

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