The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 406 Long time no see

Chapter 406 Long time no see
Ma Yun smiled noncommittally, then got up and walked towards the restaurant door.

A bodyguard opened the door, and there was a big party outside.

Before leaving, Ma Yun said: "Everyone please have fun, let me consider your suggestions."

Cheng Feng and the two looked at the back of Ma Yun leaving in silence.

Gao Lai, played by Guo Haifei, turned to Cheng Feng, with a worried expression on his face, and the corner of his mouth curled up. Obviously, he was telling Cheng Feng that the situation was not optimistic.

Afterwards, the two also left the restaurant, walked through the banquet hall with people coming and going, and walked in the corridor of the courtyard.

In the whole special effect scene, the building is built on the edge of a cliff, and there is an endless sea under the cliff. This Soviet-style courtyard stands quietly on the top of the cliff, looking precarious and about to fall from the cliff.

Gao Lai and Gao Lai walked in the open-air corridor, and there were cliffs outside the corridor, and the sea breeze was blowing the hair tips of the two of them constantly. Do you notice something unusual?"

Cheng Feng frowned, and just about to speak, suddenly there was a shock, the entire building shook for a moment, and dust fell from the eaves.

Cobb, played by Cheng Feng, signaled Gao Lai to keep quiet. The sudden vibration in the room made him frown, his eyes filled with anxiety. Cheng Feng glanced at his watch subconsciously, and the second hand of the watch was still.

"What happened above! What's going on?" Gao Lai's eyes were filled with fear.

The reason for such a performance has to start with the plot they pre-filmed a few days ago.

It was a shot completed by the crew a few days ago. The interior was set in a dilapidated apartment during the day.

Cheng Feng, who was asleep, sat on a chair, which was placed at one end of the steaming bathtub.

The chair rests on a box with its four legs flush with the rim of the tub.

A man with sweaty cheeks, the dream builder for the operation, stared at Cobb.

There were explosions everywhere outside the apartment, the sound waves shook the room, and the apartment windows shook.

The dream builder moved to the window and drew the curtains.

The world outside the window is a city in chaos. Thugs occupy the streets, smashing, looting and burning. It seems that the end is coming. People can no longer see a trace of reason, just like animals walking on two legs, venting their desires unscrupulously. beast.

The dream builder left the window and looked at Cobb played by Cheng Feng. On Cheng Feng's left wrist, two thin yellow tubes were connected to his blood vessels.

Dream Builder subconsciously looked at the watch Cheng Feng was wearing...



The second hand crawled abnormally slowly, as if time was trapped in the mud, slowly wriggling.

Immediately afterwards, the dream builder followed the pipe to find a silver suitcase at the feet of Gaolai. At this moment, Gaolai was also sleeping soundly in the armchair, and several pipes at the wrist connected Gaolai and the suitcase together.

There are also several thin yellow tubes in the suitcase, and the direction of the thin tubes is the bedroom of the apartment.

The person in the bedroom was Ma Yun, and he and Cheng Feng were usually fast asleep.

Boom!There was a sudden explosion, and outside the apartment, flames danced all over the sky, as if announcing that the footsteps of destruction were getting closer.

This shot is about the dream scene on the first floor, to explain the dream-within-dream setting in the film.

The main reason why Inception is called a sci-fi movie is because it is supported by a complete set of scientific theories.

Since Sigmund Freud published the book "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1899, people's research on dreams has become a very hot topic in the field of psychology.

Scientists have discovered that human subconsciousness is a more authentic self-expression. The birth of this theory has also given people a new understanding and cognition of self-awareness.

Later generations further divided the human spiritual realm into three levels: consciousness, personal subconscious, and collective subconscious.

The reason why the so-called dream builder in the film can build dreams symbolizes self-awareness.

The scene in the dream, whether it is a building or a riot outside the apartment, symbolizes the subconscious of the individual.

The reason why Dream Thieves can travel through the dreams of others is because it represents the collective subconsciousness of human beings.

These theories are very similar to what Buddhism calls "Alaya Consciousness".

"Alaya Consciousness" comes from the Buddhist theory of consciousness only. All external phenomena that are considered real are only manifested by a certain rooted thing. This rooted thing is the deepest psychological activity. , called Alaya Consciousness.

Consciousness-only thinking believes that all existence is something manifested by Alaya consciousness, and there is no independent entity in itself.

That is to say, the things you see, the sounds you hear, and your personal experiences are all reflections of your inner mind.

And the filming is still going on, the Soviet-style courtyard built on the cliff, the corridor near the cliff, the sound of the waves one after another, the evening wind blowing...

A rumbling tremor made this world seem to be falling apart.

Cobb, played by Cheng Feng, and Gao Lai, the outpost, hold the wooden railings of the corridor.

A few pieces of bricks and tiles flew down and fell into the sea water in the cliff below the corridor before their eyes. This place seemed to be a world surrounded by sea water. The black sky, the sultry evening wind, and the sound of tumbling waves made everything seem All filled with an undercurrent.

And this short-lived rapid vibration didn't seem to affect other guests. They were still strolling in the spacious corridor, admiring the weird cliff sea breeze.

Gao Lai was not in the mood to see the scenery of Laoshizi. He looked a little irritable. He looked at Cheng Feng beside him with a frown, and said in a low voice: "Ma Yun, maybe he has already discovered the clue, he won't Are you playing us!"

Cheng Feng pursed his lips lightly, his eyes were full of seriousness, he had to lower his head to think secretly when he heard the words, he shook his head after a while and said: "Whether he finds anything or not, I think I can solve all this, we want to The required information is in the safe in the restaurant.

When I mentioned the safe just now, the guy glanced at one place subconsciously, don't worry, let me handle it! "

Gao Lai nodded, and casually looked around. Suddenly, a person appeared in the corridor more than ten meters away from the two of them, and Gao Lai's eyes immediately became serious.

Cobb, played by Cheng Feng, sees Gao Lai's appearance is not right, and subconsciously looks in the direction of Gao Lai's line of sight.

It was a beautiful figure, wearing a black evening dress, black curly hair, fluttering against the sea breeze, and the sea breeze lifted her skirt, looking like a firefly swaying in the world, for this dark region , bringing a ray of comforting light!

She is the Liyuan who has cooperated with Cheng Feng many times, she can be as bold as a man, but also can be charming and show the mature taste of women.

When Cheng Feng saw Li Yuan, he secretly sighed, since he said goodbye to Xiaoao Jianghu, the two of them really haven't been together for a long time.

If it wasn't for filming now, Cheng Feng really wanted to go up and have a good chat with her.

Liyuan also saw Cheng Feng, her eyes were filled with tenderness, and she secretly said in her heart: "Long time no see..."

(End of this chapter)

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