Play treasure master

Chapter 705 Extraordinary

Chapter 705 Extraordinary
"En." Yu Yao replied vaguely.This bag is actually used to hold things - in case something good is dug out.

When responding, Yu Yao suddenly felt a little unnatural, if something good was dug up, it would be a bit deceiving.But after thinking about it, it can't be seen that way.

First of all, having evil spirits in the room is not a good thing, Xiao Ying can be regarded as doing the landlord a favor, and should have gained something.Furthermore, this matter is risky, if what is dug up is not a good thing, but an ominous or even dangerous thing, Xiao Ying will have to bear it and take trouble to dispose of it; therefore, the risk and benefit must also be counted.

When the two construction workers came out, they looked as usual.Although it took nearly a morning.

After a while, Xiao Ying also came out, and said to the landlord, "I have to deal with it alone now, please take the two masters to dinner, I will pay for it, when you come back, I will direct the masters to recover. "

The landlord nodded immediately, and left with the two masters; he started asking questions on the way, and learned that the ground was only dug up to a depth of about one meter, and at the same time Xiao Ying burned a piece of talisman in the pit.Nothing else.

In fact, the burning of paper was just Xiao Ying's deception.

They left, Yu Yao went in, and closed the rolling door from the inside.

The pit was not dug too shallow, but the bottom of the pit was still soil.Since the two workers had been instructed to work in the afternoon, the tools were left on site.

"It's almost the same, we can't let them do it, we can only come." Xiao Ying laughed.

Yu Yao didn't talk nonsense, rolled up his sleeves and started working.

Xiao Ying's judgment was extremely accurate, the two of them dug down another half a foot, and hit a hard object.After careful cleaning, it was a stone slab about one meter long and one foot wide.

"Don't move yet." Xiao Ying took out the compass and held his breath.

After a while, Xiao Ying let out a long breath, "No wonder the evil spirit is so heavy, there is a golden weapon underneath, judging by the size of the bluestone slab, it may be a weapon."

Afterwards, Xiao Ying took out the talisman pen and talisman paper, drew two talismans with cinnabar, and pasted one on the back wall and the ground.

"Do it."

The stone slab was lifted, and underneath was a pit of the same size, and inside was a long oilcloth bag propped up by edges.

"There is still a box inside." Yu Yao couldn't help but say something.

"En." Xiao Ying leaned over and sniffed, feeling nothing unusual, then picked up the oilcloth bag.

Xiao Ying took the oilcloth bag to one side of the ground and opened it. What came into view was a rectangular wooden box. This wooden box was made of Jinsinnan gloomy wood, and its shape was very simple.The dark wood is formed under special conditions and is extremely corrosion-resistant; however, judging from the craftsmanship of this box, the age is relatively shallow, and the upper limit is the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China.

Open the lid, and what lies inside is an ancient sword.

It was a bronze sword that didn't appear to have any rust.

It is not surprising that there is no rust, and it is possible that it has been treated, but with Yu Yao's eyesight, it is not difficult to see that this sword has not been treated.At the same time, it does not have obvious coating or anti-rust methods like Goujian sword.

This is strange.

What's even more strange is that a sword without rust has no sense of light, only the primary color of bronze; moreover, the blade of this sword seems to have only a blunt arc, not sharp.Without the sword light, without the sword light, it gives people a lifeless feeling.

"This bronze sword doesn't seem to be from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period." Xiao Ying said.

"Much earlier." Yu Yao nodded, "This is a bronze sword from the Shang Dynasty!"

"So early? The bronze sword first appeared in the Shang Dynasty, right?" Xiao Ying raised his hand to feel it on the top of the sword, and picked it up after a while, "The evil spirit of this sword has been suppressed by my talisman paper, you can use it. "

"Look, the sword looks like a willow leaf, the blade is short, and the shape of the grid, hilt, and sword head all have the typical characteristics of the Shang Dynasty." Yu Yao said, and took a closer look, "However, this sword There's something special about the spine."

The spine of this bronze sword is a bit higher.In addition, the sword grid, hilt, and sword capital are very regular, and there are no inlays or decorations.

Xiao Ying simply put the sword on the ground, flipped it over, and the other side was facing up.

And on this side, an inscription appeared!
The position of the inscription is on the lower part of the sword body, close to the sword grid. It is not made of gold or silver, but carved!

At the same time, the engraved inscription is not engraved in the intaglio, but like the inscription on the seal, with gaps on the four sides and an inscription in the middle!In this way, a "facet" appeared at the bottom of the sword body on this side, and the sword spine was interrupted by it.

Yu Yao's eyes lit up, "It's easy to have an inscription!"

However, he was a little early to be happy, because he couldn't recognize the engraved inscription!

It looks like the bronze inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty, but some places feel incomplete; if it is only incomplete, it is okay to say, but in other places, it seems that there are more strokes.This even made Yu Yao suspect that the inscription on it might be an ancient script that he had never seen before.

The only thing that is basically certain is that the inscription should be two characters.

Xiao Ying couldn't help frowning.

Not giving up, Yu Yao held a sword in his hand and took a closer look.After examining it, he found that the strokes of the inscription were not all on the same plane, but were high and low.

So, Yu Yao used his other hand to touch the inscription carefully, hoping to further identify it.


Just when Yu Yao touched the stroke of the word above, the blade of the sword suddenly made a low sound!

Yu Yao was taken aback, the touching hand withdrew immediately, and the other hand holding the sword almost let go, but still caught it after all.

Xiao Ying looked at the two pasted talisman papers, and immediately supported the sword from below with one hand, "There are talisman papers, it's all right!"

Yu Yao nodded, "This inscription is a bit strange."

"How about I come?" Xiao Ying asked.

"No, I'll try again!" Yu Yao stabilized his mind, and touched the inscription on it again, this time, slightly increased the force.

Sound again!Xiao Ying supported it firmly, and waited intently.

This time, it changed from a buzzing sound to a clanging sound again, the sound was still not loud, but it continued to elongate, like a howling!
As soon as the roar came out, a light and shadow suddenly appeared on the blade of the sword, like a dormant dragon leaping into the air!
The dragon shadow disappeared in a flash, but the entire blade glowed with light. It was still the original color of bronze, but it radiated a clear light as cold as moonlight, murderous!

At this time, the two talisman papers that Xiao Ying had pasted suddenly made a "rustling" sound, as if they might fly off at any moment!

"Withdraw!" Xiao Ying shouted abruptly.

Yu Yao, however, seemed to be immersed in the light of the sword, and the hand pressing the inscription did not withdraw immediately.

Xiao Ying's reaction was extremely quick, the palm holding the sword turned up quickly, grabbed Yu Yao's wrist and lifted it up.

Surprised, Yu Yao's other hand holding the hilt of the sword also loosened, and the sword fell to the ground with a "clang".

(End of this chapter)

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