Chapter 756

"Say you are anxious, and you are even more anxious." Wu Chen waved his hand, "For this matter, we have to see whether Qianlong really got the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and whether it is really possible to lose it in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Because, from the conventional Judging from the situation, it is unlikely that he will pass by the Grand Canal with the Chuan Guo Yuxi."

Yu Yao interjected, "Actually, I also understood the meaning of the inscription because Wu Chu first said that this is the clue to connect the Jade Seal of Chuanguo. This 'insider' is easy to understand, it should be the queen; this 'Dinglong', if I don’t know beforehand, and I have to think about it.”

Wu Chen nodded, "Deducing this will help us better judge Xie Liuzhai's clues during the Republic of China."

Yang Sihai smiled without saying a word, Yang Rui took a puff of cigarette, "Yes, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, old Wu worked hard to grind tofu."

Wu Chen heard that Yang Rui was teasing him with the stalk of "hardworking lady grinding tofu", so he didn't care.

In fact, Qianlong's matter is indeed worth deliberating.

Ever since Emperor Li Congke of the late Tang Dynasty threw himself into the raging fire with the Chuanguo Yuxi in his arms, there has never been a relatively conclusive news about the Chuanguo Yuxi.Although there are various legends in later generations, they are hard to believe.

And Qianlong once got the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, which is not even a legend.

However, in the official history, there is a record that Qianlong identified a false seal.

According to the "Records of Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty", when Huang Taiji took power and sent Dorgon to attack Chahar, Dorgon once got the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" by accident; shortly after Huang Taiji got the "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" , and took advantage of this excuse to formally establish the Qing Dynasty and proclaim itself emperor.

The record of this matter is very clear, and according to the "records" of subsequent generations of emperors, from Huang Taiji, to Shunzhi, to Kangxi, to Yongzheng, this "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" has always existed in the palace, and there are records of its use.

However, in the Qianlong period, this "Chuan Guo Yuxi" was abandoned.

Because in the 11th year of Qianlong, Qianlong personally determined that this "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" was a fake.

In fact, it is not difficult to identify it as "fake" from the perspective of eyesight.These generations of emperors are not blind.

The so-called "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" on this side is very likely that Huang Taiji planned Dorgon to perform "a good show" in order to show that he is an orthodox true dragon "ordered by heaven"; , Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is estimated that they can only cooperate to the end.

Then why did Qianlong suddenly not "cooperate"?
In the 11th year of Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong determined that this "Jade Seal of Chuanguo" was not independent, and he ruled out thirty or forty fake jade seals successively in the past few years.

Qianlong was neither a fool nor a lunatic, on the contrary, he must be smarter than ordinary people.Combined with the fact that he has determined that a large number of jade seals are fake, it can be roughly inferred that he is very likely to have obtained the real Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

Even if you didn't get the real thing, you should have got a clue, and it's a clue that is very promising.

From the situation in the 11th year of Qianlong, look at the 13th year of Qianlong.In the 13th year of Qianlong, Qianlong took Empress Fucha out of the palace.

There are two situations here. First, Qianlong had an "extraordinary love" for Empress Fucha; second, Empress Fucha had just experienced the pain of bereavement and was in poor health after being hit, otherwise she would not have died on the road .

Knowing that his beloved queen was not in good health, he had to take her long distances to exhaustion. According to historical data, it was Qianlong who wanted to let the queen relax.However, Empress Fucha is not in a bad mood, but sad, depressed and physically damaged. Is it useful to relax?

Moreover, this itinerary is not like a "relaxation" itinerary, because Qianlong went to Konglin, then climbed Mount Tai to Dai Temple.

It is possible to draw such a conclusion by inferring from back and forth. No matter whether Emperor Qianlong got the Jade Seal of the Chuanguo in the 11th year of Qianlong or a definite clue, then he should have indeed obtained the Jade Seal of the Chuanguo before he left Beijing for Konglin and Mount Tai in the 13th year of Qianlong. Imperial jade seal!
The reason why he didn't "make a statement" before is probably because he wanted to pay homage to Konglin and offer sacrifices to Emperor Daizong with the ceremony of the emperor, and declared it to the world in a very formal way.

That's why Empress Fucha was brought along.Such a grand event was an extremely exciting moment not only for Qianlong, but also for the empress.

However, this trip not only failed to announce the result of "celestial celebration", but Empress Fucha also died on the way.

Now it's time to go back to the lettering: Lost in the canal!
This incident died prematurely because Qianlong lost the Chuanguo Yuxi while traveling with him!
From the perspective of the travel route, it is inevitable that from the capital to Mount Tai, there will be an intersection with the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

If it was really lost in the Grand Canal or along the coast, then Qianlong kept secret about getting the Jade Seal of Chuanguo before, and it would not be "announced" at this time!

Going out this time was supposed to be a great joy, but in the end he lost his wife and broke the seal!
Moreover, when Qianlong was in his 80s, he engraved this "grudge" on one of the seals of "Eight Signs of the Elderly Treasure", which shows that he has not found it for decades from the loss to the engraving.At the age of 80, I must have completely given up.

Of course, this is just the analysis that Yu Yao and Wu Chen came up with during the discussion.There is no historical evidence for this.

However, gradually, Yang Rui was also attracted by their analysis, and interrupted from time to time to get involved.

"If this matter is true, the craftsman who carved the lettering will probably be given to death after the engraving." Yang Rui said with emotion, and then asked, "However, this Fang Yuxi should have flowed out of the Qing Palace at the end of the Qing Dynasty. , didn’t you continue to search based on this clue?”

"It's hard to say. It's possible that I didn't find one. In short, after Qianlong, no relevant news has been handed down." Wu Chen changed the subject, "However, this Fang Yuxi flowed out of the Qing Palace, was obtained by others, and finally fell into the Not long after Xie Liuzhai took it, news spread from a small county near the canal."

Yang Rui suddenly chuckled, "It's still interesting to introduce like this!"

"This county is not directly adjacent to the canal, there are more than 100 miles away, but there is a natural river that meets the canal, and there is a lake near the downstream. This lake is on the edge of the county. Back then, someone was in the lake, A giant clam was dug out. I don’t know how big it is, but when I pried open the clam shell that seemed to be unable to close, I found no pearls, but a glass box with seven treasures! It was inlaid with gold, silver, glass, coral, Amber, clam, agate."

When Wu Chen said this, he couldn't help but sighed, "This matter is too bizarre, and there is no clear historical data, so it is doubtful for now."

Yang Rui pondered, "The seven treasures of Buddhism? It is well known that Qianlong believed in Buddhism."

Wu Chen went on to say, "However, many fishermen and locals scrambled for this seven-treasure glazed box. It is said that it was beaten to pieces at that time. The scattered seven treasures were looted and sold separately. Most of them were taken away by antique dealers in the capital. .”

Yu Yao interjected, "Others may not think too much about it, but if Xie Liuzhai knows the news, he has clues before him, and he will presumably speculate that this seven-treasure glazed box may have been used to hold the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom back then!"

Wu Chen nodded, "Although he was in Shanghai at the time, he should have received the news, and he had been to this county to understand what happened. However, this lake is not small, and Xie Liuzhai may have other ideas. If you keep this 'big clue' secret, you can throw out the bait and negotiate with the Japanese and British."

(End of this chapter)

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