Chapter 90 Vibration
Any sensational news spreads surprisingly fast.

The news of the appearance of the purple-ranked great adventurer is radiating out at an astonishing speed. Along with the word of mouth among merchants, peddlers, and adventurers, it spreads slowly to the entire starry night and into the starry night. In Wang Haotian's ears.

"What? A purple-level adventurer appeared in our starry night? And he looks as old as I was back then? Huh! God, this king has to receive her personally. Do you know where she is now? This king must treat others well, even if she is just passing by our Xingye, this king can’t neglect her, maybe I can gain a little friendship, can I find out the origin of this person?” Xingye Wang Haotian exclaimed Breathing a sigh of relief, for him who is thirsty for talent, he naturally cannot give up talent, even if there is a chance, he will not let it go, it is a pity that Haotian would not have thought that this strong man with a purple class card would be him Bai Ling, the commoner of the Xingbei tribe who despised the most back then, if he knew now, he would definitely despise his own eyesight and regret it.

"Your Majesty, I went to the wolf head mercenary guild to investigate. Those four people don't seem to be locals, and the identity registration has also been carefully analyzed. Star Clan does not have the names of such four strong men. It is obvious that they are mercenaries. The guilds are all using fake names, um! For such powerful experts, their personalities must be a bit weird!"

Haotian was not surprised at all. Indeed, as long as people have strength, they will become the focus of attention everywhere. Those powerful masters are not pretending to be forced, but forced by those crazy admirers.

"Huh! Well, in this case, you can help me pay attention to it, especially the wolf head. We must find out those strong men, so that I can properly fulfill my friendship as a landlord."


At this time, Aimer led Zoe and Lina to the "Branch Station of the Edson Family" in Starry Night City. After ordering the servants to conceal their whereabouts, they settled down and went to a separate room , asked the servants to change himself into a set of luxurious silk that even ordinary nobles could not afford, pushed open the window, looked up at the starry sky, the bright eyes immediately reflected the brilliance of the stars, if there is a maid at this moment Seeing his dreamy and beautiful eyes by accident, she will definitely pass out with happiness.

"Master, according to the green card, you have been practicing for several days, and there are still many things that need to be dealt with in the family. Do you think this is the end of the training? Both the master and the wife are very worried. "

The owner of the inn spoke calmly behind Aimer, he didn't dare to underestimate this young master, maybe others don't know, but he can be regarded as the top figure of the Edson family, if he doesn't have the slightest ability He couldn't be the master of this station, he knew that if it weren't for the young master in front of him, it would be impossible for the Edson family to develop so rapidly.

"Well, Lei Nuo, don't worry, with my hidden cards and the equipment on my body, even if I encounter a big star monster, there is no problem in saving my life."

Aimer turned around calmly, fully revealing her confidence.

"How can it be such a coincidence to get the dragon scales of the Nine Nether Earth Dragon? Bai Ling, what secrets are you hiding?" Aimer frowned, thinking lightly, and suddenly laughed again. There are not many girls who arouse his interest, as long as he is with Bai Ling, he will always be full of novelty.

(End of this chapter)

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