Play treasure master

Chapter 747 Moved to Muwu Gang

Chapter 747 Moved to Muwu Gang

Lin Fengcao replied: "I haven't dealt with it."

"Ah?" Yu Yao was slightly taken aback, but soon understood, "Oh, you know everything because you don't know it!"

"Yes. We came back and you disappeared, so I pretended I didn't know anything. When the time came, Liu Dali could only drive the boat back first." Lin Fengcao said, "What he fears most is that you will fall into the water and have an accident, so he is terrified. However, if you let him panic, get confused, and make up lies, it will be even more difficult for him to find out suspicious points; let him pick you up again, not only will you not feel troublesome, but you will also be glad that nothing happened."

Hearing what Lin Fengcao said, Yu Yao couldn't help sighing inwardly, the successors of the Ghost Eye Sect are all shrewd and thoughtful; if it weren't for such a group of people, it would be really difficult to find the secret treasure.

Immediately, Yu Yao looked at Xiao Ying, and said to Lin Fengcao, "Then we won't let us make up this lie?"

"You guys are busy, I'm idle, I'll help you guys figure it out." Lin Fengcao replied, "It's very simple, you just say that one person accidentally fell into the water, and although he could swim, he was washed to the middle of the river; while the other fell into the water I went to rescue them, but in the end, both of them landed on the opposite bank in a daze, and passed out from exhaustion. After waking up, one phone was flooded and couldn’t be used, and the other’s phone was left on the river beach, and then swam back , call me for help."

"Okay." Yu Yao nodded, "Because I fainted once, I can't remember other details."

"Well. It just so happens that Liu Dali is on duty again tonight, so I'll call him right now."

Sure enough, when Liu Dali drove the monitoring ship back again, he looked even a little happy, "It's a safe bet!"

Moreover, because he was on night shift, after hearing what Yu Yao said, he didn't ask too much. After finishing the work, he ran back to the monitoring station to be on duty.

After returning to the B&B, Yu Yao and Xiao Ying told Lin Fengcao what happened.

"This Danxiazi, why didn't there be any bones left behind?" Lin Fengcao suddenly asked such a question after listening.

"If a person dies in the cave, there will be no closed formation." Xiao Ying replied, "Besides, she even 'arranged' her own mount first, and she must have left Xianding Mountain in the end , passed away elsewhere."

Lin Fengcao smiled, "I thought you would say that she has attained enlightenment and ascended."

"Actually, I really thought about it." Xiao Ying looked at the two of them, "Do you want to hear it?"

"Let's talk, I've been tired all day, so relax." Yu Yao said with a smile.Lin Fengcao also nodded.

"The founder of Jiejiao, Master Tongtian, has a very famous apprentice. You must know that the later God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming." Xiao Ying said, "Zhao Gongming has three younger sisters who are also disciples of Master Tongtian, so Zhao Gongming is their His eldest brother is also their senior brother."

Yu Yao lit a cigarette while listening.What Xiao Ying is talking about now is actually mainly the content of the novel Fengshen Yanyi, so he naturally knows.Zhao Gongming's three younger sisters are known as the Fairy Sanxiao: Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao.

"Zhao Gongming's three younger sisters, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao, there is another saying that they are also Bixia Yuanjun, Zixia Yuanjun, and Danxia Yuanjun." Xiao Ying continued, "This Danxia, ​​maybe My son is the legendary Danxia Yuanjun!"

After all, the three paused for a while, and then laughed together.

Myths and legends often have many sayings, one and the other, sometimes connected, sometimes contradictory.When Xiao Ying said this, he knew that he didn't believe it, but he just hooked up casually to relieve fatigue.

After laughing, Lin Fengcao said again, "Danxiazi's mount, the black bear, is indeed special. I did a quick search on the Internet today, and this Yunling black bear likes to eat Chinese herbal medicine, so it is almost among all the bear species. The longest life.

This one had mutated, had two wings, and its bones were much thicker than ordinary black bears, which meant that it had lived for a long time.This Danxiazi used cinnabar to seal the black bear's cave as a tomb. She must have lived longer. If she could live to be more than two hundred years old, she would be considered a living god. "

The three of them communicated like this for a while, and they all relaxed a lot.In the end, the three of them agreed to leave Tajiang Town tomorrow and go to Muwugang in Jindian Town.At the same time, the transportation here is inconvenient, so try to stay in Muwugang Village.

Jindian Town is on the north side of Tajiang Town, specifically the northwest of Xianding Mountain.

However, the Jinsha River is in the southeast of Jindian Town, and there is a clear drop. The river is turbulent, and it becomes gentle again at the foot of Xianding Mountain.And Muwugang is a hill by the river before the drop appeared.At the same time, there is also a large tributary flowing in here, forming a "Sanchakou" on the river near Muwugang.

The mountain of Muwugang, on the west side of the river, is a mountain with a relatively uniform slope; while the mountain near the river is like a crooked "concave", and the gap is a very gentle riverside. hillside.

The Muwugang Village mentioned by the foreign guys is on this hillside.The road leading to the outside of the village meanders between the mountains and finally connects to a relatively wide winding mountain road.

And just before checking out, Xiao Ying received a call. He had inquired about Fayin's seal before, and there was a result.

"Maybe it's Lei Ting's seal!" After hanging up the phone, Xiao Ying told Yu Yao and Lin Fengcao, "This seal is different from the common Thunder's seal, and the symbols of the seal are actually based on Chinese characters, but there are strange and weird ones. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to identify. Now it is suspected that it is a new branch of Zhengyi Sect in the southwestern Yunnan Province in the Ming Dynasty, and it is difficult to judge the level of the person who gave the seal."

Thunder Dusiyin, as the name suggests, is used by Taoist priests to summon thunder from heaven, and it often appears in Taoist classics.However, in modern society, Xiao Ying has never seen a Taoist summon Tianlei; and although the Ming Dynasty is not very far away, the small sect in the southwest, because of its small reputation, remote location, and lack of historical materials, can understand Yes, very few indeed.

Moreover, this method seal is made of jade materials from nearby areas, which shows that this sect is mainly active in the southwest area, and even limited to a part of the Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.

However, in this case, being able to use the Thunderbolt Seal to summon the Heavenly Thunder also shows that this Taoist priest is extraordinary.

After a brief discussion, the three checked out and hit the road.

Now that they have a way to go, they will naturally not follow the old path of foreign backpack couples and directly pack a car.After getting off Panshan Road, the winding path leading to Muwugang Village is not easy to walk.They set off in the morning and arrived outside the village near noon.

After getting out of the car, the three of them couldn't help being amazed when they looked around.

The scenery is so beautiful!
On the hillside where Muwugang Village is located, there is a large piece of green grassland, where red, yellow and purple wild flowers are blooming; the north and south sides of the hillside are towering mountains, and the east side is the rushing Jinsha River; The broad tributaries coming from the direction converge here; in the northwest direction of this tributary, you can also see a white top of a snow-capped mountain in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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