The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 425 Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies

Chapter 425 Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies

On the big screen, the spatial visual effects, the imaginative visual style that breaks through the understanding of ordinary people, and the various reversals in time, space, and dimensions make everyone mesmerized at once.

The distorted streets and cities in the mirrored space, Cheng Feng and other leading actors, like gods and men who reach for the stars and the moon, control the form of matter in the space, use the changing architectural space to wander, and jump in the space where gravity is constantly changing.

Let all the representatives of the issuers really feel the visual experience of kneading the world and everything in my hands.

The movie is still playing, and the plot is wandering between dreams and reality.

As one of the children of the director of Warner Pictures, Julie has been exposed to a lot of film and television themes since she was a child, so that one day she can gain due authority in her family's entertainment empire.

But even though she has watched countless movies since she was a child and has unique insights and definitions for many movies, she cannot sum up the movie in front of her.

Novel setting, detailed plot, subversive visual effects.

If you have to define it, then Cheng Feng's science fiction film should be defined as: a contemporary action science fiction film that takes place within the structure of consciousness.

In addition to entering other people's dreams, stealing secrets from other people's subconscious, and reshaping other people's dreams.

But in Julie's eyes, this is a beautiful visual feast, and it is also a brain-burning blockbuster that makes people rack their brains.

The film technique of non-linear narrative fits in the plot structure, and the interlocking multiple dreams create a huge logical net.

Cheng Feng and other main creators tried their best to make everyone understand the movie, but left some plot blank, so that a thousand viewers would see a thousand Inception.

Looking at the dream world presented on the screen in front of her, Zhu Li was unconsciously brought into the film by Cheng Feng's wonderful acting skills, following the pre-set story path, thinking about the future development of the plot.

The rhythm of fast editing and the ups and downs of the plot make all those who can watch the film catch their eyes on the big screen, and the representatives of the distributor who were not very optimistic about this film have almost no breathing time.

When Julie is watching a movie, she thinks subconsciously, which is a movie-watching habit she has developed since she was a child.

"The beauty of this film is that it has shed the old mold of traditional sci-fi!

With a kind of control that is full of logical self-consistency and strong rhythm, it brings everyone into the wonderful narrative magic of the process. "

Thinking of this, Julie suddenly realized one thing: "Once this film is released, this film will definitely change the situation of China Entertainment's sci-fi films!"

Thinking of this inexplicable sourness in Julie's heart, she then murmured subconsciously with a little regret: "It's a pity, Cheng Feng, who has such a talent for drama and performing arts, didn't meet him before he became famous. Picked up a big baby!

If he is not one of the shareholders of Lotte Media...

Forget it, don't think about it, it's useless anyway! "

Wang Ze also accompanied the representatives of these European and American distributors, watched the film together, secretly looked at the expressions of the distributors at this moment, and already knew what kind of thoughts they had in mind.

He has watched this sci-fi movie more than once since it was finished.

But every time he watched it, he couldn't restrain his excitement, because he was sure that this film would definitely leave a strong mark in Huaguo's film history and write a new chapter for Huayu's sci-fi films.

Cheng Feng really wanted to change the ecological environment of Huaguo's film and television industry as he said with Wang Ze in the past.

Thinking of this, Wang Ze's eyes were also excited, maybe one day, a hundred years later, his name Wang Ze will also be recorded in film history along with Cheng Feng, a genius born out of nowhere.

Because of everything now, he and Cheng Feng worked together to achieve this point.

The geese leave their voices, and the dead leave their names!
For Wang Ze, he no longer cares about money, but wants to make his own life an existence that can be written by future generations.

"This is just the beginning!"

Wang Ze was so determined in his heart that he still remembered seeing this film when it was just finished.

With his professional eyes, he found that the film uses a variety of complex narrative structures to connect with each other, abandoning the narrative techniques of the past China Entertainment Films.

With a changeable narrative structure, the film continues to advance in brain-burning and suspense, and finally reaches a climax.

From the opening part, a classic closed-loop narrative structure is used, which is a typical structure for creating suspense. The film sets the answer of Cobb's rescue of Jack Ma revealed at the end as the suspense of the opening.

Guide movie viewers to actively think about everything that happened around Cobb after waking up, thus forming a closed loop connected end to end, achieving a dramatic effect that makes people suddenly realize.

At the same time, a large number of nested narrative structures are adopted in the main part of the story. This narrative structure plays an extremely important role in constructing the dream narrative of the film, and it is the core of the plot advancement of the entire film.

The task team headed by the male protagonist played by Cheng Feng will encounter obstacles brought about by this dream every time they enter a dream, so as to establish a relationship between those who enter the next dream and those who stay in the upper dream. Complicate character connections and stories.

Then, through the dream mode of multiple problem solving, the narrative nesting of layers of dreams is carried out to form the plot setting of dreams within dreams, which not only expands the suspense multiple times, but also skillfully controls the plot rhythm of each layer of dreams to achieve the goal of the entire film. The elastic and tight effect well controls the psychological rhythm of the whole film.

In addition, the time clues of the film are more intriguing and pondering, which strengthens the use of non-linear narrative.

The organic combination of interludes, flashbacks, and multi-line narratives makes the film full of time-staggered suspense, which further enhances the film's appeal to the audience.

Throughout the whole film, Cheng Feng's excellent writing ability and his contagious performance make this creative suspense science fiction genre brilliantly presented.

Taking dreams as the entry point, incorporating rich special effects, soundtrack and editing, makes the film show great energy in audio-visual language.

Breaking away from the solidified model of traditional sci-fi films in the past, it not only strengthens the watchability of the film's story, but also leaves rich room for exploration and thinking for movie viewers.

Just because Wang Ze has seen this, he can be sure that this movie will bring China Entertainment Science Fiction movies a shocking inspiration!
The movie was still playing, the plot continued to advance, and two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

On the big screen, Cobb, played by Cheng Feng, has suspicious eyes, because he has seen his children countless times in dreams.

In the dream, the two children never showed their faces.

But this time was different, he finally saw the baby's face.

And the spinning top spun and began to shake...

The movie stopped abruptly!

So far, the movie has ended, leaving an ending that makes people infinitely reverie.

At the end of the movie, the sense of suspense generated by the proficient non-linear narrative made everyone who watched the European and American distributors in Lotte Media feel unfinished, and felt that time passed too fast.

When everyone was thinking about it in silence, a European and American publisher, a representative of the Huaguo branch, who seemed to be of Chinese descent, or a native of the country, secretly spit out a sentence.

"Zhuang Shengxiao dreams of butterflies!"

Everyone has heard this sentence, except European and American blondes who don't know what it means.

Some representatives of Asian complexion nodded along with this person's last comment.

"Once upon a time, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of being a butterfly, a lifelike butterfly, and it was a metaphor for self-cultivation! I don't know Zhou.

If you suddenly feel it, then you will feel like a week.

I don't know if Zhou Zhimeng is a butterfly and?
Butterfly dream for Zhou Yu? "

(End of this chapter)

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